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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Sadly, you might be right about that - looks like they are gearing up to make the OT 'eternal' and forever retell that story. They just need to slow down and do something different. A new star wars movie isn't needed every year. TBH I think if episode 8 was different and less 'subversive' star wars would still generally positive to most people and they'd still be doing the 1 movie a year thing. I'm also sure with JJ at the helm episode 9 will be fine/passable. After that I want to see a SW movie set in the Old Republic. That era honestly seems much more exciting than the current one. With Darth Revan and co. And they wouldn't be able to just 're-tell' the same story with the conjoined double death star in episode 9.
  2. Hahahah! I wish I could get just as excited about roads You can tell from his vocal patterns he's well... has very intense interests. Yeah I always wonder about people who get into things you wouldn't think would be interesting to anyone... like rock collecting or trainspotting. I wish I had that mindset, of being happy with simpler things.
  3. yeah I think that's what happens with every release I like. I over-listen to it, put it down for an arbitrary amount of time, and when I come back to it it's like I have a different opinion on it. I wonder if it's by a change in taste or I'm just hearing the ep fresh again. Lol nu-phex... Field day does feel like a bridge doesn't it? It feels like he's trying out the very ideas he ends up using on the record. Just like Analord is to Rushup Edge is to Syro or Hangable Auto Bulb is to RDJ album. I Over-listen to it, put it down for an arbitrary amount of time, and when I come back to it it's like I have a different opinion on it. I wonder if it's by a change in taste or I'm just hearing the ep fresh again. Probably both. It's on his website. I honestly like some of the bonus tracks more than some of the tracks he put on the album. \
  4. How has you peeps preferences on this ep changed over time? I listened to the ep tons initially, kinda stopped over a month or two, now I'm into it again and I've definitely played abundance more than anything else this time. Initially I listened to the First 3 tracks pretty much, but now I am more into Abundance and T69. I haven't played 1st 44 or pthex quite as much. I don't know if I played them out or if my preferences just changed over time. The same thing kind of happened on Syro where I listened to the Circlont and syro u47... tracks the most, then I stopped listening for half a year, came back and played produk/xmas evet/papat4 more. It's like my second go around I listen to the ambient stuff more, and the first go around the crazy breakbeat tracks stand out for me.
  5. Henry's speech at the beginning reminds me of those so called "red-pilled" people or the Men Who Go Their Own Way folk. Though I guess the ideology is the liar in that case.
  6. I saw another video of his about 'albums' and assume it was inclusive to EPs. Okay yeah much better. This is honestly a surprise considering how lukewarm he is to IDM-esque music in general.
  7. Not sure if this was ever posted, but I found this on reddit (I can't find the link), but the yell on 1st 44 sounds a lot like this: The pitching is off a bit, and I think the voice might be different but the similarities are striking. I think you could get the 1st 44 yell from that with tweaking including pitch bending upwards certain parts. I have no clue if this was the sample but I think it's still interesting.
  8. Yeah I just got rid of it, dumb post.
  9. Sweet, thanks capitalist. I love that release. By all means don't stop there if you can think of anything else.
  10. I went back recently and played the original Deus Ex and Deus Ex Human Revolution. Great games, especially Deus Ex.
  11. So Michael, I guess when you always play as the necromancer on diablo 3?
  12. huh that's a good way to put it. There are not many post 2001 aphex tracks that are whistling compatible....actually there aren't many post 1997 tracks that are whistling compatible. I caught myself whistling pthex the other day. hehe. Got lots of stares, like I was about to become unhinged any moment.
  13. not to mention the track is made on the subtle details. I feel you pretty much need headphones to 100% appreciate the track
  14. Ending just hits me out of nowhere every single time I put it on. Serious skills, like he's taken the greatest pads out of the SAW 85-92 era, the greatest melody out of the HAB era, the greatest drum programming out of the Drukqs era, and the greatest bass work out of the Syro/Cheetah era and just whacked them all into a few minutes, making this new amazing post-Aphex Twin concoction that sounds super new/innovative but super old/familiar at the same time, giving it this timeless aesthetic which really to me is the perfect way to progress his sound. He couldn't be more generous putting all of my favourite bits of his wide discography into some new masterpieces and letting us hear it, I feel spoiled, Emotion is off the charts aswell, so so so serene and melancholic. Great track. This is exactly how I feel about abundance too. Cheers! oh yeah that track was a pleasant surprise. It seemed to come out of nowhere and isn't something you'd expect from aphex post 1995. Many thanks GoDel. I was so excited that day. I forgot you could be that excited about something. It's like a once every few years kind of excitement. And yeah going back and reading it is positive cringe. If that makes sense.
  15. Lovely posts. Had no clue about most of this music. I'm at the point where I've listened to all of the main albums and I am going thru all the lesser known stuff. I'm in the "Melodies from Mars" phase. jesus, thank you. This is a track I never knew I needed. I wonder when it was made. The style reminds me a lot of th'idiot. Thanks.
  16. I love OPN so much. You can hear so much influence from him in other ambient artists it's ridiculous.
  17. I don't know why I just recently realized this, but right wingers kinda suck at comedy. IT all comes off as mean spirited at the underlying message they're trying to convey, like an insult instead of exaggerating reality like normal humor. It probably doesn't help that it often doesn't reflect reality but... I can think of left-wing humor I don't entirely agree with that is funny and in good spirits but not really right wing stuff. Anyone have any good examples of successful right-wing humor? Genuinely curious. I'm into trying new things. Is a benevolent liberal dictatorship the only answer? All 3 of those words are contradictory. lol.
  18. That's sad. I feel like half of the staunch conservatives I know are cartoonishly conservative simply from the kinds of beliefs they hold, so much of which is based on fear and irrationality. I don't understand people who are anti-women. I just don't get it. What a dangerous attitude. Why can't people see this is what lead TO the Nazism. It's the EXACT same kinds of xenophobic beliefs. Good thing we have mechanisms in place to stop people like Trump from becoming a Putin (where he's president for decades and can assassinate political opponents). Though I worry what would happen if Republicans had 80-90% of government. Because you just KNOW this potential is within the republican movement. It's the same kind of people afraid of other kinds of other races, poor people, and honestly the other sex that were apart of similar fascist movements in the past. EXACTLY the same. And most don't have the.. um... I guess reflection to see that. There are conservatives who denounce the republican party, but... I don't know any... man it's not anti-americanism... it's more like disappointed-I-Know-America-Is-Better-Than-This-Americanism.
  19. Oh yes, I think it's forgivable. That said I think he should have addressed it differently instead of performing. He acknowledged that due to the position he was in the women weren't really in a position to say 'no', and that he didn't really uh... understand that there was an issue with the power he has being a top comedian and the dilemma the women face. That said I have no clue what he should have done besides stay away from the spotlight longer. It's obvious he didn't either. It really is new, awkward territory. Seems like many of the online news places thought his career should have been over because of what happened, and like you I don't understand how what he did can be all that damaging to someone.
  20. Thanks. Sorry I thought you were half disagreeing and I jumped at clarifying. What an understatement. People (such as myself) who live with people with the disease can see just how ingrained it is. Conservatives are born into conservatism. When I was younger I was an idiot who held some of these beliefs founded on irrationality. I was... what's the word...somewhat racist/sexist. Thing is, most conservatives are only minor racist/sexist by kind of definition of being a conservative. I mean, you pretty much MUST hold certain views that have a by product of being those things which hold on certain beliefs. It's rare to meet a fiscal conservative who is genuinely fiscally conservative and aren't corrupted by the republican party. I'd say that the republican party is dying but trust me it's stronger than ever.
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