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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. I'm only posting for the "chops" comment just showing one person who has the ability to tear it up as well as RDJ. Of course there are alot of highly-talented Braindancers. But I'm talking about the sheer quantity of highly-specific RDJ-isms crammed into that tune. Of course there are a bunch of dudes who are capable of doing those individual things. But what I'm saying is that there's alot of them, and they are all done almost exactly as RDJ himself would do them. Wifebeater uses alot of those RDJ-isms, but he uses like one or two per tune (I actually went through and counted). Wow I'm tired...I can't focus my eyes
  2. That stuff is in the ballpark it has the broad strokes but go back and look at my post on the last page for the extent of the detail-orientedness of the afxafxafxafxafx tune edit: Actually wow Beatwife stole alot of AFX moves lol
  3. just to clarify: I dig the stuff...it's good...i like it...I dug it the first time I listened to it I would voluntarily listen to it again because it's good and I like it but it's braindance posted by someone called "afxafxafxafxafxafx" if it's not Dick James himself, then it's someone aping his mannerisms: the random bursts of reverb on the 303 the double-time middle section (with the sorts of stutters and pauses that Dick James might do) the random time-stretched vocal breakdown with goofy dissonant FM pad the slightly-specific brand of (a)tonality the particular types of syncopation in the 303's and drums the (admittedly-not-uncommon) building breakbeat onslaught towards the end the 'hey let's take this shit on a tangent' thing at like 3minutes (which RDJ does on ALOT of his tunes) the 'straight-outta-the-Drukqs-playbook' mix of staccato-303-that-randomly-jumps-in-volume and breakbeat hallaballoo at 1:30ish the minimal 707 intro the staccato synth run at 1:20ish the ominous-pads-with-reverb-that-are-cutoff-at-the-end-of-the-bar the 'breath' at 1:40 the unnaturally-bright granular rolls that sound like they're copy/pasted from HAB ep the random outta-tune-exactly-the-way-RDJ-does-it unison synth at 2:47 that is straight outta somewhere...CTD ep? the digitally-pitched-about-Analord-wind-synth in the intro the 'random-hype-man vocals chopped up and made syncopated and funky' from I forget where I'm tired but everywhere the (once again) pad-that-got-digitally-pitched-using-an-intentionally-shitty-algorithm during the breakdown but other than that... p.s. shit i dunno, might be him wow, I retract everything I said on the last page I'm so fucking tired off my game tonight
  4. Seriously though...I do dig these tunes I'd love to hear this musician do THEY thing, though But really, Mimicry is invaluable as technical and conceptual exercise (And occasionally produces good stuff that stands on it's own merits) And there's a widely-held sentiment among jazz musicians and composers (in the old sense) That mimicry is not only the best way to find your own voice But possibly the only way The idea being that you learn everything you possibly can Or care to Then you toss out whatever doesn't suit you And with the remnants you cobble together your little musical toolkit And at first it sounds a bit unromantic But then you think that everything is made of atoms And Thera nothing more unoriginal and dime-a-dozen than atoms Yet from them anything can be built FlargIe I haven't slept in 30 hours please forgive me...
  5. Cancer is a hoax perpetrated by The bilderbergers to distract us from the fluoride chemtrails that 9/11 federal reserve Everything u know is too deep 4 john is kill no
  6. 1) yeah it's decent...the person who made it should just, you know, use their creativity to say something new instead of puking up more Ersatz Twin 2) eat a hunk of my poop
  7. I'm saying this music sounds like it was made 100% with softsynths and pristine drum samples. AFX doesn't use drumpacks. IMO he would never let his stuff have that fresh-out-of-the-box cleanliness.
  8. I don't think that's AFX either. And all "obv that's not Apex u idiot only idiot would think that's Apetwix u idiot' aside... AFX's music has never had that clinical, straight-from-a-DAW timbre. You can hear from the very first moment that none of this has been put through whatever gear AFX puts his shit through so that it doesn't sound...like this. It could be the rawness of tubes and transistors, the smudging and saturation of hardware compressors, the ambiance of re-amping, EQ and reverb at the mastering stage... But whatever it is, this stuff doesn't have it. (all that being said, there's nothing that says that new AFX can/should/will sound like old AFX)
  9. If there's one thing the world needs more of, it's Drukqs-y rave-y DnB-y acid-y breakbeat-y choons.
  10. But seriously...if they (Beth and EHC and Carol) focus on trying to escape instead of murdering these horrible horrible people, then I will be very disappointed and I will go back to resenting this show (though of course I will still hate-watch it).
  11. No I mean like I got a notification that some people had liked and commented on the post, so I clicked on the notification and it 404'd, saying "this page appears to be missing." Sorry, I'm making a mighty fuss over this tiny little thing. It's a stupid problem that only a first-worlder would get upset about...
  12. I'm very curious what sort of filter/algorithm thingie my post got snagged up in.... or does it require someone to manually report a post? i know it's prolly a mundane little thing but i'm still kinda creeped out that's never happened before and it seems like a pretty huge coincidence to happen to the most controversial thing I've ever posted (probably) i'm not one for flimsy dot-connecting but i'm mad buggin' yo
  13. I just posted an update on Facebook about how depressing it is that 40% of Americans believe in creationism and rapture within their lifetime...and how depressing it is that culturally people are expected to 'respect' such beliefs. ....and someone reported my post and now it's gone and I'm really fucking creeped out. FTGE and now it's back... i'm really confused.
  14. it's kinda one of those things that....really isn't that difficult. Humans need to learn to communicate with each other. It's really...it's not string theory.
  15. well, if a guy doesn't understand that forcing someone to suck your dick is wrong, then...
  16. i have found myself enjoying this show once again. *runs away and hides in shame*
  17. If I were Beth, as soon as I realized I was under the power of sociopaths, I would've a) pretended to go along with them, and b) figured out how to murder them all.
  18. I don't understand this at all. The court is convinced enough of his guilt to send him to jail, but just kidding we're not officially convinced of anything, so we're going to send this guy who might not be the killer to jail for less time. Am I missing something here, or is that the logic behind the sentencing? That is so fucked up. Sorry to hear the terrible news, SG. It's a matter of game theory. The prosecutors are afraid that their case is thin and there's a chance he'll walk, so instead they offer him a deal that's appealing enough so that he'd prefer it to rolling the dice in a trial. If there were 30 witnesses who positively ID'ed him, as well as recording the event on their phone, and they had the murder weapon with his prints and DNA on it...in that case, they would not offer a plea deal as they would know 100% that he did it and they'd have enough evidence to have 100% confidence that he'd get convicted by a jury. However, this is rarely the case. I've learned a bit of legal theory from listening to the This American Life-shootoff podcast Serial (I recommend everyone check it out...it's the most fascinating podcast I've ever heard). But our legal system is based--for better or worse--on evidence and reasonable doubt. It's not "did he do it" or "didn't he do it" but rather "can it be proven beyond a reasonable doubt." Now, as a thought experiment, try to imagine a better legal system. Now, without things like clairvoyant detectives or mind-reading lasers (fMRI lie-detection is allegedly in our future), thegeneral system can't really be improved much without the side effect of convicting more innocent people.
  19. Listening to Syro right now. Currently on Produk 29. Amazing fucking album.
  20. yeah i know Zeff's cool...if I ran into him on the street I'd buy him a Mr. Pibb (unless of course he's a Dr. Pepper drinker in which case he is irredeemable in my eyes) edit: full dislosure...i drink Dr. Pepper when I can't find Mr. Pibb
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