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Everything posted by Thiefinger

  1. https://soundcloud.com/thiefinger https://thiefinger.bandcamp.com https://soundcloud.com/qualityheadprofile https://qualityheadprofile.bandcamp.com
  2. this is me when I see there's new replys on this thread
  3. this is what happens to me every time someone starts talking
  4. I started replaying the Mass Effect trilogy, this time going with a femsheperd and full renegade-mode. Playing ME2 now. Enjoyable. Renegading sometimes makes you feel like a complete asshole but at the same time empowers you in a huge way.
  5. Yea. Goat cheese is good but it also tastes like dirty private parts. But in a good way. Goat cheese is absolutely delish and tastes more like perfectly acceptable private parts. Maybe we have different standards. Ahem. Never had goat cheese on pizza though, could be interesting. What goes well with it, pizza-wise? Well once I made a pizza with goat cheese, beetroot and rucola. It was pretty naisu. rucola, arugulua, rocket salad or whatever you call it
  6. Yea. Goat cheese is good but it also tastes like dirty private parts. But in a good way.
  7. blue cheese gets me like is good i have some and gonna eat it too
  8. recent favs, dunno if i've already posted these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7a8cYRJGYk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqXm7stfuLo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rxQwg7vnng
  9. That's because people who are so conservative about food are filled with nothing with hate, sickness and tears of children in the third world. liking bad food doesn't make you special!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Thiefinger


    I wish someone could translate that Danone-sketch for me. I guess it's about the pronunciation of the word "danone" or something?
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