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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Hey art people, Can anyone explain to me the difference between the red and blue Modulor Scale?
  2. I'm on day 6 or 7 of a brutal cold Starting to get bummed out as it's really pulled the emergency break on my life
  3. Political ideology is like an NES game: if you go far enough left you come out on the far-right
  4. Just chop up some huge-ass lines of Alpha Brain and let em duke it out
  5. Edit: I think PE were saying "trust the system", no?
  6. There's nothing more punk than buddying up with corrupt deceitful nationalist authoritarians. That's what *real* hip-hop is all about. This was Public Enemy's message, right? Hug the system?
  7. The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is. Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along. I'm really not interested in whether or not people support trump. It's just the distortion of facts and self serving cherry picking to support personal ideologies, whether left or right, which is mindboggingly annoying. im not really sure why people keep berating me for not attempting to reason with and actually debate a person so fantastically stupid or cunty that they would vote for donald trump(or ukip) Well, seems to me there are roughly two ways of seeing political opponents (e.g. Trump supporters): 1) an army of evil mindless robots who must be overcome using force or cunning 2) fellow human beings with a rich inner life who are capable of reason and empathy The implications of the first position are ultimately genocidal. I mean hey, what do you do with an adversary you can't reason with? If not reason and dialog, then what? How could things possibly change otherwise? The only answers left are: force, and random 'acts of God' (which you can't control anyway). Anyway, maybe let's give the second one a crack for a bit, ya?
  8. huh... how does that even mean anything if he's serious, i'm beginning to see the leaps of logic his mind makes and that he's probably not being ironic when tweeting about that pizzagate crap all this in combination with that cringe Heidecker call... Hyde is showing cracks... it's really time for him to stfu already and upload all those backlogged skits they've been witholding over the years, that might bring the (actual) lols and might save their face Wow, I hadn't seen that interviewHe really seems incapable of self-reflection "Oh, did I harass Patton Oswald about his dead wife? Well, he probably killed her...but if not, I'm sure he did something to piss me off so it was justified" It's always the people around him that are to blame "Fuck you Tim and your money-grubbing attention-whore friend...why won't you help get MDE back on Adult Swim?" I mean fuck, this is how people with Borderline Personality Disorder approach social interactions... maybe someday he'll have the thought "hmm, maybe I'm doing something wrong" but who knows...
  9. Sam definitely sounds out of his element here .... The 'bypass' switch to Sam's cynicism/sarcasm seems to have broken off a long-ass time ago It must be exhausting (it's certainly exhausting to listen to)
  10. huh...Our 'theory of mind' consists of observing our inner life and then extrapolating/applying it to those around us...So when people talk about the inner life of other people, what they're really talking about is them-self e.g. "Of course deep down everyone has prejudices" = "I have prejudices, so it's probably safe to infer that everyone else does too" Except everyone does. Many studies have been done on this, the brain produces stronger empathy responses for members of your in-group/race/tribe/whatever. This isn't to say everyone is racist. But everyone is biased somewhat and has prejudices, it's part of learning. Everyone is quicker to associate positive qualities with in-group membersThat does NOT mean "deep down, everyone is racist" And that does NOT mean that "deep down, everyone is like Sam Hyde, the only difference being that Sam Hyde is just being honest about his biases"
  11. huh... Our 'theory of mind' consists of observing our inner life and then extrapolating/applying it to those around us...So when people talk about the inner life of other people, what they're really talking about is them-self e.g. "Of course deep down everyone has prejudices" = "I have prejudices, so it's probably safe to infer that everyone else does too"
  12. A Reggae Lee Bowyer pops in to deliver gold unto the people; Good lookin' out, fam *motions autistically*
  13. Sam is a deeply toxic person...so big surprise that nobody wants to work with him.
  14. Looks like Greg Lake died (His contributions to early King Crimson were great) RIP m9
  15. Anyone know what happened to that Burt Bacharar MSPaint masterpiece?
  16. He reminds me of Fred Flinstone Or maybe a renaissance ham with a body
  17. lol caught "Bell-end Sebastian" while scrolling down
  18. We should compile a greatest hits of this thread (By 'we' I mean somebody other than me)
  19. The ALAC Parsons Project The Jim Parsons Project (I'm ashamed that I even know his name)
  20. The only thing I have done differently (we have tried this over the years with no success but thought to try it again) is we turned all the chairs underneath all the tables out, so that it can't hide on the chairs but under the tables? If that makes any sense. My thought was by taking away the little spot where it feels its "hiding", it would be forced to interact with us a little bit (even if we're just walking by), and when each interaction proved to it that it wasn't get hurt or anything it would warm up to us. Does that make sense? But yeah it's great news, thank you! Here it is just chillin' behind me: Fucking nice! Exposure therapy to the rescue!
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