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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Well, belated a bit. Came out October 2, 2006. Close enough! This may be my favorite Clark album. Interesting how this forum was 'promoted' from a subforum to just a normal forum 8 days after the actual anniversary! I like to pretend that was the reason why. So let's all pretend that's why, so it becomes fact.
  2. lets see... a 9.5 is way too much for this album. a 9.3 seem right. But I think there aren't enough hi hats... so a 9.1 seems right. 9.1 is also my favorite number so. That really makes it better than a 9.3... so it should be a 9.3... but 9.3 isn't as cool a number as 9.1, and 9.5 is a good replacement... so... it should be a 9.5. I think. But there is that annoying distorty part about 20 minutes in the album. UGH. Decisions. Decisions. I can't stop thinking about this.... I don't like even numbers, so a 9.5, while not being even, is still even, if you know what I mean... so a 9.7!... but a 9.7 implies luck, which I think doesn't capture the essence of this album very well.. so a 9.9 it is! Well at that point, it's a bit insulting to say YOU ALMOST GOT A 10 FROM THE GREAT ALMIGHTY BRISBOT, so it ends up being kinda a negative score you know? SO THIS ALBUM IS A 10/10
  3. Another thing that remains to be seen, is if enough democrats will come out to vote. Republicans do vote more often, statistically. Makes sense given the general age differences, and the fact that Republicans 'tend' to think Democratic leaders are out to ruin America, so it becomes a kind of moral imperative. At least most of the ones I know, that's the basic gist of it.. Also Hillary isn't as exciting as Obama was. What she has going for her is the fact that Trump is fairly crazy. If her opponent wasn't Trump, and a more mainstream Republican, I honestly think that Hillary would lose. As Republicans will vote regardless of their level of excitement for a candidate. The general belief among the Republicans I've talked to is: "We just need to get a Republican in office". There is more discrepancy among the left wing since we are more interested in policy and things. Which can and HAS backfired. There are lots of Democrats who think "we just need to get a Democrat in office" but there are fewer of them.
  4. Remember when there was no way in hell Trump was going to be the Republican candidateYeah, I probably said that. But really, Trump doesn't have a shot in hell. I'd say there's about a 20% chance at the moment. Was about a 50/50 shot before the other day. Though people have a short attention span, so it'll probably go up a bit before election day.
  5. Yeeeeaaaaah, I played the FUCK out of the SNES game back in the day (also beat the sega some years later). It's my favorite SNES game. I've never had the chance of playing the actual tabletop rpg. The SNES OST is super nostalgic for me as well.
  6. How many times is it going to break that the DNC rigged things against Bernie? OF COURSE THEY DID. And they're going to get away with it too. Because that's how it works in America. Oh wait, no I'm sorry. They made up for it by firing the head of the DNC... who very quickly got a job with Hillary. Gees. I wonder if she did Hillary a favor on something.
  7. dammit audio, I WAS GOING TO RUIN THE QUOTE-CHAIN-THING! But no, you had to hog the limelight. And you don't even know it.
  8. ^^ yup the beginning sounds exactly like the beginning. Sounds like he just chose the bits he liked the most and glued them together
  9. Trump says a lot of stuff. Then the opposite. Then again so does Hillary. Ugh.
  10. A significant minority of conservatives agree with Mr. Alex Jones. Btw, idk if he said anything about Bill Clinton raping people, I just thought that little segment was funny. I enjoy watching trainwrecks like that. When I'm buzzed. Otherwise it makes me slightly anxious when you realize how many people watch the show. Btw, a LOOOOT of people are convinced Obama is a Muslim, and a LOT but fewer people are convinced he's also a terrorist. Millions. I know people personally who think this. Multiple people. Many multiple peoples. IDK from WHERE but it's definitely a belief.
