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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. lol, if don isn't aphex then he's (deliberately?) doing the exact same type of trolling he (probably?) did that one time on discogs. I think he said Venetian Snares copies him in the same way. In a few months I'm gonna make a new account with a conspicuous name comprised of two words and no space (pissflaps, cuntingcomglomerate), VPN to Britain or Russia, copy his online vernacular, overly praise him at the expense of other artists, and post only in aphex album threads. Abandon account at 30-50 posts. Rinse and Repeat.
  2. and kanye thinks holding a room verbally hostage will get the room to understand. Same thing he did to Taylor Swift. It's like he doesn't learn from past mistakes. One thing is for sure, him and Trump are like peas in a pod. Him and Trump both seem to think that if you talk enough then it will become true. And honestly for Trump it's working, at least for his base. And it will probably work for Kanye... hell even I've come to realize that that Avril 14th sample was really written by Kanye, like he said it was.
  3. I think it's just a very simple synth on both account. I mean it sounds like it only has a few harmonics going on in both patches.
  4. I'd like him to use soundcloud just because it's more exciting when there's a new upload and tons of people are commenting, felt communal in some way. I understand if he'd want to use methods that would net him some profit for his 90's self's effort. Though he could release on soundcloud and have it linked up to buy it. He'd reach more ears that way.
  5. You know I'm not sure. It's just syro in textures, but besides that it reminds me more of Dave Monolith than Syro, but aphex twin composed Monolith music. Then there's the middle section which is its own thing and like that one track off field day. It's just really cool to see that a... *checks wikipedia* 47 year old is still changing up his style in big ways. It would be easy to just backslide into a similar style and never change as most people do (in general, not just musicians). I just remember a bunch of useless stuff and I own up to the uselessness of it. I have a good memory in general, but a very very good memory for useless trivia and comments from... like everyone ever. Also each of your posts has this sarcastic tinge to it, it's driving me nuts :P It may very well be, but Marchromt came out with Syro basically, and that comment was like 1 year after the album. I agree, though I had always that that 'interlude' toward the end with the main sine wave was a piano in the live version, but no it's straight up just a stripped down simple synth patch which kinda disappointed me, so I can see why it didn't make the final track, but I still like it. Compositionally it's more complete than the main version and runs the full gamut of emotions in the resolution of the track.
  6. pointless thought: In 100-200 years, people will be able to just press a button and an artificial intelligence will make 100x better music than anyone alive today. I wonder if that will make music like beathoven/aphex/oneohtrix point never and so on and so forth obsolete, since music will basically be 'solved'. WIll musicians basically die out? Instead we'll get people posting curated music to 2150's youtube from AI they 'made' by pressing 'create album'. Or would 'AI' music be looked down upon and not considered music? If that's so, then you'll have these music scandals involved with musicians who claim to make original music but just generate music via AI. Then as the AI becomes better and better, you'll get these esoteric new genres all about subverting the limits of what AI can create. It would also be interesting to see what kind of music AI's would make for each other, assuming they are programmed to like music.
  7. I don't remember where it is either. I know he made it though. I think it was either his SC or syrobonkers... i'd guess syrobonkers.
  8. Does anyone remember that comment by aphex, that he was working on 2 syro tracks AFTER syro that weren't finished? one ended up being End E2. I just realized that the other one is probably T69 Collapse. IT sounds the most syro in terms of synthesis and drum programming, and the other tracks sound more recent what with the crazy panning.
  9. Yeah there is this general feeling that Democrats are just doing this to stall unfortunately. It feels like politics is getting in the way of any actual justice. Republicans just want it to go away and I can't help but feel that democrat politicians are just.. using her/this situation and they just so happen to be on the right side of the fence (Anthony Weiner comes to mind). You know? I'm not saying that's true, it's just the feeling. It feels like a chess move, not about actual justice and due diligence. Week long investigation . Somehow Hillary's emails were more important than a supreme court nominee who potentially has raped several women.
  10. Let's assume for the sake of argument the guy is innocent of what he's claiming to have done, and he's just a frat boy in self denial. I just don't see how a fbi investigation could help him at all. The only thing the investigation could do is gather more and more anecdotal evidence from classmates that he drank a lot and was a party animal, it can't absolve him of having done the act or not. I don't even know what that would look like when there's no direct evidence of the act. So I can understand why he doesn't want one. He REALLY shot himself in the foot not admitting to the whole boofing and partying too hard thing. The conversation shifted from the sexual assault accusation to proving he's not worthy of the supreme court due to his inability to admit what is obviously happening. A smart move on democrats part. Imagine he did tell the truth about the partying thing, he'd still be known as the next Cosby, regardless of whether he did it or not. Which I am willing to bet he did due to Ford's testimony and just the feeling of the case, but even I have to admit that the evidence is only anecdotal so far and as I said based off of gut feeling due to circumstances. An Impassioned he said/ she said. Unless I missed something. I wonder why they haven't focused on the other accusers. That's when it became obvious Cosby was a monster.
  11. Mt1 is like a younger sibling to vordhosbn. Much of the same atmosphere, and would be a standout track if it had been on drukqs.
  12. Hey Donald Trump knew how to tap into Republican voter nostalgia. We need something similar to help tap into idm nostalgia. Okay not really.
  13. Okay that's good, would be easier to just send everyone who bought the vinyl a new one. They really need to take advantage of the popularity of the record while it lasts before people move on. Even Aphex was upset. Though he'd probably be the first person to be upset.
  14. I haven't heard one good word about the vinyl. Is it seriously THAT bad? Is it because of the mastering or the vinyl quality? I guess I'll have to wait until they inevitably remaster it and reissue. It seems like they need to do that immediately.
  15. Great ep, it's awesome to see someone who is still improving and changing while closing into his 50s. With tracks like MT1, and 1st 44 which are among his best imo. I honestly enjoyed those 2 as much as my favorites from syro. Richard is on record for saying that SAW 3 is "half-complete" ...about... 3 years ago now? Whenever that soundcloud stuff was going on. Since it's taking so long I imagine he's curating the tracks carefully. I wonder how long it's been in the works. none of that is the kind of stuff you really play out though. I've seen flying lotus twice and he played windowlicker both times (he's in love with that track), but he also said over the mic that Syro was amazing (i'm like 85% sure he said Syro). Though he didn't play any Syro during that set. It was right after it came out. Maybe it's just not as compatible as some of those earlier works. Earlier stuff also had a ton more pop sentiment.
  16. I really enjoyed that first of the three short films or whatever. I really like the idea of movies putting out short films as trailers verses just trailers that give away the plot of the movie . It would help flesh out the world before you see the movie, thereby making the impact of the movie greater :) I'd love for movies to do that more often.
  17. Well easier said than done. You literally found one who not only likes acid and braindance and IDM but makes it as well, and makes similar music (at least I'm pretty sure she does). Pretty rare.
  18. I am geeking out so hard. Now if only all of my favorite artists just opened their own online stores with this format. It would be cool to see a bandcamp kinda thing with this format vs bandcamps. Also if you wanna throw 'new' tracks up, you can and it alerts your 'followers' or whatever.
  19. hmm i find revising old albums kinda interesting. Wonder if when some of these albums get a re-print, if like, End E2 will be on the album... like if that's the NEW end, or just extra tracks.
  20. This is absolutely fabulous. All of those little hints off his soundcloud and saying "yeah I've found this track and that track" has finally paid off in the best way man.
  21. I'm pretty sure it's within the past few years. didn't he comment once that he was trying to emulate his 90s sound for fun? This sounds like the result of some of those experiments.
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