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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Now I can spend the rest of my life pretending she would have fixed all of this country's problems. edit - Liz pls
  2. I got the email about this a few days ago. That sample sounds beautiful, and the LP packaging looks lush as ever. Really looking forward to this release.
  3. Big budget SF with, like, ideas and stuff is graveyard dead. Unless you count Interstellar. edit - I can't remember a single thing about Interstellar, so I actually have no idea.
  4. A planet without vacuous celebrity cunts. Unimaginable.
  5. Youtube will be the end of western civilization tbqh.
  6. It's true about American late night talk shows. Every single one is abysmal.
  7. If nothing else, I hope this leads to a national discussion of how fucking stupid it is to play the national anthem at every little league game, pta meeting and gathering of more than two persons in the goddamn country.
  8. lol I had a high school who vehemently discouraged black students from applying to any universities in Michigan bc if shit like that. Good advice tbqh.
  9. Emotionally stunted investigator vs brilliant psychopath serial killer is the worst TV genre.
  10. Speaking of wasted opportunity, I think my homie is about to fail out of medical school (for the second time). Suicide watch imminent.
  11. HBO has deviated from that a few times w/ Girls and Boardwalk Empire.
  12. She's been in American politics for three decades, what did you expect to learn in an hour of tv debate? edit - I'd recommend watching to tonight's episode of Frontline.
  13. That's normal for a new cable show. Breaking Bad S1 was seven episodes.
  14. Every time I walk down the street I get shot. Every fucking time.
  15. He's right about American airports being garbage tbqh.
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