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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I do not watch CNN. Though I see their bad reporting quite a lot. They only report the truth when it's convenient. They are only so much better than FOX. I have a general distrust of cable news. I can see them not so subtly trying to influence public opinion. The obvious example is the Clinton worship and denial of the influence of money on her. Btw read my post again. I never said that Trump couldn't be compared to hitler. I just said that's their main argument when there's so much more that can be said about him.
  2. There is some truth in that cartoon. Not what the author intended though. The news companies absolutely love to harp on the 'trump is Hitler etc.' angle. Because I guess they think people are simpletons. However, if they were doing their job, they'd be pointing out things like how Trump uses his own charity/ and campaign contributions to buy shit for himself, or how he's had every conceivable opinion on each issue, or how he was bemoaning Hillary being bought out, but is now totally bought out himself, or how he outsources his jobs even though he complains about it, or how he's hired David Bossie... DAVID BOSSIE to be his campaign manager, or ETC ETC ETC.
  3. That's a... red knight... I call upon a white knight to help me defeat my enemies... and am starting to get discouraged.
  5. plz don't turn this into a debate. We're having fun BSing things up. plz Tho even if you guys stop, the buzzkill has already happened.
  6. Well, you'd be able to download enjoyment. IF you don't like skrillex, you'd be able to download 'enjoyment of skrillex' Well they'll have to figure out immortality first since it's definitely not gonna happen in our lifetimes. Well, it'll be a different time with different beliefs. If all this generative stuff happens, then I'm sure the public consciousness will end up making beliefs that validate what's happening. Like how the idea that pot is the worst drug ever. It was made a law, then a lot of people took the bait and propaganda, and the belief cropped up that MJ kills, makes you delirious, etc. Since it'll be a different time, MAYBE listening to other people's music won't be nearly as valued. And that will be the belief of the majority of people then. We'll just be the obstinate old guard, with our outmoded belief system :). Not 'swag' enough to hang with the cool kids. QUIT POOPING THE PARTY. YOU TOO PSN. Who knows what technology will look like in a few hundred/thousand years. What we call a 'computer' now will not be the same thing then. I mean, I'm sure eventually they'll be able to augment your brain somehow. I mean we don't even know what consciousness IS. You have to figure that out before you can figure out how to augment it. TBH I kinda don't want it to be the case, I am just old fashioned however. I like the idea of imperfection. Though if I were born into a perfect world I'd probably think differently.
  7. That would be pretty amazing. I wonder how skill would work if you can just download Aphex into your composition implants. Everyone will be as good as Aphex at BASE level. I guess you'd load up on apps, and find ways to combine your downloaded skills. Like Mozart combined with Aphex combined with BOC combined with AE. ... Actually, everyone would just download a Skrillex app.
  8. http://longplayer.org :) Currently playing for over 16 years, it will play for a thousand years (and streams live non-stop!) without repetition. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 5X met Tapatalk Here's some video of it It's making me think. Eventually computers will get so good at making music, they'll be able to make a generative symphony that sounds good, go forever. I'm kinda happy we live now, because who knows how long it's be before computers are more creative than us. I honestly hope it doesn't happen in my lifetime. I wonder if my view will be seen as close-minded in the future. Then again, I imagine machines will become part of humans so. Maybe it isn't as cut and dry as I'm assuming.
  9. FUCK DJ SPRINKLES! Ok I don't mean anything by it. I just wanted to type that out. Also, the album is 32 hours long. Still not as long as the longest song, which is by thom yorke... which is 18 days long or something.
  10. I actually looked it up. Some welsh band released a 111 track album with a run time of 4 hours 49 mins, 20 secs. Meaning, Aphex could smash their record by a LOT. He should release a 222 track album, then send the welsh band a free copy in the mail. While he's at it, he should also get the record for the longest album title. It's 70 something words. of course. No CD release. That would be too expected
  11. He should release EVERY SINGLE SC track, and call it an album. Not a collection of albums, but.. "my new album". Probably get the record for the longest record.
  12. This thread makes me feel like a badass because it's easy to do for me.
  13. *pulls hair out* *realizes that probably a joke* *puts hair back in* Liar, I saw you spray painting your hair back in. You've been watching the same infomercials as me.
  14. Yesterday I went to go make a sandwich, and the american cheese was expired by a month. So I had to use shredded cheese instead, and it wasn't the same...
  15. So what did people think of sausage party? Was it alright? Was it great? Was there too much cheese? If so, what kind of 'cheese'? Were the jokes cheesy, or cheese had too much screen time?
  16. Man, I am jealous of the dopamine surge that transpired post-squeeze. You have what I'll never have.
  17. You can't really tell. Just sounds like the original sound mixed with some reverb
  18. I miss there being candidates that you like, or at least can relate to.
  19. This ep has really grown on me. I thought it was alright at first but now I think it's pretty good. The melodies are infectious.
  20. oh come on! What i love about the sax in the soundtrack is how well it blends with the synths. I generally don't the sax though, so it's impressive to me when they're used well
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