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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. lets see Trump man the great wall, keeping out zombies, dragons AND Mexicans his bankruptcy records suggests a quick mutiny, such as the kind that befell whatshisface in t'actual program, b4 a Caesar style stab lynching
  2. being treated by the NHS over 18months pretty intensively, so free health care provided by incredibly skilled & dedicated professionals who rehabilitate others every day fuck knows where i'd be if this was another nation without such support, its fuckin humbling & i dunno how some of these people do it god bless the NHS
  3. half a decade, Mr Balance 11 years..... time waits for no-one
  4. have u tried Cancer Ward? so eloquent, but still a dense, brilliant, shocking novel
  5. watched The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson on the Beeb earlier, best piece of documentary film-making taken in for a long time. Dr Feelgood guitarist Wilko gets a terminal cancer diagnosis and twists a superb, richly imagined tale with Julian Temple outlining his time left on earth, meditating on life, acid trips, music, Canvey Island, Shakespeare, Chaucer & you'll clock countless other references along the way. If you've ever lived with cancer patients or survivors it can be an emotional ride indeed. Fuckin class. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4188192/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b06qqrk9/imagine-autumn-2015-5-the-ecstasy-of-wilko-johnson
  6. that energy is what powers the fiyah of freedom, that & guns just so long as a govt w/nuclear weapons doesnt come to take em munitions away
  7. and Robert Childan IS in the cast, thank fuck, my mistake
  8. London Spy is pretty good for the BBC, all sorts of faces are making an appearance now and its getting more sinister by the episode. Jim Broadbent is a national treasure.
  9. Better than the pilot? I wasn't a huge fan of the pilot. things are starting to heat up, plot-wise, Rufus Sewell is the best thing about it so far, he does that ruthless, calm, calculating, black-caped Reich disciple brilliantly although all the episodes are online now. The pilot had that awful frame-rate buffle that meant it kept ticking, plus it didnt really offer a lot other than a prologue. Visually its a lot more sumptuous, the details are starting to flesh out, but it differs a LOT from the structure of the novel. Hopefully Robert Childan and his angst are going to make an appearance soon, cos it was his intro in the book that 1st drew me into the world of PKD. W/out him i'd be completely gutted. ps: imdb seems to confirm no Robert Childan,,,,,,, which means no "Childan racked his brains." Aggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh
  10. prob my least favourite genre of music ever created fuckin awful i'd take Erasure over this toss.....
  11. never rated Mr Anderson's work until Inherent Vice, which is a quality adaptation of an almost unfilmable novel & it seems he does a lot better when the source material is so rich There Will Be Blood was a rambling meandering mess, The Master 1 of the most boring, hammy, over-rated bags of useless dripping spunk i've seen for quite some time and that in itself nearly stopped me from dipping my toes with IV, which woulda been a shame.....but each to their own watched The Red Shoes earlier, classic late 40's British filem about a ballerina facing some v awkward choices, def worth a viewing if you have the time. Black Swan ripped off all its nuances and themes, but just diluted them severely
  12. Ralph Lawson giving his Back II Basics favourites a breath of fresh air, proving you cant beat proper house music done properly:
  13. The Man in the High Castle s01e02 was mint, Rufus Sewell cappin' a few merkin patriots, not quite as linear as the book's structuring but so far so good
  14. Do you have the thing there that we have here of people standing around at gigs, like neatly pressed together, well ordered zombies, some with their phones up videoing. The neatly pressed together thing is annoying cause when people were actually dancing it was easier to use the chaotic motions to push yourself closer to the stage. Also, kids these days are so much taller, so you can't see shit if nobody's moving, and i'm not short. If i was to hazard a guess *and you know that i'm not shy at ye olde speculating*, i would say that the anticipation of the reaction to their having been able to say that they attended an event on social media, is of greater import in their minds than living in the moment that the event presents. So they cannot enjoy the here and now as they live for this future buzz or hit. this is the new norm,,,,, from parent's sports days to live concerts to family gatherings - phone out like a fuckin zombie taking pictures you'll maybe flick through once or twice b4 wanging them up on *insert timewasting wank platform here & then forgetting any of these moments were actually your short fleeting lives this is why i cherish actual physical photo albums, not for validation of past life, but because they create a sentimentality the digital forgetmenots cant reach
  15. facefuck, honestly i did a spoof account for my dog which got raped by an ex's hate mail, after that it flooded with people i grew up with who i have no desire whatsoever to interact with so that was that really something like Acid House could never happen now because of the influence of facefuck and apathy, because people expect it all to be mapped out for them b4 committing to actual action, instead of jumping in and actually doing something in real life one for Schlitze: #DiY
  16. i'm kinda insulted, our local specialite de la maison Amsterdamagement hopefully in the new year with my bro and a mate, to celebrate an unexpected windfall, being alive & focusing on other things other than fuckin green, although of course a rigorous list of experiments is lined up for various concentrates
  17. Mr Porky's finest pork scratchins ltd to a handful of bags each year, so bad but so rrrrrrrrrright
  18. The Man in the High Castle gets hatched around 20th Nov, looking forward to that
  19. Nurse With Wound - Bar Maldoror...... the full Nurse weirdness dial turned up to 11, quality, ideal end of the day psychic counter for the horrors in Paris and familial emergencies, jesus christ what a day
  20. London Spy - started well, proper wtf ending to 1st episode, read its based on the GCHQ kid who was found in a suitcase & the possible smear campaign. various bits of Toast/Matt Berry, just plain daft insanity and funny too Last Panthers ..... waiting to see if it justifies the multi-national efforts
  21. Stay Down & The Fifth Mission (Return To The Flightpath Estate) are both loaded with personal favourite gems from that period checked any of the LFOS mixes w/Sean Johnston? pretty much define the slo-mo-house sound to perfection (went to Sabresonic spangled many's the time, real highlight in musical education)
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