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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by DavieAddison

  1. (living 20 minutes from that spot, I can't emphasize enough how huge these stairs are) Saw this interview with Ali Boulala recently. Very tragic.
  2. Hasn't it been remastered twice already? Once on 2008 and Discogs mentions a 2011 remaster I was burned by the SAW II repress, so I didn't trust any of the others and never picked it up. Are they good quality?
  3. I'd love to have a remaster of SAW 85-92 on vinyl with a cassette of the SAW 1.5 tracks that looks like this
  4. If anything I could see Lynch doing a spin-off movie or short series with Kyle MacLachlan and Laura Dern. Would piss off a lot of the other actors though.
  5. I will only watch this if Ron Howard does voiceovers similar to Arrested Development. "This is shot by the old director that we re-used. Just pure crap." "Han had gone too far and best watch his mouth."
  6. Yeah I wonder what the theme of this album will be. I would imagine it would be even bleaker than TH.
  7. still better than syro amirite lololo take a winter break bruh 180db isn't the least played track
  8. The finale of Nathan For You was one of the greatest episodes of TV I've ever seen.
  9. Need an updated sample of his mom seeing all his machines in his 5+ studios
  10. Just saw this. That was in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. This is great
  11. I only use a landline rotary phone because I'm a fiscal conservative
  12. $11.49 + shipping for one track that may or may not be a famous electronic artist. Hard pass.
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