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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I imagine it'll cause a small bump down, but that's it. All it will affect is a small number of people 'on the fence'. Not the people who adamantly support him. As he's already said, he could kill someone in times square and it would barely register.
  2. I used to take kratom twice a day, which lasts about 3 hours. However I've basically cycled off. I initially took it for depression, though that's long since lifted.
  3. Well, most people make the kind of music they want to hear. If you're not then... I have no clue how you're still having fun.
  4. I don't mind if news is biased, as long as it's explicitly made clear what is opinion, and what is objective news story. Fox news for example, doesn't do this when they have an agenda to push. And all of the other networks, to a notably lesser extent. I recommend 'secular talk'. I like his format. The news is definitely biased, though it's very clear when it switches from the objective part to the opinion part.
  5. that's funny. I listen to bill hicks every day, live downstairs from someone, am a paranoid schizophrenic, have a stolen guitar and laptop, do tarot readings and sniff nitrous.
  6. There's a compilation somewhere of every time he says the word 'fun' or something like "We're having so much fun" because to him it's 'tell not show'. And does he say it in almost every interview ever. Just like how Donald Trump likes to talk about how everything is tremendous, etc.
  7. No I understood what you were getting at. What happened is that I found that conservative jokes mostly fall flat, and then I thought why that was the case. Generally you have to agree with what the comedians getting at to like a specific joke I think. Which is why experiential humor is usually better since most people can agree with the experience... like the feelings or weird facts about it, or whatever they're trying to do. The same comedian can be funny in other areas, but the right wing humor is always a shrug fest. It's not a conviction I have to automatically dislike conservative jokes because they're conservative, it's just an observation of what I find funny. Then I wonder why that's the case. When I think about it, I never really laugh much at political humor in general. I like the over arching stuff, like observations about human behavior, as it's much better and more insightful and creative. George Carlin and Bill Hicks mostly do the experiential stuff more than the 'George Bush is evil' angle. Though they had their fair share of those too. Anyway, Reggie Watts is my favorite comedian ( I think ). I love his type of humor, hasn't mentioned liberals or conservatives a single time:
  8. I would have liked to see him in the 70s/80s/90s myself. I've heard his energy wasn't there in the last few years. BTW, I actually can recommend a comedian: Reggie Watts.
  9. I don't actually laugh at Carlin and Hicks much, though they are still pretty entertaining. Carlin was funnier back in the 70s and 80s, his style changed later on. I still like both versions of Carlin, though it's like two different people. The type of humor is different. It isn't really laugh out loud type of stuff, but they're still fun to watch. It's that inward humor. It's hard to explain. Yeah, right wing political humor tends to be bad. That's just the way it comes off to me. Most right wing comedians usually don't rely on it so they can still be funny when they're using experiential humor. But when they appeal to conservative beliefs it just isn't funny to me. I heard Joe Rogan the other day, and he said something like: "We're inventing too many diseases". The angle was that people need to toughen up, and he got claps from the audience. But the reality is that we are just more knowledgeable than we used to be. So the joke just falls flat. Exactly. The issue with conservative jokes usually is that they're set up to fail. The point they're trying to make is one you don't agree with, and not particularly witty. Left wing comedians tell stories of right wing people coming up to them after the show telling them they didn't laugh at all. It's the same thing from the other side. ... um ok sorry Spanish Fellow.
  10. Bill Cosby. Yes, that's the correct answer. Don't know what El Spaniardo is thinking asking such an obvious question. Anyway, thx for all the recommendations. Besides spanish man being purposely difficult.
  11. Thanks for the recommendations so far! I've written the ones I haven't heard down. I'm surprised I've heard a lot of them.
  12. Just recently got into listening to them really. I mostly have listened to the popular ones.. Louis CK, Bill Hicks, George Carlin etc. etc. Recommendations of any sort?
