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Everything posted by bronchuseven

  1. Damn, I had no idea it was so valuable - I got my original pressing copy in a punk/metal shop (no idea how it made its way there) for $8.
  2. I've started playing with adding alcohol inks to my origami.
  3. Soundtrack is incredible, and the game itself is really fun and just exudes joy.
  4. I play FFT on my phone as well - when you include the PS1 version as well, this is the game I've played the most hours on in my life.=DEven though Metroid II is my favorite game ever, I would have to say I've probably dumped more time into FFT than any other game as well. It's... Indescribably amazing once you wrap your head around it. And after reading loads of different walk-throughs/tips & hints pages, I still have quite a lot that I can experiment with. There's so many jobs you can combine with other class skills that... It's basically infinite when it comes to building a team. The only other game that has ever come close for me is Dark Gate (developed by Hit-Point, published by Kemco)... And even that is severely lacking in comparison. Especially when it comes to the story and dialogue. 15 years after first playing on a PS1, then getting the PSP version... Then the iOS build... I still don't feel like I've discovered more than half the game. =X I'll check Dark Gate, thanks!
  5. I play FFT on my phone as well - when you include the PS1 version as well, this is the game I've played the most hours on in my life.
  6. Oh yeah, Pomme Fritz is fantastic, particularly the first couple of tracks (the end of the EP loses me a bit).
  7. I haven't checked any of the recent Orb releases, no. Orbvs Terrarvm still gets lots of action on my stereo though.
  8. American Press looks pretty wicked! I may order one myself.
  9. love your work Lewps! this one is a favourite: https://www.instagram.com/p/BlC9AkEDNqM/
  10. Yeah, I remember liking the Deep Breakfast album quite a bit, though I haven't heard it in a while.
  11. How many of these do you have?I have a couple dozen pieces in my house right now… that one in the photo is the first of its kind though. Yek - I've made a few LED origami lamps (all sold) and am currently working on a very large one, a bit bigger than a basketball. It will be a hanging lamp above a dining room table, once I get off my ass & finish it.
  12. I need to play around with processing again - it's how I made my avatar. However you made it auxien, I love it too!
  13. This material is "dura-lar", which is a polyester film. The assembly process is very complex, more than is evident in the final shape. The above piece contains 48 strips - I'm not sure of the exact number, but I'd say there's about 500 folds in all.
  14. My latest origami - an octahedron with fins. It's funny, it had been years of folding the same set of shapes over and over, but recently I've come up with a new design every few days.
  15. Love it! I see some Virginia creeper in there, continuing the theme.
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