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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. Mr.Robot finale. A cocktease for sure, but setups nicely the second season.



    However I hope that Tyrell hasn't somehow acquired the encryption keys to use as leverage to get back into Evil Corp. I don't want it all to be reset. Exploring Elliot's mental problems in a post-collapse society would be the more interesting way to go.


  2. Two men arrested in Boston at the Pokemon World Championships with "a 12-gauge shotgun, an AR-15 rifle, several hundred rounds of ammunition, and a hunting knife" in their car, after making violent threats on social media. I can't imagine the number of dead manchildren had they attacked the convention area, if that was their intention. Truly sick.


  3. Yeah, the latest episode of Mr. Robot was good and glad that the thing that has been hinted at finally got sorted. And the choice of music in the arcade was indeed fine and great acknowledgement of where the creator has taken their influence. And I am sure the popcorn machine will play a role in the finale.

  4. Recently finished Stephenson's Seveneves and Gibson's The Peripheral. Enjoyed both, although felt the third part of Seveneves was a little underdeveloped. Don't know what to read next. Feel like something else than scifi, although Atwood's Oryx & Crake trilogy might be interesting. Perhaps some philosophy or some classics.

  5. Woke up early and put on a stream of the GOP debate, and it was just awful stuff. Soundbytes with no substance whatsoever. Horrible ideas spewed by the candidates. I just can't wrap by head around that the election cycle is going to take like a year. What the hell. Here when there is a presidential or parliamentary election, it's maybe a month or so of campaigning and debates. But I guess the US needs to make a huge spectacle out of everything.


    A really depressing read on Jon Stewart's 17-year career as host of The Daily Show. What strikes me most, is the two most important monologues he ever gave were: the day after the 2000 US Presidential Election, and the week after 9/11. It blows my mind that 15 years later we've learned nothing. How one man (Osama Bin Laden) could irreversibly change the course of this planet, for who knows how long? Decades? Centuries? Will we eventually end up in the 8th Crusade he always wanted? It's mind numbing. As tainted as his family's name is now, they still exist in a rich luxurious lifestyle. Their connection to the Saudi Royal Commission and various Princes keeps them in the loop for lucrative government contracts. We're trying to change that in my company, they built the substandard apartments I live in (but have been blacklisted since), shitty part-time working elevators, mold infected air ducts, no earthquake resistant engineering, substandard materials that break down at the earliest convenience. It really is a travesty.


    I veered off on a tangent, but that man may end up being the most influential figure of the 21st Century, even though he's dead now. What's the end game? The Republicans have basically declared war on Islam, and where will it end? Will we end up causing more damage to ourselves with our insane gun culture than external extremists ever could? We distract ourselves with comic book movies, pop music, porn etc. which I'm guilty of promoting I admit. It seems like Stewart got more than he signed up for, he became the liberal moral compass of this country for a lot of people, but what happens now? The Republicans are more insane than ever, but have a lot of support from scared white Americans, told they will have their guns or their rights taken away, SCOTUS has approved unlimited corporate contributions to elections. The Class warfare is more blatant than ever; the haves are scared to shit they will lose to the have-nots. It makes me sad to no end, especially viewing the US from afar, most of its citizens don't even realize what's happening.




    Y'know, for some reason I'm actually quite optimistic about the future.



    Why are you optimistic about the future? It might be my general pessimistic disposition, but I feel that things are going to get a lot worse before it would get better, if we even survive.

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