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Leon Sumbitches

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Leon Sumbitches

  1. And I like to imagine there's ice water with ice in the jazz cup
  2. I never even noticed it, +10,000 watmm points
  3. Nice, I was having a gander at FACT the other day and saw it! Congrats mang
  4. I like the way they took the picture in the blandest possible setting to intensify the luckiness
  5. If they're a masochist, if they don't trust 'nice' people, if they want someone a little bit wicked so they can relax, if they feel you are getting a kick more out of being 'nice' than really relating to them, if they want a bit of toughness because it's what they're used to and associate with love, or if they think toughness might help them get shit together, or if they are looking for an excuse to antagonise you/get out of the relationship i've been accused of being "too nice" by two previous partners, one because i don't push in front of people on public transport and the other because i don't shout at service staff for getting my order wrong. they both saw my being nice as a sign of weakness, and both turned out to be very unpleasant people in the long run. Some people believe you have to be pushy and aggressive in order to be treated with respect and that people who are more passive are dishonourable in some way - I find people who believe that to be a fucking nightmare to be around, because they always have to prove they are tough and challenge everyone around them - and they are often very insecure to have to undermine others (like they did to you in this case) (but having said that, to them I probably seem very passive aggressive and irritating) Yeah, fuck these people (the pushy assholes). I do bar/restaurant work and simple politeness goes such a long way and is really appreciated. Even if a customer's asking for something that's a bit of a pain in the hole, as long as they're courteous it makes a world of difference. I always feel like someone's dad when I say this but simple politeness is 10/10, absolutely nowt wrong with being nice.
  6. Hey, someone's shooting up your country again, folks: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/reports-shooting-umpqua-community-college-oregon_560d7658e4b0af3706dfdcd1?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000046 This shit really seems out of hand.
  7. Thought this was pretty sketchy: http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/alabama-to-stop-issuing-drivers-licenses-in-counties-with-75-black-registered-voters/
  8. Baudolino is great for that stuff as well, he goes even further down the rabbit hole in that one - based around the time of the Holy Roman Empire and the myth of the Kingdom of Prester John. Lush, I'll check it out!
  9. Hope you're doing well, Limpy mate. Also, there really is something satisfying about formatting your text like this.
  10. Finished The Name Of The Rose by Umberto Eco there, great stuff. Dude knows his medieval culture/history.
  11. flol Kneel before your new meme master, Shea. irl lol'd, long and hard
  12. From the Conservatives' official Press Office twitter account: "Labour are now a serious risk to our nation’s security, our economy’s security and your family’s security" lol. lol. lol.
  13. Mind you, we're talking about a paper that uses the term 'feminazi' as though that's an actual thing. A real paper, that they print for grown-ups, that people pay money for. Browsing the comments on Daily Mail articles is simultaneously a great source of turbolols and a damning indictment of humanity.
  14. flol. the soundtrack really makes it This is weirdly moreish DE WARRIAHH DUDU OSON
  15. It's genuinely been years since there was a decent opposition party in the UK right enough. I'm a wee bit sceptical about whether Corbyn will actually be able to change things once he's part of the machine although as perunamuussi points out, it hopefully means that all the Tory-lite wankers in Labour will piss clean off.
  16. It was amazing watching the plastic New Labour cunts lose their shit trying to discredit Corbyn. God forbid you'd actually have somebody left-wing at the helm of the party!
  17. I'd buy it if I saw it in a record store simply because of how weird the cover and the title are. Something like that has to be interesting. This one looks like the cover of a self-published book on ley lines that you'd find in a gift shop near Stonehenge or something
  18. Found one of these in the loft in my parents' house. It's a Sanyo portable cassette recorder from 1970ish: Comes with a built-in microphone which is less than worthless, but hooked up to a decent mic it's awesome for lo-fi wow, flutter, hiss and shenanigans. Off to experiment with it now, PEACE FOOLS
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