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Everything posted by goDel

  1. But talking is not just about alleviating a burden, isn't it? It's more about verbalizing what's going on. Either talk with a pro or journal your inner life could be equally effective. Verbalizing is an essential part of the learning process. No matter if it's 1/4 or 3/4 of the equation. You can't go without it. It might alleviate a bit, because you create a new perspective on your inner life. But in doing so, you also learn about your inner life. How it works. How much is bullshit. How much is real. How much it is keeping you back from doing the things you actually want. Learning about that inner dialogue might be a central of a depression. To an extent you might just punch your way out of your hole by doing stuff. But it really depends on the conditions of how you ended up in that hole in the first place whether or not that's going to be effective. If talking is just for alleviation, I think you've missed the point. Or rather, if you just want to talk to a mental healthcare provider for allevation, you might as well talk to some random person. The mental healthcare provider is there to help you untangle and deal with your inner dialogue. In order to go beyond a short term allevation, you really have to study and learn about your inner dialogue. For which some form of verbalization is a necessity.
  2. Also, it does appear Lane has a well-developed British sense of humor. Might be even a Brit, the chap. Cheerio! *sips tea*
  3. Looks like Joyrex got his sarcasm recognition algorithm turned off. *pssst turn it back on!*
  4. don't know what they specifically want, but when a healthcare provider treats someone who they know can or will be a threat to society, I think that's a pretty good reason to inform the police. privacy of an individual can't be more important than the safety of society. you might even argue a healthcare provider could be complicit if they don't inform the police.
  5. Sorry for all the Ari Melber clips, but the interview with the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower is another bombshell. Bannon might be compromised: CA was doing illegal stuff and he was well aware.
  6. And there goes Dowd. Cobb supposedly next to go. ;) https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/22/us/politics/john-dowd-resigns-trump-lawyer.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
  7. Funny as hell to see Avenatti trolling Cohen hard like that. Also, why the hell do these shows bring on the talking heads, just to say nothing of value at all. So silly. Not just trolling Cohen, but Trump's entire legal team. That bit about playing chess against the players at the top of their game and Trumps tic-tac-toe lawyers seems basically a construct to create havoc inside Trumps legal team. Creating distrust between Trump and his lawyers. Not just Cohen. If it gets to the point where Trump doesn't trust his own lawyers anymore, he's on his own. And quite frankly a sitting duck. Wouldn't be surprised if Mueller is in on the strategy you're seeing played out.
  8. Why wait for Mueller if you have Stormy Daniels & co? Especially watch from the 11 mins mark onwards. Stormy's attorny destroying Trump legal strategy. ;)
  9. And some obligatory viwing: part 2 of the cambridge analytica doc by channel4
  10. Facebook are full of shit. This can not be overstated.
  11. tillerson was one of many administration appointees who had unusually close ties with russia. the statements by tillerson last week were remarkable for their departure from the friendly tone toward russia that is typical of the trump administration. the firing came the next day. when someone does something the day before they were fired that is a surprising departure from previous behavior and runs counter to the norm there, it's fair to speculate that they were linked. to those aware of the hundreds of concerning data points on trump/russia, this is another fitting the pattern i don't even find that to be the interesting part about it. the reason i brought it up here is because of what tillerson was saying. tillerson, secretary of state, longtime friend of the kremlin, said that despite the administration bending over backwards to appease russia, they have only seen escalating aggression from russia. Tillersons end had been written on the wall for months. It was even clear Pompeo would follow up. The relationship between Till and Trump had been problematic from the start. I understand the optics. But if right (Tilly fired because of remarks on Russia), Nikki Haley should have been out by now as well. All in all, I find the logic linking Tillys remarks on Russia to his firing incredibly week. Not saying there is no link. But to argue he had to go because of his remarks, seems willfully ignorant to me. Not directing that at you or anyone in particular. It just amazes me how that narrative got wind in the media. Seems really lazy to me.
  12. You should ask people around you where you live. It's a people thing. There's no process besides talking to people. Or asking psychologists for their advice (read: ask them about finding a suitable therapist, instead of managing your depression). In any case, your best off asking people in the area you live. Apart from this, I can't help you, I'm afraid. I do have experience with mental workers though. And not all of them good. So I can relate to the importance of your question. I was between 13-16 at the time, so basically dependent on what others decided for me. At that age I certainly didn't have any idea what a right fit would be. Or even the importance of it. So all I can tell you, is that it can realy help if you at least have an idea about what that right fitting therapist would look like.
  13. @veryhonest: as far as i'm concerned, people/mediaoulets are too quick to link the two (remarks tillerson about russia and his firing). bit of wishful thinking as far as i'm concerned.
  14. Very relevant as far as i'm concerned. This video which accompanies the article is interesting in and of itself. Interesting to see him argue "if we don't have a shared understanding, how can we be a functioning society?" (right past the 11 mins mark) and only a couple mins later, when asked who he trusts, he basically says no-one and rationalises it by calling it a "healthy dose of skepticism". Completely unaware, it seems, that without trust, there can't be a "shared understanding" and consequentially a functioning society. He confuses cynicism, or worse, nihilism, for "healthy skepticism". You should be able to listen critically to someone who you trust. "trust no-one" is a strategy which belongs in books and movies. Not in the real world.
  15. That Mark Felt movie is pretty appropriate atm. Despite the fact that Liam Neeson plays the lead role. And I tend to have a hard time with any Liam Neeson movie. This one's hard as well, but it's doable. Didn't even know it was released recently, btw. So thx whosebrian! Also, Guardian doing good work with the Cambridge Analytical profile. Can't believe we have a 24 something to thank for this mess. Among other people. Whatever the case, 2016 elections will be remembered as the perfect shitstorm. (That includes Brexit) Also2: kill facebook!
  16. Had no expectations. Was hoping for some stupid amusement. I guess it exceeded my expectations. ;) The cringe from Leia floating back into the ship was almost unbearable. All the lousy subplots didn't help either. It wasn't just the movie that I disliked. It was the story itself that made it worse. The movie was a cringe fest. The story an insult to stories. Don't think I've seen the titty milking.... O wait, yes I did. That was Luke doing the milking, right? So hawt!
  17. So if you want to preserve wildlife, you basically have to bomb Trump's Wildlife Conservation Council. How appropriate. ;)
  18. Star wars - last jedi. Or in any case, that last star wars flick. Score: Turned it off after 45mins. What a giant turd of a movie.
  19. https://twitter.com/asharangappa_/status/958057130040463361?s=21
  20. Lovely girls. Except for the one with the black bomber. Also, DP is not meant to mean what I think it does, right? Roight!?
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