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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Fuck Excel, spreadsheets, research, APA and survey results my eyes are bleeding
  2. ^Ginger ale fetish notwithstanding, that shit is really good.
  3. 1.Kill the deer 2. Lace the meat with birth controlz 3. Feed to the poor
  4. ^ The Luminaries good shit. Just started re-reading Don Delillo's Libra, dat's my mans an'em.
  5. Just started Satoshi Kon's Opus. Good shit, reminds me of Grant Morrison's early DC work.
  6. The original Xbox? I meant 360, don't know why I left that out.
  7. What's a classic horror game I can get cheaply for PS or XBox? I've already played most RE and SH games and I'm craving more.
  8. Afterlife With Archie is awesome, so this has some potential I guess.
  9. They've ruined that poor man.
  10. Report back with lush photos and super rare headphones. Jason pls
  11. It didn't hit me till ME3 that those are boring as hell.
  12. DD seems so completely unremarkable to me. Moderately disappointed. I wish they had gone for a more Mark Waid approach to the character, rather than self-serious, angst ridden Frank Miller imitation.
  13. Posting in this thread will not help me achieve goals for today in the least.
  14. I don't know what it is about Philly, but it seems like heinous child abuse stories are more common there than anywhere I've ever lived.
  15. I felt her juice at last.
  16. Madonna fucked every 90s rapper innit.
  17. ^ Hmm... I had the same reaction to NBK that Candiru had . Maybe it will grow on me.
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