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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. 'Algorithmic advertising' is starting to freak me out. (Of course I know it's based on extrapolating my online activity to predict my offline activity, but it's making some eerily-accurate guesses about private details of my body, so yes I'm creeped out as fuck)
  2. How are you getting morphine in this day and age? It's easy to do from certain things, but I never pegged you for a chemistry person I don't know anything about chemistry (beyond what I learned in high school) But I've heard that you can find unwashed poppy seeds online in bulk Because they're legal, just like your poppy seed bagel is
  3. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    You seem to dislike most of the things you talk about
  4. everyone on earth just died...thx for jinxing it, m7
  5. Why do you personally care so much, mate? Edit: @ Bulk
  6. Every thread I post in You show up and basically say 'any thread but this one, Limpy' Yes I am long-winded and socially-flakey But forgive me if I'm a bit suspicious about how keen you are to perpetually correct my behavior
  7. I thought this information might dissolve the anger, anxiety, etc of any member who cares to understand it Sorry, dunno what made me think 'first world problems' was a good thread to offer solutions for problems
  8. That's quite accademic and it's a good thing to think about these things. But as I said, it's not very practical. "You just have to fix how your hippocampus works" isn't an advice that really helps :) If you tell him "change your behavior" you should clarify how he can do that exactly but you can't because you don't know him. But it's nice of you that you want to help But we're going round in circles now When I'm angry at someone because they said something bad, how does it help me to know all this stuff about what brain part is activated etc? The problem is still there. So what you say isn't a real advice but just knowledge. Good to have and interesting to know but doesn't fix anythingWhat does it mean that you're angry at them?Think about why you're angry and what good that does And if that's a fixed part of your personality or not And whether (perhaps) your anger is a mostly-useless part of yourself that you can dissolve by understanding where your thinking is going off the rails (as I've so annoyingly laid out over the last page)
  9. That's quite accademic and it's a good thing to think about these things. But as I said, it's not very practical. "You just have to fix how your hippocampus works" isn't an advice that really helps :) If you tell him "change your behavior" you should clarify how he can do that exactly but you can't because you don't know him. But it's nice of you that you want to help But we're going round in circles now
  10. Because someone said they were angry and stuttering And I thought I could offer a solution If it would make your life easier, I'm happy to stop
  11. Okay look, here's a story about how your limbic system works:
  12. Thing is, if you don't know that person you can't give sufficient advice Aka "y'all don't know me" Individual differences don't reach down into the limbic system You and I are running the same firmware, homie
  13. You've reduced my post to mere 'don't get angry anymore' But you missed the part where I detailed *why* you're angry and exactly what to do about, step by step
  14. "just let go and change your behavior" isn't a very practical advice. You can say that anytime but it doesn't change anything It is *the* most practical advice possible (By definition of 'practical' in fact) And if by 'it doesn't change anything' you mean 'it doesn't actually bend the world to your will' then yes I agree That's the whole point The only tool you have that bends the world is your behavior (which is driven by your internal models of the world, which clearly aren't useful models if you are perpetually angry and ineffectual)
  15. Oh and p.s. I'm guessing you also have perpetual tension in your neck and shoulders It's the same basic 'pre-flinching' as stuttering which is why ex-cons famously have tension in their shoulders: they are conditioned to anticipate punishments in the environment and are 'bracing for impact' Fix your orientation/strategy And all that tension will dissolve
  16. Here is a (possible) solution: The reason you get angry (and the reason you stutter...as I used to do, and for the same reason) is because your 'general behavioral strategy' is running into a brick wall (i.e. butting heads with the world) And your hypothalamus' quick-and-dirty solution is to use brute force to bend the world so it gets the fuck out of your way also, You are worried (as we all are!) that the world will use your vulnerability against you And that that would destroy you (That is why humans stutter: they are pre-flinching in anticipation of the world smacking them and punishing their vulnerability) How about this: Do not fall or feed into these behavioral micro-loops with the world (They are, at bottom, interpersonal shame rituals) Literally *anytime* something bad happens in the world (i.e. Anytime your hippocampus clocks a prediction error) Assume the problem is your strategy, and adjust accordingly Because you have absolutely no control over anything else Don't feel shame, don't obsessively re-run the past in your head trying to tweek it to perfection Adjust your strategy, and move on to the next thing Cheers
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