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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Luckily I'm a Sovereign Citizen so I'm immune to politics full-stop. (As the saying goes: "No! Man is an island!")
  2. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    Glad you asked! *opens back of trunk and mentally prepares sales pitch*
  3. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    As evidenced by the cynical way you talk about everything , I can't imagine that you're genuinely having a good time in there.
  4. people say "we should mark up A to Z" but also "The mark-up of Z is A"
  5. Dude, actually I think people mean two different things when they say 'to mark up' vs 'the mark-up'...thus my confusion.
  6. I might be wrong...but I thought you calculated off the base, not the end product. (Because that's what a sane person who was trying to construct a useful concept would do)
  7. I kinda meant more 'things in general' should be named by linguists, since words themselves severely color people's thinking.
  8. 100% (Because 'mark up' means 'what percentage of the original you are adding on top of it')
  9. Legislation etc should probably be named by linguistics, because 'Obamacare' ran into the same sorts of problems that 'Darwinism' did. People see those labels and think of the person who posed it, not the actual merit of the thing.
  10. Possible Solution: Maybe construct a meaningful routine around getting there 1 1/4 hours early. If there's something you would like to get into the habit of doing (e.g. reading, writing, meditating, drawing, thinking, creating, etc), then this is a golden opportunity/perfect excuse to do it. And (imo) habits should be taken very seriously: in the aggregate, the things we are in the habit of doing are the very things we end up doing for the rest of our lives, so I'd say good to give our them a tune-up at every opportunity.
  11. Narcissistic Personality Disorders often entail needing to micro-manage one's reputation, and protect it from any and all attacks...
  12. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    lol good thing I'm clever or else my constant cynicism might be seen as a vice instead of a virtue lol
  13. "This is not what we see today" The blurb you posted makes it sound like all is well because "this is not what we see today" But as I said in my post: we shouldn't be looking for that "this" because that "this" is not a good marker of fascism (I just woke up so give me a bit to read the whole thing)
  14. So anyway the point I was driving at was that if we're wondering "is this fascism or not?" then we should know what markers we're looking for exactly. You don't need explicit fascist ideology to get fascism. You just need people with power acting fascist-ly. And 'fascism' is more of a spectrum than a binary 'on/off' category.
  15. Well, Nazism wasn't a purely-cognitive ideology that disseminated throughout the population on the basis of its attractiveness. It was way more nuanced than that. I think it's prolly more useful to describe it as 'behavioral patterns' rather than 'rationally-accepted ideas'. Many of the horrors of Nazism were carried out by people who weren't motivated by Nazi ideals. I mean hell, does everyone in the U.S. military have a unified, identical ideology? Well, if you saw them in action you might think they all shared the political beliefs of the president (because look, they're acting that way!) But also: Fascism is not some grand, ever-looming threat. It's not an 'on/off' switch. You encounter it daily, in negligible doses, where (luckily) the fascist in question doesn't have enough power to fully control their environment and the people in it. But if they *did* have that power...
  16. I don't trust any politicians that are that care-free in public. If they're not a little scared of social punishments, then we citizens aren't doing our job.
  17. i'm pretty sure it's all consipiracy related. toddlers making deals w/other toddlers.. "you kill my mom and i'll kill yours.. deal?" Kiss me kiss me in the shadow of a doubt...
  18. We need to address this epidemic of toddler shootings. I haven't looked into it at all, but I'm confident that it's related to turf disputes between toddler gangs, probably related to black market Gerber's.
  19. When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide...
  20. It guessed exactly what was wrong with my toe It's like yo dawg, stop making educated guesses about my toes
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