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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. ps: the NHS is a wonderful organization, got 50/50 odds by the surgeon that i wouldnt walk again & can now walk the dog a mile & a half
  2. oh i got u there Schlitz try being stuck in about foot-cubed's worth of crumpled, mangled flame-lit car for nearly 3hrs after a blow-out @ 80mph with both of your femurs forced out of your pelvis (leading to pelvis/hips fracturing into various pieces n sherds), with both femurs subsequently forced out & up into your rib cage lacerating internal organs.....add wonky breaks to tib/fib in both lower legs, dislocated knees (MRI's pending), dislocated ankle madness, compressed cheekbone, severe facial lacerations (100+ stitches, no exaggeration and the after effects take some getting used to), mega concussion and right when you think you cant handle another second the paramedics give you i.v. ketamine so instead of the pain stopping you just end up in an alternate reality IN MIND-BENDING AGONY ps: those mechanical sheers the fire-service use to cut through metal are like summat out of a David Cronenberg nightmare
  3. Unicazürn ‎- Dark Earth Distillery..... outstanding ,,,,,,,,, as all their releases have been so far: http://www.discogs.com/UnicaZ%C3%BCrn-Dark-Earth-Distillery/release/4948743
  4. indigestion & a minging Jack Russell who has just dug an almighty hole in the veggie-patch,,,, again - try showering a small dog who hates water while you nurse a recently reconstructed pelvis - sundays a day of rest n'est pas? #robopetowner
  5. Wild Tales (collection of shorts from Argentina) looks interesting with music by Giorgio Moroder no less http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3011894/
  6. heavy maaaaaaaaaaaan, but it gets better,,,,,,, got pulled doing a shade under 75mph on a 70limit motorway, but had smuggled some reeking nugs in a glass jar in my jacket for the person i was visiting. Apart from spending the entire 25mins in the filth-wagon thinking all was lost "can he smell it, cos i can fuckin smell it, noooooooo,,,,,,,,," (and the repercussions), the copper was actually safe as fuck after i explained that this was my 1st long drive 8months after a massive crash that i really should have been killed in, on the same motorway too......he even set me up with some contacts for ISA/speed/skid-pan/blow-out testing, which is exceedingly rare & gentlemanly for British five-O #ihearyouknocking #oneniltothecitizens
  7. your mind must be blown in the best way, hope everything goes smoothly chap
  8. had a dream i got stopped by police in a car friday night, got stopped by police in a car saturday far out maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
  9. from the same jam, but getting funkier
  10. Miles Davis - The Cellar Door Sessions (recorded @ the same club in DC)...... some outstanding jams but would you expect anything less? Find, buy: http://www.discogs.com/Miles-Davis-The-Cellar-Door-Sessions-1970/release/994795
  11. no doubt, thats why Reign In Blood is so appropriate
  12. had a fairly sadistic session w/physiotherapist today and refuse to soil my day further listening to promoters of scientology "laying down" inane wanky sounds/words (<----as opposed to lyrics which implies content) may they all be stuck in whats seems like an eternally broken auditing loop b4 collapsing into some interdenominational/inter-dimensional hell of sycophants with Slayer's Reign In Blood on repeat ad infinitum edit, see, too knackered to write properly
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