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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Oh come on, it's 2 years and about 9 months. It isn't 3 years! We aren't that much older yet! We got 3 months to go.
  2. lol. Try not to think of these tracks as official. He hasn't had a 'big' release since Cheetah.
  3. Hell, aphex probably has another 230 tracks worth listening to that he could easily release on soundcloud. He'll make 20 vinyls with 10 tracks on them each, releasing them at 20 shows.
  4. New aphex music always gets me wet because I go jam out to it in the shower. And it always make me wanna go work on new music. I'm really digging it. Though, Im beginning to wish to hear more of the acoustic side of aphex, and not necessarily CCAI, but sampled acoustics. Oh yeah... and I'm also glad he no longer feels the need to only put out his very best stuff. I wanna hear the decent stuff all the way to the best stuff. Though I suppose that started with analord.
  5. I really like the different approaches he takes from LP to LP. Sitting still stylistically is not the right way to go about making music. It's also interesting how different it is while still adhering to many of the same types of sounds. I wonder how old these tracks are. It sounds like his recent stuff in terms of sound quality, but stylistically some of it sounds like he could have made it back in the 90s. Some of it sounds like newish ground for him. It reminds me of sega genesis FMing which isn't a bad thing. It also reminds me of that one track 't08+4'
  6. I'm really liking this series. It doesn't reach the highs of breaking bad, but it is also it's own thing and can only kind of be compared.
  7. I don't see why any of those accounts would be Richard. The closest one I think may be him is that one with the most "Aphex in Tuss' Studio" or whatever. Then the conspiracy videos that were liked on that account BEFORE he admitted being into that kinda stuff on his SC profile. I also remember a cool video with a group of people drumming on pots and pans or something.
  8. I refreshed youtube a few hours back, and the teaser popped up with like 2k views. I clicked on it, and in that time frame it had 5k views. Speaking of the score, the bit at the end is VERY similar to the music used for 'Plagueis Theme' during that opera scene in episode 3.
  9. Nintendo are some greedy fuckers, eh? Watch - SNES Classic will be out, or they'll release the same NES Classic, this time with 30 different games on it. Rumours are a certain third-party licensee didn't like the fact Nintendo was selling these like hotcakes and wanted a bigger cut of the pie. So, Nintendo hastily pulled it from the market to avoid having to potentially pay more to the licensee. Another is they are so worried about piracy (this thing is really easy to hack and put 90+ games on it), they decided it wasn't worth keeping in production. REALLY NINTENDO?! discontinues feels like a loaded word for something that's barely been available. I have a few friends who never got theirs because of supply issues, and now they probably won't get theirs. Surely nintendo knows that it's doing well and they're, like Joyrex said, gonna re-release it with either different games, or hopefully MORE games. Maybe one that can play cartridges, and cartridges that come available with 10+ different games on them? That would be something worth buying. I'd probably jump on that. It would feel like the old systems are out again. They won't though... and it's confusing why since it would only make them more money. People would be all over that system and however many cartridges there would be. maybe make 40 different cartridges with 10 games on them. It would be fun to collect them.
  10. Yep! I was gonna wait for a few episodes to air but I went and watched the first episode after reading your comment and it was a fun episode definitely. Not as good as Breaking Bad, but the show stands on it's own two feet. Yeah, that's a good idea. I usually do this with shows since I'd rather binge a show over a week or 2 than keep up with it for 10+ weeks. It's also easier to remember plot points if you watch it over a short period of time. I'm probably gonna let a few episodes accumulate then go back and watch them.
  11. Probably already stated somewhere in the thread, but in Florida every single case is supposed to be publicly available, which is why the weirdest stuff happens there cuz normally those cases would go way under the radar in most states, but if you're a reporter looking for easy cases, all you have to do is go search a bit, and call the right police department, and they have to give you all the relevant info. So yeah, what's up with Florida Man?
  12. I'm not enjoying it as much as I enjoyed breaking bad but it's still a good series and hopefully will get better each season like BB did.
  13. they view them as the #14 or #15 country in the world GO AMERICA! NUMBER FOURTEEN OR FIFTEEN BUT PROBABLY LOWER! GO AMERICA!
  14. Anyone looking forward to new Better Call Saul April 10th? yeah it was real fun. Hopefully though that won't be the best episode of the season. It sucks that it took the time slot of Samurai Jack :(
  15. Yeah they sound similar. They're also both ambient-ish microtonal bits. SAW2 was all into ambient microtonality so the album in general can remind you of it.
  16. wooooah coool. A combination of spoken word and ambient tones.
  17. Ladalaika, don't worry it's definitely not short. There's a reason I said 'finally' and also focused almost solely on the main quest. I felt like an addict for a few days. But you need a good marathon here and there right? If i hadnt been hell bent on beating the game in a few short days Id have played it like bitroast. Definitely play it like that. But don't worry about missing stuff too much. You can go back afterward.
  18. Did you just take a week off work or is it a lot smaller than I thought? I took off a few days and marathoned it. I haven't marathoned a game in over a year and wanted to do it with something and this seemed like a good game to do it with. I focused on the main quest, beat it, now I'm going around and doing stuff I missed.
  19. If you want something free right now that's super fun, look into downloading 'Brutal Doom' for the PC. It's a super good mod of the original doom. Really brings it up to date in the way it feels. Makes it feel like an indie game made today. You can get the 'starter pack' here http://www.moddb.com...th-starter-pack It's only a few hundred MBs. I really recommend to try it out if you like super fast paced fps. IT's really easy to set up. You can have it set up and going in 10 minutes. If you finish the campaign in that starter pack, which is pretty long and real fun you can download the original 'campaigns' called '.wad's of doom 1, doom 2, etc. There's also a lot of custom campaigns I'm going to get around to playing someday. I jammed on Brutal Doom for like 2 months and didn't play much else over last summer. I need to get going again at some point.
  20. Finally beat Zelda. Honestly it may be my favorite Zelda. One of the harder ones too. At least where the 3D ones are concerned. So if you have a WII U/ Switch pick it up.
  21. I've been playing breath of the wild like crazy. I can't recommend it enough. On the Wii U no less. The game is definitely about gameplay, so the wii u version is good enough for those on the fence about wanting to get a switch just for this game. The graphics are more aesthetically pleasing than 'look good' so getting a switch for it when it's available on the wii u .... probably? isn't worth it. The Switch so far doesn't look worth getting yet. But the console itself definitely has potential since it has more appeal to third party developers. It looks like a completed Wii U, and the Wii U looks like the beta version of the Switch.
  22. OH YEAH! Uh... Diakatana is the worst thing ever. About the reviews... when will we get a zelda game that's just a 9/10? I am getting major Shadow of the Colossus vibes from it. That title is 'wat' defined
  23. *looks at your signature* *long pause* *deletes watmm account*
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