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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Lol mrE I like how your mind works If any of the BC accusers had filed a civil suit in the 70's/80's for tens of millions of dollars Then I'd be a bit skeptical of their claims But alas, that didn't happen...
  2. "...and whilst his lifestyle may have been a bit unorthodox, I don't believe it was criminal." -Martin Bashir
  3. Now, on the Michael Jackson allegations...I don't know. I was never a fan, so I never had a dog in the race, but I used to follow the case(s) because it was such a weird spectacle. One thing is clear, though: nobody seems to have the pure intention of 'justice' at heart. Reading about all those ex-employees of the Neverland ranch selling their dubious stories to Hard Copy is pretty lol.
  4. Statistically, both the Michael Jackson 'pedophile' hypothesis and the 9/11 'inside job' hypothesis have insanely high 'p-values.' (That is, if neither were true, we'd still expect to see the data we do see a good amount of the time.) I wish conspiracy theorists would learn about statistics (and specifically 'p-hacking'). If you don't understand these things, you're susceptible to believing some strange things. (for instance, thinking that there's some supernatural link between Lincoln and Kennedy) The answer to "well how do you explain that?!?" Is very often 'p-hacking'.
  5. You're the one that literally thinks 9/11 was an inside job, right?
  6. Like 2: Electric Boogaloo The movie 'Like' inspires Ambermonk to deactivate his FB account (Written by Charlie Kaufman)
  7. *Peeing LimpyLoo* A man walks up to a urinal Pulls out his penis And then for the next two hours Proceeds to push me out of his urethra
  8. *Being LimpyLoo* A mentally ill drug addict stares at an iPad trying to think of a terrible idea for a film And decides on a film where A mentally ill drug addict stares at an iPad Trying to think of a terrible idea for a film And decides on a film where A mentally ill drug addict stares at an iPad Thing to think of a terrible idea for a film And decides on a film where A mentally ill drug addict stares at an iPad... (starring Brad Pitt as LimpyLoo)
  9. Go Chen (I'm gonna butt out because you two are much better-informed than I am on this stuff)
  10. *Phased and Confused* Just the movie Dazed and Confused But with the audio run though an EHX Small Stone phaser
  11. *Everybody Loves Reagan and Confused* A stoner flick about trickle-down-economics
  12. *Everybody Loves Raymond and Confused* Ray Romano smokes weed and then talks in his dumb voice for two hours about his humorous domestic observations
  13. What is the difference between owning a lemonade stand (And renting labor to produce lemonade) And investing in a lemonade stand? The latter is just a highly abstract variant of the former You are just leveraging your resources (money, lemonade stand) To acquire more resources In the latter You are leveraging your existing resources and market uncertainty (If everyone could see the future, these speculative market games would cease to exist) And as long as your bankroll can withstand the variance (I.e. All the times the lemonade stand goes bust) Then it's just a simple Bayesian calculation (E.g. 90% of the time I get a 0% return And 10% I get a 10,000% return...or whatever) These are not new mechanisms They're just fancy new ways of navigating the same old capitalist model It's the same as buying lemons for one dollar And selling lemonade for two
  14. Yeah I mean borrowing against the future, betting on (or against) a company, exploiting asymmetric information, etc etc... All these sorts of things are just fancy ways of leveraging power to make money. They're all just highly abstract ways of buying a banana for one dollar and selling it for two. All of it can be neatly mapped onto the basic Marxist model of capitalism.
  15. It's really not. Like I've said already, his theory of value is wrong (so his analysis of the industrial mode of production is wrong), but even if he'd gotten that right as an analysis of the industrial revolution in England, the modern world doesn't work like that at all. The whole conception is based on a political and technological edifice that ceased to exist shortly after he came up with it, it's no surprise it failed to account for anything that came afterwards. Deeper than that though, his ideas on modes of production are logically dependent on his idea of historical materialism, which is also false, and can be traced back to the similarly silly ideas of Hegel and Plato. And this shit isn't off topic, ffs, it makes up a vast swathe of socialist thought. Sure there's more to socialism than Marx, feel free to bring some of that other shit up and we'll discuss it as well. You were the dude who criticised him for "not predicting future technologies?" The phrase "new skin for the old ceremony" comes to mind: while the landscape of capitalism may be different, the underlying mechanisms haven't changed. I think if you wanna convince us that the underlying mechanisms have changed, you're gonna have to offer some concrete examples.
  16. and rightfully so, fix earth first plz.Shit, after reading Bostrom's "fable of the dragon-tyrant"...I'd have to agree We have a real chance of 'solving' aging/death within our lifetime As pro-'scientific inquiry' as I am Mars is an expensive distraction And hey it's not going anywhere
  17. So can we call that gross fisting murder "handing in" or what?
  18. A few months ago Nick Bostrom (prolly my favorite philosopher/mathematician polymath) said he hopes we don't find signs of life (w.g. Water on Mars) because from a Bayesian standpoint that would mean that early life isn't that rare, and yet we don't see hardly any around us, which means there is some "great filter" that prevents early life from blossoming into stable civilization, and in light of something like water on Mars, that means that most likely the "great filter" lies before us here on earth. (The actual Bayes equation is much simpler lol) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P_CG7zcqS0c
  19. While value might be 'subjective' It's subjective in the sense that having a headache is subjective not in the sense that I 'decide' whether it has value or not Value is a brute economic fact How things acquire value or to whom doesn't make the term meaningless A banana is infinitely more valuable to someone starving to death Than it is to (say) me While that value is 'subjective' in some basic colloquial sense The banana's value is not up for debate It doesn't change based on opinions It is a brute economic fact Some value is based on consensus Some value is hard to determine But again, it doesn't matter how or why something has value Or even whether people recognize value or not Value is simply a brute fact
  20. Dazed and Abused A feel-good summer flick about domestic violence
  21. Glazed and Confused A stoner summer hang-out flick starring the "time to make the donuts" guy resurrected in CGI.
  22. I'm not an anarcho-capitalist just to have that said. I agree with you in general. Simply pushing forward and not taking into account transition or creation of opportunities will just lead to a nightmare like scenario you allude to. The problem is, advances are the only thing we have! is it not. Without it, it's just whatever works, sounds like stagnation. No new pcs, no new media, no new <whatever> iphone. These things are the basis of intellectual and emotional fulfilment, the creation of culture and momentum. Without it we are just working and not creating new things. So the question is how to intellegently design and produce advances that can benefit everyone, and how to inform and educate and enable everyone to be a part of it, etc. I was just saying that abolishing labor is a political issue, not a technological one
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