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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Technology doesn't inherently benefit workers, but in the modern economy, only technology can bring work while still having innovation. To bring back the old industries seems like a waste of potential, unless it is literally impossible to create technology that will benefit workers somehow. That's one reason why there's so much focus on education, it's all about creating new markets not only supporting or fitting existing ones. Which is why worker owned places may not necessarily lead anywhere when a decision can't be made or new technology can't be designed in an intelligent way to get progress. I use that word cautiously, but to me technology is everything in society- cars, clothes, electronics, medicine, media / entertainment both hardware and software, buildings etc etc. There will always be efficiency created and over a long enough timeline, especially now with all this cognitive computing stuff and robotics and everything else, technology /could/ abolish labor, eventually. There's a lot of room for automation right now like in fast food and self checkout and whatever. Foxxconn is starting to replace their chinese workers with robots as well. What I was thinking of earlier was specially designed technology, like the increased abstraction of programming language and software in general, that enables a larger portion of people to do those things. The same thing could potentially happen in other sectors. You still sort of need the technology base otherwise it seems all stagnation But again, technology won't abolish labor on its own. If we find ourselves living in the anarchy-capitalist's dream society when perfect, cheap automation comes about Then do you think Walmart is gonna just say "Your labor isn't needed anymore So just swing by every Friday to pick up your normal paycheck"...? This is why historically all the optimistic futurist predictions failed They assumed that advances would magically benefit everyone
  2. Again, technology doesn't inherently benefit workers. Did conveyor belts raise wages or shorten the work week by even a millisecond? Tecnology won't abolish labor-- Or even put a tiny dent in it-- Unless the workers happen to own the joint.
  3. lolwat I don't even know where to start ...I mean, the fact that he "failed to predict...modern technological advances" Is a truly insane criticism He wasn't a futurist He was a critic/theorist of capitalism He also failed to predict beanie babies And Marilyn Manson How the fuck is that even a criticism? It wasn't a criticism per se, just pointing out that his economic predictions were predicated on industrial revolution era tech, and immediately invalidated by modernity. what were his 'economic predictions'? Marx was certainly wrong about a lot But like Freud, Darwin, etc There is a huge baby among the bathwater To call his ideas "immediately irrelevant" Darwin didn't predict DNA And Freud knew nothing of modern neuroscience But that doesn't mean their contributions are thus irrelevant
  4. lolwat I don't even know where to start ...I mean, the fact that he "failed to predict...modern technological advances" Is a truly insane criticism He wasn't a futurist He was a critic/theorist of capitalism He also failed to predict beanie babies And Marilyn Manson How the fuck is that even a criticism?
  5. It starts with the voters. Before anything changes, it has to become social suicide to believe dumb shit. Unfortunately, the left's nearly-unconditional defense of 'multi-culturalism' isn't helping. You try to speak out against dumb, unfounded beliefs and you get the ol' "lol r/atheism." I advocate for basic Enlightenment values. When I speak out against those who act contrary to those values, I often get called a bigot (or some variation thereof). The left needs to realize that their 'tolerance' on these matters Is like a man who won't attack a violent intruder on account of his 'pacifism.'
  6. fuck, I actually call people boss. I'm a meme =( Fuck, I die in hot air balloon accidents I'm such a cliche lol
  7. lol I hope you see the humor in that. Also happy to hear you're not getting fucked with a felony. Oh of course That was her goal
  8. Last night girlfriend made me a card that read "congratulations, it's a misdemeanor!"
  9. What's the best way to buy bitcoins to go deepweb shopping with? And is tumbling required/advised?
  10. People from the future are gonna look back at us like we're fucking idiots (also, They're gonna laugh at what causes we liberals convinced ourselves were 'liberal')
  11. I fucking hate when people say 'God has forgiven me' Like Marky Mark after he blinded that old dude Or that anti-gay marriage Christian YouTube vlogger who had an Ashley Madison account There's kinda nothing more arrogant Like, not only do I talk directly to God But also he told me that I'm not accountable to the people around me
  12. yeah when i talk about 'socialism' i either mean a) exactly what the word means when used as an insult by conservatives (another word that doesn't mean what it means anymore): that is, someone who prioritizes collectivism over individualism or b) worker-owned and -controlled production something i left out of my op rant was the coming boom of robot automation and what that would mean in the current economic environment http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/the-late-great-american-promise-of-less-work-1561753129 many thought that robot automation would benefit workers-- reducing the length of work weeks, for instance-- but of course there's no reason to think that (say) Walmart getting better automation would benefit the workers it would benefit co-ops but it would completely fuck workers over so yeah i left all this out of OP but it's a crucial part of my thesis just try to play out the next like 200-300 years in your head of an anarcho-capitalist society with near-total automation...
  13. Edit: against state socialism, that is But to the extent that the state controls production It's not socialism
  14. That is indeed a knockdown argument.......for state 'socialism' https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FyyvzrMzJFg
  15. if I somehow found myself 'needing' more than a few thousand dollars to do my projects I hope I would realize that I had gone astray somewhere along the way
  16. i don't I just want enough to be able to persue my projects studies rather consistently show That beyond helping to avoid the Maslowian unhappiness of poverty wealth doesn't affect happiness
  17. See last three pages of FWP thread for (bizarrely long) discussion of my writing style
  18. Over the last 6 months or so I've been reading a lot of futurist theory and political theory and moral philosophy and the more I thought about things the more one particular issue started to eat away at me A few months ago I was reading about the Hepatitus C cure(Yes, it's literally a cure) And how it costs about $150,000usd And I started to think about what might happen When we stumble upon radical life-extension therapies Now, I've always been more or less a 'socialist' (At least in the colloquial sense) So all this didn't really change my position much But rather I realized just how high the stakes really were Now, the solution is very simple (theory-wise, not logistics-wise of course): we all 'socialize' the cost of R&D for such pharmaceuticals And then we all share in the fruits For the last few years Uber-right 'libertarianism' (aka 'anarcho-capitalism') Has been a growing phenomenon here in the states Especially among tech-minded, Silicon Valley types Like Peter Theil Who once said "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible" And who openly advocates monopolies (i.e. companies that can charge $700usd/pill) Now, radical life-extension is merely an engineering challenge And as I've said previously As its realization grows closer and closer And the stakes grow higher and higher There will be a reckoning of sorts: People will truly have to decide if they're a dirty socialist Or a freedom-loving sociopath In 20 years Fountainhead Paul will be telling us that it's a testament to our freedom That poor people only live 25% as long as rich people And that the most sacred freedom on earth Is the freedom for corporations to price their products as they choose Regardless of the social impact Anyway, just something I've been thinking about lately
  19. P.S. I forgot to say: Fuck Texas to death Seriously No doubt he was treated like shit because he has dark skin Not a fucking doubt in the world about that That kid should move up here Before Texas makes him retarded by osmosis But again We should still be cautious in these scenarios We can set our 'threat assessment threshold' to either register false positives or false negatives
  20. More and more I become convincedthat Zen is the answer to Western Neuroticism (Which I see as a truly insidious disease that prevents us from being truly spontaneous, and from being in tune with ourselves)
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