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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I've been seeing comments and tweets from conservatives that are saying that they think Biden has no chance of winning the lawsuits. Or the 'more recent ones'. How deluded do you have to be. Is there anywhere legitimate where these 'lawsuits' are being tracked and what evidence they claim they have? There is always SOMEWHERE where something is the tiniest bit may look suspicious. It's just that conservatives seem to think there are over 5 million of these instances.
  2. Even internet neo-nazis cringe when the nazisms are 100% blatant. They worked so hard to create a veritable language with their dog whistles, and this old guy comes out and waves the nazi flag.
  3. Does anyone think counter-protesting was a good idea this time? I think it's obvious the MAGA people are looking for an outlet to fume.... and Democrats won this time, and there is no way either party will protest peacefully if both there in large numbers.
  4. stockpile 2000 tracks, and when you finally get bored of it come out with 200 albums.
  5. Million MAGA March. If Trump's inauguration was anything to go by, there will be nowhere near that turnout. I heard from a friend that HIS friend's work is actually going to pay his employees to go march with them... well they will be 'clocked in' while they are there at their work back home.
  6. forgot to mention. It's Friday the 13th tomorrow. Perfect for my first day of evil.
  7. Most of the island would be his golf course. And he would give his "followers" a small section of the island, probably the most useless part of the island. He would have also made up a narrative meant to stop anyone from leaving the island... an Alien invasion (of Mexicans) (Think 10 Cloverfield Lane). Then he would prime his base and convince them that the white race must rebuild here, and finally... he would be able date his daughter Ivanka at last, telling her that it's up to them to save the aryan white race! Turns out the events that led him and his base to the island was just Trump wanting an excuse to finally be with his true love.
  8. Nah. We're on page 999 which is an inverted 666. I'm pretty sure that is symbolism for my turn to evil.
  9. I assumed someone's gender. I am horrible person now. I'ma go join the conservatives. STOP THE STEAL!
  10. In a movie, every time I see the bad guy throw the protagonist around the room instead of actually hurting him or her, it immediately takes any immersion out for the next minute or so. And it's in 80% of all action movies/ horror films. At least one throw. He's probably a body builder admiring the insane muscles of your avatar. But also likes your practicality of wearing a mask while flexing.
  11. Random question, but is there some video or article that does goes into depth on the similarities and differences of Trump vs Hitler or any prominent authoritarian? Ah. So that's why he suddenly hates Fox and told his fans to start hating fox. I wonder if Fox had remained 100% loyal to him, if he would have suddenly found a major reason to hate Fox because of his new indoctrination channel.
  12. Anything is better than fascism. That's what Donald didn't realize when he constantly called him Sleepy Joe, as if being sleepy is somehow worse than his being a fascist. "Crooked Hillary" was such a better and more effective nickname back in 2016. I will take a govt that will probably be the personification of get-nothing-done centrism over Authoritarianism, thanks. I finally will get to kick back and not really pay attention to politics really until the republican primaries are back, and I'm sure the sequel will be even better than the 2016 original. The only thing I expect and hope from Biden is to roll back all the changes made since Trump took office. After that I honestly don't expect a thing from Joe and unlike in 2016, I am going to be relieved at what we avoided for the next few years I am sure. Mediocrity has never looked so good!
  13. If his base thinks there is voter fraud based on zero evidence and due to a lack of understanding how insane it would be to fake millions of votes.... yeah I think they would think of him as a Martyr even if it did die of natural causes on a golf course somewhere.
  14. If an award show for stupidest quote ever uttered was a thing, Trump's "If you Count the Legal votes, I easily win" bit would definitely be in the top 5. When he inevitably starts running for re-election in 2024, he will still be addressed as the Current President when he is around his worshipers.
