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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. if it's obvious then everyone would know and agree on who it was what's your theory?
  2. This actually makes me really hopeful for humanity. The broad social benefits of the internet age are just starting to be felt. Go internet!
  3. remember, alot of the victims/accusers were previously ignored (I had never heard of these allegations before like a month ago) hannibal buress' got the conversation going again victims felt like they might be listened to this time
  4. I blame feminism for all these women standing up for their rights and shit
  5. yeah his new record will be called "It's Not True! It's Not True!" (damn, I wish I had Photoshop skills)
  6. welcome to the age of .. well what you call it? guilty until proven otherwise? sounds a bit pedantic or maybe the age of....you can't do fucked up shit without consequences
  7. imagine being his wife right now *tugs at collar nervously*
  8. pretty badass: http://elitedaily.com/entertainment/celebrity/walking-dead-laurie-holden-sex-trafficking/802772/
  9. FWP: I want to get a bag of Hot Fries into me.
  10. lol @ alpha rapist cutting in on that beta rapist's game
  11. fwp: I'm jelly of audioblysk's SH-09 although I love my 101, I really dig the 70's SH's and especially the SH-09 which has that beautiful Jupiter 4 interface fwp: I don't have a Jupiter 4 (yet...I should really just work my ass off and buy one)
  12. Squee, I should've clarified... I meant, what were your thoughts on the Lost finale?
  13. Well AFX did say that he had released a whole bunch of his stuff under various random monikers that nobody had worked out yet. That Fuckbeast tune nails the Classics-era filtered distorted ring-modded synth with spring reverb.
  14. It was also really sad and aspurjersy for Eugene to walk around telling everyone he's smarter than them.
  15. Eugene was the be-mulleted savior that Hulk Hogan needed in his time of muscular, sweaty darkness.
  16. yeah who didn't know that the halfwit redneck wasn't actually gonna save the world... and the fact that his mullet was integrated into the emotional arc of the episode made me lol out loud (not literally)
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