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EKT Plus
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Everything posted by YEK

  1. I’m sitting on the bus next to Chinese Elon Musk
  2. I held my breath a little but I mean cmon it’s boc, I didn’t get too excited
  3. I woke up late for work. Left house late kept missing bus transfers cause they all said “to garage”. Got there only to realize I forgot my work keys. Now all the way back home I go. It’s going to be a late night. Luckily I can show up anytime on Saturdays.
  4. No, he said in his video that there was a possible major catastrophe in history that reset civilization and I reacted with, very possibly multiple catastrophes. *big brain*
  5. A comment I made on a Joe Rogan Tik Tok video has 1032 likes and counting.
  6. Terence McKenna’s machine elves are now in our computers
  7. It’s been ten years since the last album right? Crazy
  8. I'm listening to this album for the first time and it's kinda blowing my mind
  9. YEK

    animated dicks

    NSFW https://happyundies.net/animated-dicks/
  10. YEK

    Vinyl Represses!!

    Hmm sounds risky to me. Really doubt they take returns.
  11. YEK

    Vinyl Represses!!

    Are they still using fitted style shirts? I bought some xxls from them some years back and they fit like tight xls.
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