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Everything posted by doublename

  1. ^ Check out Ital Tek - Mirrored, if you haven't heard that yet. Planet Mu is having a remarkable 2016.
  2. I heard decent but mixed reviews of Three Body and The Vorrh...how would you rate them? I thought Three-Body Problem was kind of a mess. It depends on how high your tolerance for massive info dumps is. It's not a bad book, but paced weirdly and it isn't really a satisfying read on its own. The sequel is supposed to great though. The Vorrh was fantastic, loads of surreal imagery on every page. I'd definitely recommend it.
  3. Recently finished - The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin; The Vorrh by Brian Catling; Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie Reading - The Vegetarian by Han Kang
  4. That's what I mean, it's one of those terms used in the Constitution but never properly defined in it. It could mean born on US territory to parents American or foreign. It could just mean born to at least one US parent. Your definition is one interpretation, but it's not the consensus (there isn't one). It's never been put to the Supreme Court for a definitive ruling.
  5. Thing is, there isn't even a legal definition of natural born citizen.
  6. tbqh Trump has probably played squash with irl Patrick Batemans, I'll take his word for it.
  7. "I will give economics to people". +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  8. the pentagon is actively making smaller nukes. battlefield nukes. and figuring out scenarios where it's acceptable to use them. there are hawks in the pentagon.. as well as reasonable people.. who basically just want to play with all the toys and teach "the enemy a lesson" etc. the stereotypes are real in some cases. couple of questions cause i don't believe everything i read who do they want to nuke? can't imagine a reason why they would want to nuke someone like russia, thats chaos, maybe they want to reset the middle east? is that what u are saying ? also .. sources? i want to know how the people that hold advance weapons think They aren't even particularly new: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/25-years-us-special-forces-carried-miniature-nukes-their-backs-180949700/?no-ist http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/russia/suitcase/
  9. "Inside Trump Tower, an Increasingly Upset and Alone Donald Trump" - http://nyti.ms/2dOYCix
  10. The womandroids are going to be the first to flip on niccas though. It's going to good and weird m8.
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