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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. if you watch his 1st pmq's he does fuckin well completely humanized the debates and made the lord fauntleroys seethe
  2. it has that device Under The Skin uses, where just as your natural male-sexual interest is tickled...........wham
  3. Possession (1981) = true wtf This was pretty awful. Dull, nasty and unfulfilling in every way. Tired of these smart slick, soulless horrors that while ticking alot of the boxes (looks good, good sound etc. not bad acting) are just ultimately so dull and forgettable. Saw Possession (1981) for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Couldn't believe I hadn't seen this before. 10/10. best film i've seen in years. Will have to see 'On The Silver Globe' next.
  4. i kinda lost track toward the end of Mr Robot but thats the pain meds......... inventive, rare hub of ideas, have to rewatch that Scandi wife = unspeakable things always watch Dad's Army when its on, noticed recently, about turn 180, autumnal air and no matter how crap n dated it is its funny
  5. so, should the rest of the world be concerned about a possible Trump nomination or is all the hooh-hah just methane?
  6. its a funny thing, how immersed in a sound you can be and then some kind of change occurs, more acid? fuck knows down-tuned power chord chuggattaq doe, its still a complete foundation musically on some level i never fully understood but chased relentlessly, thru diff amps, pedals, combos (of anything you could afford).....and then slowly the machines took over you could do a super nerdy "here's 25 classic guitarist sounds/gear-wise etc" prob on u-tub already, maaaaaaaaaaaaan i might have to buy a bass again
  7. ta ver' mooch liiiike lazy day tomorrow, see how metal it can go
  8. Just for a minute i thought u were onnabart Rocky Dennis et al..........
  9. as some1 who hasnt bought a metal album since 1987 could any of yous cunts recommend 5/6 albums made since 2000-ish worth a listen? i'm so out the loop, but heavier the chuggier the better (not necessarily slow drone doe)
  10. furry fwends lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrv
  11. ps: he especially likes lil sun spot areas where its xtra warm, if u cant find the cunt he's usually snuggled in 1 of these places i imagine that if he could speak it'd be a bit like john le mesurier
  12. bah, cats......meet Trevor,,,,,,jack russell cross he likes to eat, nap, eat, run, pull on his tire rope, chase varmints, run, sleep and fart
  13. Osbourne always look semi-psychotic with disdain during pmq's
  14. theres no cream left and my kid bro made the most delicious strawberry tart/cobbler thing my fair gob has ever sampled earlier do i go to 24hr spar, in the cold, trippin stoned, for about 5 spoons of pudding w/cream or do i sulk n wish ill of the world neither - vape time
  15. if that It just scrapes past the Canadian anthem, which is a fucking hideous dirge lawl The British anthem is meant to be a waltz and can be quite nifty if played right fortunately we have Welsh, Scots n both Irish anthems to draw from (if you think of things from a British n Irish isles perspective) whats funny is the gusto this leaking sack of cum is given at certain sporting events by drunken twats with that new flag they've started getting attached to too, that flag of St Geoege piss take Anglo-Saxon wind-up ended
  16. its just so flat & dull & the fact no-one who sings it actually gives a toss about her vag except for a few olde Etonians & the elderly is the biggest irony def worth setting a challenge for,,,, good idea
  17. cellulitis free breath easy right lower leg, you're safe for now
  18. its the worst national anthem in the world scientific fact
  19. dude, just fucking consider for a second that you might be full of shit. blairites and others in labour made a serious effort to try n prevent Corbyn win (go and read about it cant be fucked explaining) and either quit or will only be backbenchers if you think all that was a ruse,then u are silly the blarites will still be standing for election as will the party members that voted for wars and all the privatisation that went on, no matter the leader. hegemony will buy influence wherever it can i'm just pleased to see a complete reversal ideologically from the Blair-ites and their septic brain storms that have caused a LOT of harm in the world since Tony B Liar took the PM post electable? prob not, but at least this bloke and his ideologies are beyond the usual Blair-era bs people like Liz Kendall and Yvette Cooper are insipid vacant cunts and we've had enough of those in recent years (&fk all to do with gender either, i meant cunts "generally")
  20. everythings ok now, this isnt some debbie downer shit doe the meds def downed this pilot
  21. maaaaaaan tell me about it i just did the hardest physio any cunt could do AND manage to walk come out the other with both legs working, well sort of.......then this whateverthefuck....... then watching it creep up thinking "you just went through all that for this" fortunately the NHS can be great at doling out brain numbing tablets and if i read out the manifest of what they gave that evening you'd think i was talking shit,,,,,,,, actually i have it here, fuck no cunt knows me either way: 2x10mg of vals 30 mg haloperidol 15m oramorph about 120mg codeine although i snuck2 of those from my jeans on the way down 50mg of Loxapine 2 Chloral Betaine (<---- the daddy) the best a man can get AND walk AND not kill any other cunt
  22. the thing is is that time is going so fuckin quick now this show'll be on in what'll seem like a month or so
  23. i usually expect clarity with your posts but this is borderline Chunky mate he was 1 of the v few at the height of The Troubles to initiate dialog, which cunts like B.Liar took the props for all politicians are inherently cunts because they think they have the ability to manage/change the world, but yer blowing out your arse ere
  24. i am alive infections ebbing, can walk again, no amputations planned (ty universe) so tonight its vape/concentrate all the way
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