  11. I LOVE INFOWARS: Grasping at straws. Reinforcing by repetition and scaremongering. Yummy.
  12. I'm just clicking on what's on the first page, and in the headlines from the past 1/2 days, so it should be very easy to find if you want to. Btw, sorry I had to edit my post, I've had a few to drink. It's very fun to get a buzz going and reading republican news. It goes from frustrating to quite funny. My writing gets very repetitive after a few drinks and I start to type out a lot more like I'm doing now. I said 'point' about 5 times in my last post, and I keep seeing typos :( Anyway, it's actually pretty fun reading the right-wing backlash and grasping at straws. If this were the democrats, it would be the end of them, yes? They'd have to go into hiding and apologize sincerely and would lose the election immediately, and have a chance again in 4 years, with the incident brought up continually. Who knows if Bill has raped anyone. We only KNOW of one consensual case, yeah? Somehow I doubt Hillary has tortured the 'rape victims' as well. It's funny, they are saying this is something that happened 11 years ago, when the consensual BJ is over 2 decades ago at this point.
  13. So, anyone hear about all of Bill's 'magical' rape victims that have come to light the past 2 days right after the TRUMP SCANDAL? I've heard this a few times since yesterday. Also Hillary condoned the rapes, then tormented the victims into keeping silent. Googling it brings up popular right wing conspiracy websites....so... I don't want you guys to get trackers because I posted something. After all, they aren't exactly the most trustworthy sources/websites. And also tend to have really bad web design and remind me of the really flashy websites from the 90s. Some people will make up/believe anything. It must suck, with your only candidate being Trump. I mean, at this point he's your only ticket from the 'cuck libs', as you despise the left wing automatically , so it kinda doesn't matter WHAT he says, you WILL try to find a way out. Even if you have to fool yourself. Oh yes, and If this actually happened, and had actual evidence, why wasn't this a story before Trump's blunder, and not IMMEDIATELY after? Seems like it would be the headline of the year if there was evidence you couldn't ignore. The 'liberal media' is powerful and does have a degree of propaganda themselves, but after a certain point they can't ignore the facts, unlike conservative media. I am just posting this to illustrate the mental gymnastics some people go through to think that Trump is a worthy candidate. WE may sit here and think "THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN GET OUT OF THIS" but yes... there is if you're willing to place assumptions on top of assumptions. Btw, imagine if Bush was still in charge. How many terror threat levels do you think we'd have done up by the past 2 days?
  14. Gees, thanks for questioning our self-worth. You're such a nice guy.
  15. Well most Americans dislike Trump at least. All of my family are republicans, and half of them preferred other Republicans over Trump. But when he became the nominee they decided that they should vote for him. There is an underlying belief in my family and I imagine many other republicans that 'all we need to do is get a republican in the white house' It's interesting how that differs from the Bernie/Clinton dynamic. Fewer democrats think that Hillary is worth voting for just because Bernie has lost. It shows a bit more self-reflection on their part. Though that can also be a bad thing when an election is about coming together as a unit and voting for the lesser of two dung piles.
  16. This makes me realize that to Americans, the fact that he pays shit in taxes isn't NEARLY as important as an off-handed comment he made about 'pussy grabbing' and infedelity. They should be equally important, if not the taxes thing more-so since that's directly affecting all Americans, along with all of the others taking advantage of tax loopholes. The second thing just displays his character and only affects him and the supposed women he was grabbing. And those poor tic tacs. I wonder if they were orange tic tacs.
  17. Trump would be the tank in my party. Don't you see? He'd deflect all of America's problems to other countries, and we'd beat the game of life!
  18. He complained about Bill Clinton having "actually abused women" when he admits to groping. I love how he's pretending it's just something he said when he admitted to actions he's gotten away with and bragged about it. I wonder how many people deep down are let down by Donald Trump, but he's kinda their only candidate, so they are pretending this isn't a big deal. And they will keep doing so. It's sad to know that even if things like this keep coming out about him, it will only make a difference of a few percent, at most. Even though that's really what's needed, it's sad to see so many people who support him putting up with it when they would be appalled by ANYONE ELSE doing this.
  19. I love me some Booty Diver Simulator. You seen the consoles for that thing? SOOOO MANY BUTTONS
  20. Yep. it's gonna be fantastic. If there is a silver lining anywhere, it's been watching the 'Trumpnado' slow down. I wish it would just come to a complete stop. That would be extra fun.
  21. Having been in locker rooms where I've heard that kinda stuff mentioned a few times. I tend to think the person talking like that is a simpleton, and is generally an asshole. So what a surprise that Trump does the same. Assholes will be assholes. I'd love to hear audio with Obama saying these exact words, Fox News would be ALL over that.
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