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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. oh fuck yeah that's right! I've always wanted to live in a cyberpunk world! See there are always positives when you look for them. oh happy days. I'll become a shadowrunner.
  2. Sitting on the toilet that is the USA with lots of air freshener will do that to ya. But that just makes you a tool. Anyway, your dominant wrist DOES have more blood right?
  3. Guess the color of the next president! Hint: It won't be white.
  4. Everyone's spray tan better be on point tomorrow, or our great leader will be displeased.
  5. Maybe some truth, but the bigger reason is that Democrats didn't come out to vote, disenchanted by the establishment. Hillary is NOT an exciting candidate. As Bernie Sanders said, excitement needed to be generated, and she generated excitement ONLY for people who have been democrats their whole lives.
  6. How long does the immigration process to Sweden take? I don't blame him. From an outside perspective, there must be lots of head scratching. Also, i'm pretty sure he's referring to the US, not watmm.
  7. He'll hold up a poster of the US of A, and GRAB IT'S PUSSY. Which is the Gulf of Mexico.
  8. Why does it have to happen in MY lifetime though. true dat
  9. I bet he's happy he's retiring and is going to be protected for the rest of his life.
  10. I explained myself a bit more in my next post. She barely lost because she ignored an important group. I get what you mean, but that's not a good way to rationalize it I think. Look for what's literally happening, not the weird feelings buzzing through your head.
  11. Don't forget that a large portion of Trump supporters were just looking for the candidate that APPEARS to be anti-establishment, and aren't necessarily racist, white, or live in the south. This group voted mostly for Obama in 2012. Hillary LOST this group. She also IGNORED them because they gave her the most flack during the primaries, and it's turned out to be a fatal mistake.
  12. I'm in no way surprised. The Democrats COULD have won if the establishment had chosen Joe Biden over Hillary Clinton. I mean, she is simply too easy to attack, making Trump look anti-establishment, when he is in NO WAY so.
  13. I wish I could just be a witness to this vs have to be INVOLVED with the results. I just wanna standby and watch what happens and NOT have to participate.
  14. *whistles* good thing I'm white and live in a heavily rural area.
  15. I wonder if the media are starting to regret the year-fucking long Trump cash grab they did. What was it? 4 billion in free advertising?
  16. What's the best sleeping pill to help yourself fall asleep at night? Also what suppositories best stop diarrhea? Also, is it sanitary to throw up down the sink? Or does that cause drainage issues? Also, do you think your dominant wrist has more blood?
  17. Yeah, the percussion is a plus. But really it's just solid music beginning to end. Good/Great tunes. ... ok that's a good starting point, but can you distill those feelings and ingrained experiences down into a number? Preferably with a decimal point somewhere. This is both comforting, and not comforting. But hey, if you add to braindrain music, then your music will live on.. in a google cache somewhere.
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