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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. Had my blood drawn at the end of March and the doc said my cholesterol was 2 damn high (230 total and 139 LDL).


    Had my blood drawn yesterday by another doctor after health insurance switched and now it's 139 total and 76 LDL.


    Is that even possible in a month and a half?


    i dunno lol


    New doctor actually sent me the results instead of telling them to me over the phone, though.


    Maybe you heard it wrong from the first doctor.

  2. On further thought, some places already look like something from Blade Runner. We are in the future.


    Where do you reckon the transparency will come from? It doesn't seem the average rube cares about it enough to take a stand for it. The powers that be sure don't seem to care about it or have vested interests in keeping it on the DL.

  3. The other Variant releases have been good. Dreaming thru Vector, Chromestesia, Auratia and Aurora's Dream. The phase90 album is nice as well. I was always suspicious about the remastered Setting Sun, think the original release sounds just fine as it is.

  4. In a kind of related fwp, my girlfriend does all kinds of cool shit with her friends but has no desire to get me involved with them

    She really doesn't like you and looking for a replacement.


    Just go, if you hate them you can just get drunk

    Good advice. Getting drunk is never wrong and if you play your cards right, she will never invite you to any other get-together's with her co-workers.

  5. "There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

  6. I think Jimmy has always been fighting the Slippin' Jimmy side of himself and Chuck's betrayal was the last drop and then having a reunion with his old conman friend probably helped him make his choice. He wants to be his own man and not work for anyone but himself.

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