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Everything posted by doublename

  1. DID U JUST ASSUME THEIR GENDERS? Sorry, we men can be such shits some times.
  2. lel you picked the wrong time to deviate from e-books just added that Lispector jawn to my hold list a the library
  3. RIP José Fernandez. Risked death by drowning to defect from Cuba, became a millionaire in the states, died in a high speed boat crash in Miami.
  4. "We did a telephone survey in June, 2004, of a random selection of the 627 fish and chip shops in Scotland to ascertain the delicacy’s availability, cost, and consumption. The response rate was 62% (303 of 488 telephoned): 66 (22%, 95% CI 17·2–26·4) shops sold deep-fried Mars bars, 235 (78%, 72·9–82·3) did not, 51 (17%, 108–66) had sold them in the past, and for two the person we spoke to did not know. 72% of shops had been selling them for 3 years or less. Mean weekly sales were 23 bars, but ten shops reported selling 50–200 per week. The mean price was UK£0·60 (range £0·30 to £1·50). 76% of Mars bars were sold to children, 15% to teenagers, and 9% to others or a combination of these three groups. 16% of shops said they were more likely to sell them during school term." http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2804%2917589-2/fulltext
  5. Scots are so proud of their many, many inventions -- surely they've not forgotten the deep fried Mars bar.
  6. Have to give that a look, The Land at the End of the World was brilliant.
  7. The mussulman shop round the corner has received a suspiciously large shipment of "Gatorade".
  8. I think she herself has copped to being a... less charismatic speaker than Bill and Obama.
  9. Ended my 10th grade English class early when I got the email from Bandcamp.
  10. In hindsight the FBI was justified to suspect blacks would all go communist if they were allowed to organize. What have we/they/you got to lose, as Trump always sez.
  11. Crisis averted, sessy women located and awkwardly mumbled at.
  12. this nigga all in his feelings n shit Edit: [emoji23]
  13. What if they are, though? Not because of race, of course, but because of social/cultural context of their communities and everyday lives they are in in combination with many psychological and neurological phenomenons developing throughout generations? Various social/environmental conditions are perfectly able to develop laziness and hopelessness. Laziness can be an epidemic mental illness if not treated well. It is a behaviour pattern. This is then easily transferred to their kids. I am aware I might be controversial here and I will probably not be able to explain it very well in English but I just wanted to point out that there have to be reasons why is situation with black people in USA what it is and no, I don't believe it is only because of "white people". Btw, "racist" is not the word you want to use there. "Culturally/ethnically-biased" might be a better term for Trump imo. Race is physical appearance and I would be very surprised if Trump actually thought that you can rate people according to that. This is only tangentially related to your post, but white people are generally clueless when it comes to class divisions within the "black community" (there is no such thing). IDK if anyone has less time for poor blacks than middle class and successful immigrant ones. Poor blacks are poor for the same reasons as all the other poor people in this country -- they were born that way, and social mobility is p limited for everyone here.
  14. It'll help with your light depression, though may cause a brain hemorrhage, or sudden death! They are pushing fucking prescriptions for "overly dry eyes" It's fucking absurd. I just saw one of those dry eyes ones with a really creepy looking Jennifer Aniston. What a lol.
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