  15. US citizens are too sheltered to REALLY get that. We still think we are the benevolent world police, especially conservative who will bring up the few times we were on the right side, and never on the wrong one. One of my best friends will always make that argument as if they are the only conflicts that mattered. Talking to him and his wife, they are great people in terms of being individuals, but they will always bring up the GOOD things the US has done around the globe, and either ignore/forget/ or maybe not even really know or understand why so many countries are wary of the USA. Basically they are patriots who do their part ignoring the bad stuff, and I have never gotten thru to either of them. They think too highly of the USA to really examine it for themselves
  16. The only way for humanity to truly progress as a whole, is to somehow stop people from falling for it. Then you won't get fascist govt. and all that. It's not random at all. People think it's because Trump is an idiot... and he is.... but he knows how to create a narrative and he knows how to play his base like a fiddle. He also does this thing where he will agree with someone on a topic, and then disagree the next day... agree the next... etc. Allowing gullible people watching him to pick and choose what version of Donald Trump most appeals to them. It is crazy how obvious it is with a million red flags, and yet....
  17. it's crazy how easy indoctrination is. All you need is the semi-frequent repetition of the idea to citizens, and then after a while they will forget where they heard it from and think it's something they reasoned out at some point. Then when they have internalized the lie into their belief system, they agree with whoever is creating the propaganda as if it was their belief all along. Then you start taking different propaganda ideas, and stringing them together in an abstract fashion, to create a kind of "lifestyle" out of the propaganda that the person may never be able to escape from - such as tying together conservatism and religion. It takes a lot of work to undo the damage.
  18. That isn't my opinion. I don't know Biden. I am just going off of what his family has said whenever asked if Biden is mentally fit for president, that is it. For now I am taking them at their word.
  19. Biden stuttered in his youth, and trained himself to overcome it as much as possible, so it comes off like he can't say the word on occasion. I think that would be a very bad idea. Maybe he could start his own sub-party (tea party as an example) but then still run on Republican ticket.
  20. You should stop paying attention to news networks that either dislike or hate progressives. The past four years has proven that the political overton window of the country is going to move in the direction of the president. Trump made the whole country more conservative with their ability to control their narrative. Bernie/AOC did not.
  21. The theme and voice was playing in my head. Even the little conga percussion part at the end. I also heard the white noise of mics from the 50s and 60s. lol Most US centrists are right wing in other countries
  22. All that had to happen for Trump's second term win was for 1-2% of democratic voters to stay home. In four years well after the pandemic, I will bet at least some Democrats will let their guard down just enough for Trump to slip through assuming he gets as many votes in 2024 as he did in 2020. Knowing Republicans, every single one who voted this time will vote next time. The biggest ally for a 2024 Trump presidency is American's tendency to forget things, or look back on it as "not as bad" as they remember it being, etc. I doubt the next election will have as many votes total as this one did as well, especially if the media tries to forget Trump still exists. Which means the media MUST remind us come next election year edit: And I feel I should add that yes, Trump betrayed them. But for some reason the great majority of them haven't figured that out yet... and because of all the rallys I am guessing, Trump managed to pick up a TON more votes this time. It is clear he has more die hard fans now than he did 4 years ago. I have a sinking feeling Trump will still hold rallies over the next 4 years. Maybe not as many, but he will resume campaigning in a year or two. I think that is why he is still building this narrative of voter fraud as he will use that narrative to get conservatives going again for him.
  23. I have a feeling nothing will happen. I bet after Trump is gone, people will try their best to tune him out. I am just wondering if the GOP will stick with him because of 2024 prospects, or shed their "Trump is awesome" mask and revert back to bashing on his like they did during the primaries when he didn't have a chance of winning in their mind. 75% of the Trump supporters I talk to have no clue Trump has done and said most of the shit he has said. They don't bother to keep up with him in the same way liberals do. Not to mention their media only ever talks about the "good stuff" and spins all the controversies to be pro-Trump.
  24. I can't wait till some good movies come out about the Trump presidency in the next decade (or two).
  25. I thought that for about 10 seconds when it was announced he got Coronavirus. Then I started thinking about all the people he has killed by turning the mask into a political thing. Now I will never feel sorry for him ever.
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