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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by DavieAddison

  1. RIP Peggy Lipton https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-me-peggy-lipton-dead-20190511-story.html
  2. There’s too much padding and wasted space on the mobile site. Otherwise it looks great. Replying to posts on mobile is a thousand times better
  3. I guess you have to be a bit aggressive if you’re out of your element intellectually and your target audience is right leaning dumbasses.
  4. "But Dr. Zizek's analysis was so complicated it was difficult for me to follow" - Jordan Peterson
  5. Cock ver 10 into box energy was awesome. Ended up leaving shortly after that because my free parking ended at 2 and I was already pretty beat
  6. Yeah I don't know why anyone would want a table sized logo in their house. The Switch 8.0 update brought some pretty nice QoL improvements though. I also finally picked up Smash Bros
  7. wtf are they thinking .. imagine most of the money is in the parts and sticks.. also imagine people willing to spend money on this already have a home set of sticks.. also you can’t use this with other devices like you can a hori or madcatz. very bizarre shit going on here lol Probably for people rich enough to make a faux arcade setup for their Switch
  8. Need the opening track(s) asap. Such a surreal, incredible way to open the show
  9. Finally got around to watching the Last Jedi. I honestly thought it was a bit better than the Force Awakens but they’re both pretty bad
  10. He did play abundance, it was great. And hearing 180db in that context made me appreciate it a lot more. It's still my least favorite Syro track but it works well in a club setting
  11. wot!? i lived in nyc a few years ago and came to accept that $10 beers and 15+ cocktails were be a thing.. but never did i see a $30 drink.. Regardless, enjoy them sips and the show!! Cocktails are $15 and beers are $9
  12. Lol yeah. It’s like middle earth synth folk
  13. I’m also drunk and a few blocks away at the place hayhook recommended, General Deb’s. Not thrilled that Aisha isn’t going on until 9:30 when the doors open at 8
  14. I'd been sleeping on listening to Soundmurderer and Aisha Devi. What are some of the essentials?
  15. Yeah I've used the Wallet app many times before at other venues. I think Android has a similar app. With two openers i can't imagine he's going on before 9:30 or 10.
  16. Awesome, I'll check some of those out. Thanks!
  17. I’ll probably head up to Brooklyn in the early afternoon and just hang until the show. Anyone know any good spots near there to chill or eat? I’ve heard Arepera Guacuco is good
  18. Some of these tracks are giving me blue balls because I feel like they should go on much longer
  19. Picked up Celeste for the Switch while it’s on sale. It’s already very hard
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