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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Brisbot


    As someone who has never read or seen Dune 1984, I think it was pretty straightforward. The movie had that energy the first Matrix film has where each scene just flows naturally into the next scene all the way to the end of the movie with no boring scenes at all.... well the end of the movie in that sandstorm I did start feeling a tiny bit bored due to the way the scenes were shot. And the callback felt forced there (just let yourself become one with the storm or whatever bit), but besides that film was solid. That said, it still felt as if it only covered the first third of the book (guessing here). It feels like we aren't far into the story at all. It feels like the end of act 1 of the three act structure where the 'hero' is just now starting his journey to get buff enough in act two before coming back to beat the villain in act 3 with his muscles. I assumed there were going to be three movie, and was surprised to see the next one will have covered the first book. Oh. WTF was the black liquid the House Harkonnen dude was swimming in. Seems like he could breathe in it and didn't need to surface for air. And that scene with the assassin in the wall was confusing. He was in the wall for 6 weeks? what? It was hard to tell what was going on due to the dialogue being hard to understand there. It looked like he had been dead for days when they found him in the wall, but apparently they had just then discovered him?
  2. Now I know why the new teachers always seemed to take 2 or 3 years to get a solid curriculum going that fit the time frame of the class. Seemed the first year or two of a new teacher was always "not enough learning" where we would get an assignment but get like... two or three classes to do them when we only needed 1 , or there would be way too much, a lot of unhelpful filler work which just wasted everyones time, and after a year or two the classes after us wouldn't have nearly as much as we had to do in the honors classes I took. I remember a history teacher's first year teaching she had us do a project like every month that would normally have been an end of year project, and would take up more time than the advanced math classes. Then two years down the road, the same teacher halved the number of assignments the class two years under me had to do, and they still complained that it was too much.
  3. I wish I had a wider appreciation of music. I mean that, not being sarcastic or anything. I am pretty picky when it comes to music. Probably more picky than most people on this forum which is already somewhat niche , and I wish I wasn't. It's kinda like wishing I enjoyed a wider variety of food. I'd rather enjoy random new tracks/foods thrown in front of me at times than be that guy who is like " yeah I like that but just don't put any toppings on it.... yeah I know not wanting white gravy on mashed potatoes is un-american, and i do like white gravy but I like mashed potatoes without white gravy more now give me my damn food..... why are you making this a thing?" Strangely though I have a really wide range of enjoyment when it comes to movies. I like the mainstream ones and the artsy ones and the cosmic horror ones etc etc. But with music it's to me annoyingly selective. I am sometimes pleasantly surprised when I find I like a track from an artist that I don't like. Lol.
  4. I will not shitpost. I will not shitpost. I will not shitpost. I will not shitpost. I can't keep giving in.
  5. I don't dislike Reddit in the way you do, really since it is a good gateway into many things. It just feels like someone took the concepts of the 'facebook groups' and forced it into the 'forum format', replacing likes with the upvote/downvote system. So you will get a lot of people looking for subreddits to follow and they will think "I have spent a total of 3 hours of my life thinking about this one subject/thing here, so that is good enough to follow the subreddit and post my opinions like I already know most of what there is to know." There is a reason reddit has so many users. If you are a newb and want to get into the basics of a subject, Reddit is good for that since every topic under the sun as 20 subreddits dedicated to it. IF you want to dig deeper than surface level, Reddit for the most part is not good for that. But there are many interesting subreddits in things I myself am a 'dilettante' of. So subreddits for those things are useful. That said if you like the music you see on this forum, the subreddits are kind of a waste of time. Btw it's odd your friend is trying to beat you to the punch with news about an artist he is just a casual fan of. Lol. I don't get the point. If you are a newbie to something, admit it. It's not a bad thing, and it will annoy people when you say something that isn't accurate with conviction, more than if you ask a basic question about it and admit you just started looking into that thing.
