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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. I have gathered a few but I'm sure some of you have many more.. Mandatory for good idmz n braindancin https://www.youtube.com/user/TheIDMMaster https://www.youtube.com/user/ballacid A good chunk of Rephlex + some other surprises.. https://www.youtube.com/user/hollyhotfoot Hotbed for new and old rave music n mixes.. https://www.youtube.com/user/mickeybeam75 Old n new breakcore https://www.youtube.com/user/BreakcoreBunker https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEIfAJeKuFRpLZRDymHP_4A Happy hardcore central https://www.youtube.com/user/happyhardcore95to99 Random big music collections: https://www.youtube.com/user/sbritt p sure I have more but I'm curious to check out any gems y'all wanna share..
  2. I guess sending her the breakcore thread is more appropriate in this case
  3. 160 bpm right? I got it?
  4. just finished it, is quite good!
  5. really liked his last video on grime music.. haven't watched this un but hoping is good..
  6. You legitimately were in jail? They probably put you in the women's jail bcs ur such a pussy bro LOOOOL he might have been a woman before! just sayn'
  7. idk, but by 1999-2001 they where good enough to do drukqs and confield right? in the fact bits they made mom show a ton of hardware, but the end of the 90s the direction was more toward daws wasn't it? that's just the impression I get.. either way just curious if their change in sound coincides with a change in workflow (like it has for others..)
  8. YangYing

    afx nft

    in this episode of afex aventurs afex finally decides to sell his NFT (Not Functional Tank)
  9. we were discussing on the other thread if this was before or after his arm injury.. hoping is after! edit: either way it does indeed slap!
  10. yeaaah! that's where I got No Dont :('s avatar from!
  11. wonder how the ratio of daws to hardware was in their previous work and if it has changed with time.. I kinda have the suspicion that the early stuff was more daw based but idk to be honest, would like to know
  12. YangYing

    afx nft

    can't wait for the afx vtuber arc
  13. YangYing

    afx nft

    have watmm.com redirect to this imo
  14. YangYing

    afx nft

    and so the idm wars begin
  15. YangYing

    afx nft

    hey there's sound! I didnt notice it at first sounds kinda interesting.. def not worth whatever is being payed tho.. edit: altough I guess some would say that things are worth what people are willing to pay for em innit, idk
  16. YangYing

    afx nft

    betting notch is buying this one as well ey
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