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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by DavieAddison

  1. Wow you got yours already? Mine just shipped today, but I’m in the US. I still don’t have the downloads in my account either.
  2. Did anyone who ordered the records get digital downloads yet? I ordered both yesterday and they’re not showing up. Pretty much just want the high quality soundlab download because I have the rest
  3. Shipping to the US costs more than the actual record.
  4. https://twitter.com/crashtxt
  5. “I’ll also add more tracks to your account in the next few months”
  6. I like how Squarepusher uses Squarespace
  7. Watched Love & Mercy last night. Really great look at Brian Wilson's life with an awesome score by Atticus Ross.
  8. RIP. He was great in everything. One of the best parts of the Breaking Bad movie too.
  9. RIP Daniel Johnston https://www.npr.org/2019/09/11/759904906/daniel-johnston-acclaimed-singer-songwriter-dies-at-58
  10. Wow it has been a while. Hope a new release comes out soon, Occult Research is one of my favorite labels
  11. Not The News Remix EP announced, featuring remixes from Mark Pritchard and Clark https://bleep.com/release/139593-thom-yorke-not-the-news-rmx-ep
  12. Marianne is the only candidate brave enough to talk about the dark psychic forces at play
  13. Just finished watching the Sopranos for the first time. Lives up to the hype.
  14. The first season of Stranger Things was alright but I couldn’t get past the first episode of season two because it was more of the same. Purely nostalgia porn for people who grew up in the 80’s, but I was born in the 90’s so I couldn’t give a fuck. I’ll start watching in season 11 when they’re all old and even weirder looking, dressing like Power Rangers or some shit
  15. I was referring to him reusing samples like Luke, I didn’t make the BoC connection. But it makes sense because he lifted the melody from Rhubarb on his last album. Hail to the Thief
  16. I never really liked the demo of Twist that’s been floating around for a few years but I love the album version. I agree the kids sample should’ve been removed though. I think it’s the same sample from 15 Step. Thom’s pulling a Luke Vibert
  17. Definitely better production quality than any of his other solo stuff. Not The News sounds very inspired by modern electronic trends. Only listened to it once so far but I like it more than Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes. The best song on TMB is Rhubarb by Aphex Twin (Nose Grows Some) Wonder if he’ll do a remix album. Squarepusher would take Impossible Knots to the next level. And a Boards of Canada remix of Dawn Chorus would be quite cheeky
  18. That ending is lush. Please Rich, may we have some more?
  19. RIP Peggy Lipton https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-me-peggy-lipton-dead-20190511-story.html
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