  6. Aphex Twin is on some level a mainstream artist, and Reddit is a general forum that appeals to the 'surface level' of a subject. Go look up Aphex Twin on Kanye West's subreddit. I don't even have to go there to know a lot of people who don't know what kind of music he makes is going to say they like Aphex Twin, and will have listened to his albums a few times. And if they do know who he is and have listened to some of his albums (and Board of Canada's albums) they are going to say "I don't like the term IDM because it implies it's more intelligent than other forums of dance music." Because the term EDM implies that it's " Electronic " Dance Music and nothing else is. Point being Reddit appeals to 'beginners' / dillitants. Kinda. I'm sure there is a better way to describe it. Not every subreddit is surface level, but for the most part they are.
  7. How often do people come together for something that has little to do with them on an individual level?
  8. Question about people's experiences with facebook vs mine. I am on facebook but rarely go down a rabbit hole of looking people up. Only when I haven't seen them in a long time and am thinking about contacting them to hang out. Besides that IDGAF about some random person from my High School whos friend request I accepted years ago (when I shouldn't really). Tho I did go thru and unfriend a lot of the people I barely knew at one point of another. When I am reading other people's posts it's always in my mind that they are only showing their best moments and are playing the positive moments up because that is what facebook is. So when I see someone with a 'great life' on facebook then hear about all the problems they are having outside of that, it doesn't surprise me at all. I just assume everyone is like that to one extent or another. Because of that I have never really had an urge to get rid of facebook beyond the fact that companies have my data and I am in some algorhithm somewhere feeding me the right posts at the right time. That is the only reason I can think of to quit. Is that most people's reasons or does the 'fakery' on facebook make browsing it unpleasant?
  9. Pineapple with Pizza was actually made by the Nazi's, but when Hitler found out about it, he immediately shut down the project citing worry over "egregious human rights violations". The man who apparently came up with the idea was "disappeared" shortly thereafter.
  10. Well at least he tried. Biology before Darwin/Evolution was also a bit weird.
  11. As the Spoon boy in the matrix says: "It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."
  12. Brisbot


    Lol I laughed each time it devolved from the happy melody into ghost kids playing in an abandoned playground. IDK why but it's really funny each time it slowly devolves, losing the melody note by note and transforming into a horror soundtrack. It sounds like when you set up a random arpeggiator in your DAW that sticks to a certain key.
  13. edit: this post is really weird. I must have been drunk or something. Lol. I should know better. Doesn't represent my thoughts. I think I was joking about it. I hope so anyway xD. So just deleted the weird bits. I have also managed to find the stems to "Lil B - I'm God" which Clams Casino produced the background music for, and I took out Clam's Casinos part of the track and now am just left with Lil B's rapping over it. A true diamond in the rough. Or maybe just 'A true turd in the sublime'.
  14. This "Losing the one" issue will be resolved in the new Matrix: Resurrections movie coming out. So no need to worry about it anymore ever.
  15. I think the time to call it quits will be in a few seasons if the show doesn't get better and continues the downward trend. The last episode was intriguing in that I want to see the show take on episode outside of the finite curve thing. If the show become good again how it was before then that would be great. However that doesn't happen often sooooo. Still going to check it out when the time comes.
  16. Rick and Morty keeps getting worse each season since 3. Season 5 is still alright overall, but it is starting to feel like a trend downward. Even though it is still watchable, if the writing becomes worse or if it stays stagnant in that 'alright' area, I definitely think I will stop watching each episode as it comes out. Season 5 had 6 decent to very good episodes, and the rest were bleh to horrible. If this continues I'll probably end up just waiting till the season is out, and watching the 4 episodes that will be worth watching. Another issue is that it feels like it's starting to repeat itself. Not literally in bringing back old ideas, but coming up with new ideas that are somewhat to very similar to old ones. I can see that they are probably running out of ideas. In season 3 I remember thinking it still had steam to last for a long time, but I feel what happened to The Simpsons is beginning to happen to Rick and Morty. The writers are becoming bored and moving on, the creators are wanting to try other things, and the show suffers for that as new writers come in. Unfortunately it generates a ton of money so inevitably when it does go bad at some point, it's going to continue the downhill slide past "bad" and most people will move onto new shows.
