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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Well, the people staying behind is more of the "just going along with the other Republicans" type of thing. The actually violent people breaking into the capitol number much smaller, but are much louder.
  2. Isn't that an apt analogy for Trump's political party as a whole.
  3. Seems like for many protesters there, it was either a coup/revolution, or just an expression of their anger, which was supposed to be non-violent, and yet somehow also includes breaking into the capitol... but they didn't mean for anyone to get hurt on top of that..... This makes me worried that they are in such disarray that someone much worse than Trump may come along and pick them up.
  4. I am honestly at the point where all these conspiracy theories are blowing my mind because of how absolutely delusional you have to be to believe them. I guess antifa dressed up those monuments with trump flags and hats. At this point... it's just so... disheartening to know that 30-40% of the country are this delusional and stupid. The past four years I kept thinking the delusion couldn't go any further and I am proven wrong again and again. Now we have tons of video evidence of Trump supporters, and facial recognition of white supremacists', and somehow it is actually antifa's doing. I am so inwardly upset right now because I now think the USA is done. I don't see any way how it will get better in the future. I just want to disconnect from paying attention to politics and just try to ignore it as long as possible. I feel very glass half empty about the future right now. I hope a more sane country takes USA's place on the world stage so our silly country can stop making the world bear our problems . America is too far gone for me at this point. I think I need a vacation. Lol.
  5. I just talked to my dad for the first time in a few days, brought up the capitol thing, and THE FIRST thing he said was that antifa infiltrated the mob and were the ones escalating the situation. (copied text - idgaf formatting)
  6. This whole stimulus political crap has given me a small taste of what Brexit must be like. Though Brexit is much worse.
  7. I don't see how that is possible after you hear his music. Once you go Wisp, you never go back. thx for links, lol
  8. Potentially nub question. I tend to just browse to buy on bandcamp, and spend more time on other platforms for streaming. Tho curious about other people's habits.
  9. Direct Youtube Link. Also on bandcamp post above.
  10. I went into a local grocery store today here in Texas. Last time I was there, maybe 50-60 percent of people were wearing masks... today I would say maybe 20-30%. And yes it is still mandatory, but it's hard to make 2 out of 3 customers do something if they don't want to. Edit: re-reading this I realize it sounds like I'm saying it's a given for every conservative, tho it definitely is a common occurrence, enough to make it obvious what is going on in those instances. I have lied and said I was a 'moderate conservative' in several instances. Oh yeah, agreed. Living in south east Texas, being a conservative isn't much different than liking football or watching Nascar or whatever. It is kind of a cultural given, and if you are white, people will assume you are conservative until you tell them otherwise. So not agreeing with the current conservative consensus is frowned upon. I know of incidents where people were laid off because they weren't conservative, even if they could do the job somewhat better than the other guy who is conservative. If you need to lay off a few people, generally liberals were laid off more often in these instances. They prefered to be around like minded co-workers even if they didn't hate or dislike them entirely. People don't necessarily hate you for being a liberal or a centrist, but they will prefer to not be around you or work with you if the other choice is someone like them. And it will ALWAYS be the elephant in the room on Thanksgiving. I had an excuse not to go this year, but everytime I do when politics is brought up, I am always the stand in for the liberal agenda even if I don't say a word. Anyway just venting frustrations here. Can't wait to move some day.
  11. Oh yeah. One of my republican relatives the other day who "believes" that Trump does have hard evidence, because pissed after seeing that they keep using all this anecdotal evidence. So he said since they have all this evidence they need to use it as whatever strategy they are using now is costing Trump his "real win". So I suppose there is hope that in a month half of them will realize there never was hard evidence. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that for my relative it is still about the evidence. So when all this hard evidence is never presented, eventually will realize it was a lie or at least overexaggerated.
  12. I hope one day they will be able to reconcile the thought that Trump has hard evidence of voter fraud, however he has for some odd reason chosen to forgo using it.
  13. Lots of different forces at work that led to Biden. You could write a book on it.
  14. Seeing people so in denial they think Trump is getting inaugurated in January, reminds me of those conservatives dying from Covid who were so convinced it is a hoax, would refuse covid treatment, and refuse letting family know they were dying of Covid. Then they die. Then the family goes to the funeral thinking the family member who died, died from an unknown illness, and not covid since you know covid is just like the flu.
  15. The best part is always the mystery, but once the box is opened the fun is gone. https://www.iflscience.com/editors-blog/zodiac-killers-infamous-340-cipher-decoded-and-his-message-finally-revealed/?fbclid=IwAR2OQDZislEHi-7gklBg1XDpDsIiUXRkwxrKlDCUVyHEo2o8_SV_qG9R1po
  16. APHEX TWIN IS FINALLY ON BANDCAMP!!!!!..... oh and a few other artists who releases music on his label.
  17. yeah but if that happened we wouldn't get incel cringe compilations
  18. You currently have 4444 posts. Lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brisbot


      Jesus I have over 4000 as well. WTF I thought I was at like 2000. Not good

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      what am I doing with my life?


    4. Brisbot


      It's okay Hugh when we die we will forget all about it. I hope that thought comforts you.

  19. Good news everyone! Zkom and I are currently in chatmm at the same time! New world record! First time since 10/17/20
  20. That would be pretty funny if Democrats started a charity for Trump to gift him free big macs "for as long as he lives"
  21. Goes to show they don't mean it really. It's all reality tv, and the time spent watching Hillary's email scandal or Trumps numerous scandal's, will have been wasted.
  22. ball park what do you think his chances are of Trump actually serving time or selling his stuff to pay for the debt. I just don't see a former president ever going to jail as our govt. would think the world would view it as disgraceful. In addition, there is the fact he has 74 Million "fans" who would probably protest whatever prison Trump is at and maybe become violent at some point. So it just seems like at most maybe he will have to sell assets or something... maybe do 6 months in a lovely two story prison house. I feel the democrats will try their best to ignore Trump over the next few years. That's their usual game plan anyway. I also don't think Trump has that long left to live unless he starts eating healthy.
  23. I wonder how much of a chance Trump would have to win in 2024, and if there is anything he could do to make enough people like him again in the meantime for a decent shot.
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