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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Captain Phillips 5/10 this film promised a lot more than it delivered, mainly due to the emotional impact being weakened by complete lack of character development.
  2. can't go out tonight, i'm washing my hare.
  3. You don't have to travel round the world to realise that the Sky is Blue everywhere... *strokes imaginary beard*
  4. ooh i like *searches for cabaret voltaire on discogs*
  5. the lady at the coffee shop told me my skin looks radiant
  6. I had an odd dream on Tuesday night i think it was. i was out at sea on this boat with this woman in a white dressing gown i didn't know. she looked a lot like Joan Collins when she was in Dallas but without all the make-up and fancy hair. the boat was one of the smallish but with a raised bridge and cabin below and the sea was really calm and clear and the sky was that light blue you get first thing in the morning with a few clouds on the horizon with no land in sight. we were on deck eating breakfast and i was lazily looking over the side into the sea which was perfectly clear and beneath and around the boat many sharks are swimming of various types and sizes, some of them really huge one with massive toothy jaws and small black glazed eyes. i throw some toast into the water and as is floats down i see a huge great white shark pulse by smooth and graceful in the deep blue water, and gobble it up with his huge gaping mouth. i then become aware of a fitting spluttering engine sound and notice that a small speed boat is close to the larger boat and taking in water. i jump onto it from the boat and try to bail out the water. "what have you done?" i yell at Joan Collins, "oh i must have forgotten about it" she says and i try again to stop the boat from sinking. i realise that my task is futile and by this time the speed boat is some distance from the boat so i have to swim. i gently lower myself into the water and swim to the boat making as little noise and splashes as possible so as not to attract the sharks. they're not interested. i get on the boat. i know that wasn't very interesting but neither were the other ones so...
  7. i couldn't ever as i would never leave my mother (especially as she gets older). however i'd like to spend more time in New York and Rome.
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