  17. LOL well you're gonna get old whether you like it or not. You can either accept it and listen to Radiohead like your Dad listens to Pink Floyd, or you can deny it and put it off until that day you look in the mirror and realize you are old now. Not middle age. Not getting old with some grey whiskers... no... OLD. And not listening to Radiohead didn't do a damn thing to stop it.... ... I'm projecting? what do you mean I'm projecting?? YOU are projecting!
  18. No, you can't make me write something random.
  19. And to add one more thought. The only way for an economy to be allowed to evolve would be to course correct for mistakes without everyone wanting to jump ship to the other political parties ideology if something goes wrong or is miscalculated somehow. It's okay to fuck up if you also can fix the fuck up to hopefully get one step closer to a better economy for everyone. So you would have to teach people that failure is an opportunity to learn, not a moral failing leading to someone being a loser who doesn't already have all the answers. Then over time that could be applied to broader things like the economy. It's a fundamental mindset that needs to change, and expecting older people to do that is a waste of time.
  20. I think the economy needs to be looked at as a tool, not a static thing to worship for money to flow in. A tool that can and NEEDS to evolve over time as we learn more about how it works, and more about our understanding of people and what contributes to a happier life etc etc etc etc. It needs to be malleable in that sense. But you also need people to see it that way, which is hard when your govt. forces a static understanding of capitalism, communism, socialism, etc etc. to where you have to be able to read about economic systems with a mind open enough to change. Good luck finding that! Lol. I have been wanting to really dive deeper into different economies as I find it interesting. Most people though will want a simple answer, it's just how most people work - they like patterns as it makes life simpler for them. America is a Meritocracy, if you don't like it, you can giiit out! You could write a book on it and still it wouldn't scratch the surface of everything that needs to change about humans relationship with their economy and their moral priorities in life.
  21. I've been meaning to explore different economic systems more so I can think more clearly about the pros and cons of systems. The issue is when people worship these systems to the point as someone pointed out, it's above morality. Money should never matter above morality. It needs to be baked into people from birth as it is obvious why. But people do not do so thinking Capitalism is some weird savior where the people with the most merit make the most money. Which isn't true really in the USA. It's like... 30% true. You have upward mobility in the area you inherited through class, genetics, school, etc etc. But it's always hard to get past a certain point which is different for everyone. So many people here don't realize that. So they say stupid shit like "All Lives Matter" because they don't understand perspective of others and think everyone is equal. I have a conservative friend who is basically like this. He said, well yeah not everyone is born equal but that just means they need to work harder, then they will be equal. It's the illusion of the meritocracy for the people who do have option to have a better life thru hard work, thinking everyone else also has it. He also thinks America has pure intentions overseas so he is all about America having a million bases everywhere and spending 4 times as much tax payer money to the military than Russia (or is it China?). You can also have communist economy that is similarly fucked because the economy is again more important than morality and human life. Religiously. The system will save us. Imagine if we had a capitalist system where everyone was aware of the pitfalls of capitalism instead of worshiping it. So that said pitfalls could be filled in with a social safety net. Correctly. And fear mongering about poor people coming to take your hard earned money was something that made people roll their eyes instead of lock their doors and start counting how many non-whites are starting to migrate into the neighborhood to know when it's time to take flight. There are people who worry about being cucked due to their shit education, lack of worldliness, religious worship of politicians, the purity of the economy, and their skin color.
  22. I agree! When I tell people something is a sample from a track they should know, like from more popular musicians, and they are stumped, I know i have done a good job in hiding the sample so I don't have to pay royalties or whatever. That said I am surprised at just how much he has samples where I thought it would be a custom sound he made. Particularly when it comes to synths and melody samples, not drums.
  23. I have seen and heard a lot of those songs/movies without realized I've heard them somewhere else as AFX samples
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