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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. The Wargames sounds like a good reality TV idea.
  2. yer wrong, he'd be so great it would make your head spin.
  3. Don't make fun of the Organ Trials. Pepl died you know.
  4. I think the 'extreme' thing is more a personality trait than anything. I am friends with an extreme SJW who's grey gender or whatever ( idk how that works), real into that culture. Who, when s/he was in high school with me, used to be ULTRA conservative. S/he made a complete 180 in the space of two years.
  5. For those who want an extended break from Donald J Trump and have google chrome, the Trump Blocker extension is awesome. I am 160% tired of politics at the moment and my mood going south because of politics at the moment, so I wish there was a 'politics' blocker at the moment.
  6. The Master Goat Race! You know who doesn't kill each other in droves? Goats. btw, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
  7. Both right and left wing media like to take individual instances of assholey-ness from a liberal, or conservative, and apply it to the whole group. Then they do this enough and people begin to believe the media. The right wing media guarantee you will take that protester video, and say "Look at what liberals are!" The left wing media will take a picture of someone writing racist white nationalist shit on a bathroom stall and say "Look at what Trump supporters are!"
  8. and I remember that 240p. yep yep
  9. Limpy, you are putting too much substance into those words. I literally wrote it in a few seconds. I'm not advocating for complacency. Obviously a bigot running for the white house is an issue that needs to be addressed when it arises. There are a LOT of reasons for Trump winning. For instance in no particular order: people mistakenly believe he's anti-establishment (lul), people mistakenly think he'll get money out of politics, people mistakenly consider Hillary the SJW candidate and vote based solely on that (as if no other issues exist to them), conservatives always vote conservative, actual racism, some people think that a women shouldn't be in the white house (sexism), they mistakenly think a business man equals good politics, and lots more tho I am tired and am drawing a blank. side-topic here, but an interesting article: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-donald-trump-american-voices-20161113-story.html As they say, in the south here, it's the opposite, where if you say you're voting for Hillary, people will think a less of you. I'd be lying if I said this topic wasn't somewhat therapeutic since I'm basically trapped on nearly all sides by conservatism. My family probably thinks I need an intervention because I never fell for their conservative crap, well I did till I was about 13/14. A lot of them are just now finding out I'm not a conservative and are 'concerned'. It's actually kind of funny. They just assumed I was a conservative because everyone else is. They also think I believe in God. I wonder how they'll react when they find out I don't. Normal people would be okay with it like I am okay with their beliefs, however authoritative people think differently. Not going to happen. The party is kinda already championing Kaine to be the next nominee. I am calling it now. The only thing the establishment will learn is that they need to fake populism, and perhaps not choose a candidate with a semi-bad reputation, whether it's true or not. I WISH they will clean house, I am just doubtful
  10. Citation needed, innit. There is no magical law that says things must get better. Humanity spent the 20th century trying to destroy itself with wars and nukes and genocides, and the only reason we wormed our way out of the apocalypse *twice* during the Cold War was dumb fucking luck. It's way easier to break things than to improve and maintain them. Humanity spent many thousands of years with an authoritarian boot on its collective throat, and it seems like some of us are eager to be in that position again. But, as Hoodie said, people are mobilizing. People are rallying around Bernie. There is no greater motivator in the universe than pain and negative emotion, and we currently have a massive surplus of that, so we'll see. come on don't be difficult, it's just more a 'hope' thing than anything. Things ARE better than they were in the past... it is just SLOW AS SHIT progress. Not everything is better, but more things are than not. The truth of what I think there is... we won't see a ton of progress by the time we're old. Looking at old peeps now, pop culture has changed more than general morals. Btw, I saw a chart somewhere I wish I could link (I'ma go look for it) detailing that in the category of 18-25 year olds, almost every single state voted democrat. Also looking at other countries besides the USA like the Scandanavian countries. Except environmental issues. Things are just worse, and will likely become worse, even if every single country were on the same page about climate change and made steps to ween ourselves off fossil fuel dependency. I wonder how true this is. I imagine they are simply feeling empowered at the moment. Soon their Reagan years will return, and they'll be able to show their true colors.
  12. Rant I need to get off my chest about some BS that happened to me the other day: Man, 80% of my FB wall are my conservative friends and family gloating, and making shit up. Complaining about the protests and how all their liberal friends (all one of them) keep saying they want to move to canada. I have met literally 1 person who said that. It's kinda weird. Since they basically only associate with other conservatives, it's become a conservative echo-chamber that I'm trapped in. One of my friend's friends were saying they're happy that planned parenthood is going to get gutted (apparently Pence said this), I replied to him telling him that Women should be in control of their own bodies, and that that what they do with them DOESN'T concern him(mistake), and a ton of people started saying that it's murder, that my values are shit, etc. My "friend" unfriended me (ooooo nooooo!). Got a few messages from family members basically asking where they went wrong, and why I believe abortion should be legal. It's an over-reaction turned up to 11. I can barely believe they're acting this way. I have to see their circle-jerky posts all the time, and I just ignore them, whereas they see their values challenged on FB, their usual place of refuge and freak out. They don't understand the concept of women being in control of their bodies, and now that Trump's won, they're feeling empowered. Whereas before conservative posts never bothered me as I'd see one on occasion. It's ridiculous. You can't stop progress though. We may take a step back during the next 4 years, but we'll take 2 steps forward after. Then these outmoded values will die with time.
  13. I imaging the final thing we'll get before he goes into hiding will be the next Aphex Twin LP. However, I think that he won't stay away for 7 years again.
  14. yeah the wikileaks shit could have waited till after the election. A little of what they found is questionable, but no where near the consequences of a Trump presidency. And as we already know, what they found was blown way out of proportion. I mean, when talking about the emails, Trump never mentioned anything specific, he just said the damn word 'emails' and it was enough to rile the irrational up. Yep. Lol, when Snowden was an issue, wikileaks was reviled by the right, but now that they're helping their cause, there's a huge circle jerk going on with em now. It's as if they don't have principles or something!
  15. I think it's a good thing the releases are staggered by some months. So his return will be more drawn out, and we'll feel it was an 'era' vs feeling like he released everything in just a few months and went into hiding again.
  16. Yeah, I heard it when it was first 'reported' and have only thought of it like twice since then. I actually saw it on the news. The way he's handled his campaign seems like that's what he believes too. I really hope those old views of his are what he still thinks. So the next few years will be less disastrous. I'm sitting around worried that he's going to ban abortion, change the science textbooks to creationism, get rid of the EPA, etc. etc. etc.
  17. You can't blame me for not thinking it's true with what he's said in the past. It just seems like another thing.
  18. oh come on. I can't be right all the time, and when I'm wrong why you gotta make a big deal out of it. I'm NOT GOOGLE DAMMIT
  19. yeup. TBH I don't see him being as biggoted/racist as he ran. I mean we KNOW he was using that electorate from the start, based on an old comment from the 80s or 90s, and I'm paraphrasing, that if he ever runs for president he'd run as a republican because they're stupid. His words not mine.
  20. umm..... oh yeah, you got it perfect. Don't worry about it. Then again you are much bigger than Donald. He may get jealous. You may have to get the gas.
  21. Guys, don't make fun of him. We may be found out and prosecuted in the future for it! Remember, make sure your spray tan is on point, so you don't upset our great leader. never call him a 'quite good' leader
  22. It's the headline. There's a LOOOT more to it than: White people. Yes, some white racists voted for Trump. It's more complicated than that. Everywhere I'm looking at the moment, racism is the biggest thing people are blaming Trump's victory on. Simply because it's an attention grabber.
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