  13. This is it in a nutshell, not laziness. I also suggest you guys don't argue, it'll go nowhere and be a waste of time.
  14. Think about the future man! I can't wait until they come up with a happiness pill that solves everything .
  15. It'll help with your light depression, though may cause a brain hemorrhage, or sudden death!
  16. Welfare for the rich is great! Doncha know? After they get the tax cuts, they'll trickle it down!
  17. I edited my post.. again.. from above. Well, AP are just the reported stories. But if the reporter sucks, then the reporter sucks. I actually don't read AP, I was just saying looking at the source is the best news since there's less opinionated swing on it... tho I am sure there are plenty of instances of biased reporters
  18. I already do. Look, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie ARE aliens who just filed for divorce, you know that? TBH Auxien, I haven't checked out that many YT sources of information. I can usually tell if they're clickbaity or not, and I just don't give them a shot if they are. Secular Talk is excellent. I recommend him. He majored in journalism btw. That doesn't MEAN much, but he at least knows what it means to be a journalist, and is professional in his approach to news. The main issue is that he's only one guy. Which is upsetting. Hopefully he'll keep growing his audience and become big. I'm basing my assertions off of watching ST. I'm sure there are plenty of yt news sources that fit what you're talking about. ST really isn't one.
  19. Hmm. Actually reading the associated press is probably the best news source. Noam Chomsky does this.
  20. Trumps a straight up racist. I know you're not talking to me limpy, but I wasn't saying Trump isn't a total racist. I was saying that the media harps on it when it's a preaching to the choir kinda thing. It's a bad strategy if you're trying to convince people who like trump, that he's a bad choice.
  21. Adieu, I agree with you about Fox. They're one big conservative propaganda machine. I am just pointing out that CNN aren't innocent as well and do have propaganda. . Fox are kinda evil though, I wouldn't call CNN evil. This is why youtube is generally better, and why youtube is giving the news networks a run for their money. They're doing a terrible job, and that's expected from them. So I don't watch them.
  22. I partly agree. Secular Talk is my favorite source. However, TYT for example, will post very clickbaity titles to their videos, and have a bunch of silly stories they're covering. Check out Secular Talk's video titles, not that many are clickbait-y. They get right to the point. And he's only interested in reporting the facts, though he does give his opinion on the story, but he makes sure you know it's his opinion, and not necessarily reflective of reality in case he has it wrong. CNN doesn't do this. They use subtle language to influence the listener. He's more reliable than CNN. But are youtubers worse? Well No. My argument against CNN isn't that they're always wrong or anything. I mean, for example they're obviously avoiding talking about the influence of money in politics, whenever it's brought up on their show, they're dismissive of it. It's what I mean by underlying agenda. Also their use of language, such as when they're very off putting of Hillary being sick, is meant to influence the listener vs tell the facts. IF the news doesn't affect this agenda, then they'll report the truth/facts. It's still wrong. FOX however are on another level. They're trying to make up a reality for their viewers that doesn't exist. Like at all. While CNN usually reports the truth, however still have an agenda. I actually started disliking CNN after I started checking out youtube sources. As I said, my favorite is secular talk. If I had more time I'd probably watch CNN and Secular talk. Though since to me ST is more reliable, I watch him more.
  23. Anyone fed the wrong information for a long time, from an authority source they trust, will believe almost anything. It was an event for me in my life when I realized how important evidence was for believing things, though I had been raised believing things based on faith. IF since birth evidence and facts were taught as important criteria, then I think the majority of people would call these cable networks on their BS. I mean, everytime I watch CNN pretend like Global Warming is still a discussion, I sigh. Or how they get all complain-y about yet another stupid thing Trump said, I sigh. They could be handling Trump so much better. It's sad that the best news sources are from youtube outlets since they usually don't have an underlying agenda. Or you can browse the associated press. Btw, CNN and Hillary are much better than Trump and Fox. But we're still getting hoodwinked in the end, yes?
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