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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Regarding the NDS Blood remaster; here it is: https://www.gog.com/game/blood_fresh_supply EDIT: Crap, Oscillik already posted the link on the previous page. I should've checked first.
  2. Another fuckin god damn school shooting. text 20 years ago the Columbine shit was in the headlines for weeks after it went down. Now it seems to be a weekly occurrence. Same with climate change symptoms. And raging Trump tweets.
  3. Gameplay is decent, story sux. That's probably about all I can say without revealing spoilers. The Far Cry formula since 3 starts to show signs of fatigue as you progress.
  4. I haven't used mine in over a year. You can have it, although I'm not sure how this merging procedure works.
  5. If Idiocracy ever has a sequel (or prequel)...
  6. You guys are gonna love this: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/florida-arming-teachers-senate-bill-7030_n_5cca8dfce4b0913d078c73c6
  7. I guess this is my first post on Nu WATMM. I'm tired af right now - too tired to think, too tired for any entertainment. Just enough stamina to make this post. And I gotta pack into a van with 5 other people in the morning on a 6-hour road trip. But at least it's on paid leave, and all vehicle occupants are adults.
  8. Can it be repaired or will it be stupid expensive to fix? Turns out I fixed it...by simply playing a game on Steam (Risk of Rain 2)...lol. The "A" key to move left was unresponsive at first, but after a few seconds it just got unstuck on its own somehow...and the 1, Q, and Z keys are working now as well. Just bizarre. Have you tried blowing compressed air under the keys? I was wondering if a handheld compressed air canister exists. But my laptop already has a proprietary built-in fan dust remover. But that wasn't even the problem as it turns out. I still don't know what caused the keys to become unresponsive in the first place.
  9. The fucking farthest left end of my laptop keyboard. The 1, Q, A, and Z keys won't work most of the time when I type. I usually have to copypasta "a" just to make a post. At least with the "1" key I can use a numerical pad override.
  10. ^ lol basically As much as I love Bernie I agree. She articulates and elaborates on her platform for more than Sanders. Far leftists are skeptical of her but in context she's still far more anti-corporate than Biden and many other Dems in the mix. There's no reasoning her "faults" to the right, they've made their mind up and will perpetually harp on trivial shit as they do with any candidate. It's the equivalent to decimating a pathetic neckbeard edgelord who lives with his mom, you could completely dress him down and anyone would objectively acknowledge it, but he could simply reply "whatever you libtard faggot" and he'd win in his mind and to his peers. Reminds me of a morning show that was talking about a local Democrat candidate who was a war veteran in USAF special operations and survived a crash they sustained during a rescue operation. How that was far more impressive than the old, rich, senile career good old boy Republican she was running against. His co-host sarcastically replied as a "Trump supporter" and quiped "well I like my soldiers WHO DON'T CRASH" I'd like to know who that insufferable piece of shit is
  11. It snowed most of last week here. Then again I'm geographically right next door to Yukon.
  12. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold I really want a reboot to happen in my lifetime
  13. Bernie facing attempted smear by a lizard woman Note her awkward head motions and complete lack of facial expression @ 2:44 and 3:56. That is not the physiology of a normal human. I suspect that we may be witnessing the emergence of a new species - Homo Lacertiliens. Mark "Smokin' These Meats" Zuckerberg is one of the most well-known specimens. It's possible that they haven't revealed their true form yet. But as infiltrators amidst Homo Sapiens, they are extremely adept at blending in with the populace, at least on the surface level. While this research is still in its early stages, it can be postulated that it won't necessarily be robots that pose a threat to replacing the human race a la Terminator, but this new, emerging race of reptilian infiltrators.
  14. avocado oil-fried Himalayan pink salt potato chips dipped in homemade hummus
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