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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. dammit, I've really fallen out of touch with metal Who's the Coltrane-of-metal of the last 10-15 years? (sleepdepcore or comedowncore or anything between)
  2. Paraphrase of one of my favorite Jack Handey jokes: Bill is a real jerk But if he were here he'd say *I* was the jerk No Bill, *you're* the jerk But if he was here...
  3. e.g. 'Moe from 3-Stooges' eye-poke gesture' Meets Edward Scissorhands
  4. That is *IF* we think those other universes exist as actual *matter* somewhere out there, instead of as 'pure math' (which folks like Putnam thought we should treat as actual objects in the actual universe).
  5. I won't even *post* a band name in here until after I've: a) formed the band IRL b) generated some local buzz around a homemade EP c) slept with the drummer's girlfriend after headlining a local outdoor festival d) devolved into a bitter fallout that destroys the lives of everyone involved
  6. What else is there? (Is the 'native' watmm site mobile-friendly?)
  7. http://imgur.com/gallery/rWIhcx6 Oh my god if tapatalk was a human being I would happily murder it and spend the rest of my life in prison...totally worth it
  8. Genuine prediction: Trump will develop a Zizek-esque nervous tick over the next month, caused by the stress of all the narcissistic injuries coming his way.
  9. Wikileaks is now a PR firm: https://mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/5n58sm/i_am_julian_assange_founder_of_wikileaks_ask_me/
  10. come on, we can do better than that President Dump President Dumpitalloverme Peesident Presidon't President-Erect Presilol
  11. too close to home. still lost it at "thats you stupid!" thoughlol same fam. It's comedy but he's dropping truth. I like how implies that caring about your girlfriend's feelings/well-being are an impediment in your path to Greatness (i.e. becoming a Holden Caulfield-assed Holocaust-denier-retweeter.)
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