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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. @caze The system is farcical, 111 is overloaded, but there’s an NHS app now with all the latest (ie fuck all new) advice on it. Registering has taken 10 working days, even with digitised photo I.d. options. 5000 respirators for a nation of 60million? Time to dust off my Dad’s shotguns back into maintenance:
  2. I procrastinate until about a week b4 a deadline, then get stoned. That instigates enough fear to act. Writing = sober, cos who the fk can edit anything on edibles. A local mental health charity where we’ve been helping with dozens and dozens of skewiff care-plans, ptsd clients who continually relapse because of inept supervision & treatment, and instances of institutional incompetence too varied to list individually here, lost out on its annual funding bid recently. Not to shit on the NHS, but jfc. Fragmented services? Call 111. This means more days waste deep in flooded excavation trenches, which is fun but doesn’t effect the kind of change advocacy does. Premature arthritis ahoy.
  3. Local community mental health teams have been calling in patients on tablet forms of anti psychotics for inter muscular timed-release injections. Tiny response from patients so far. Whatever havoc corona virus does or doesn’t cause, staffing levels etc, 4 weeks from now you may well have highly unstable individuals prone to violence coming off medications they seriously need. Most letters of notification included this blurb from Mind that only heighten the discrepancies: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/
  4. this is all a ruse by Fray Bentos
  5. Snake Plissken is cool with the lights off maaaaaan
  6. Gotta keep the bud flowing, priorities
  7. Some did, some didn't. Lynch's casts seem like a troupe he could draw on depending on the role & the work's moods (Jack Nance, Grace Zabriskie, LFB, Harry DS, Kyle M). Jack Nance plays the same sort of oddball in both Blue Velvet & Wild at Heart, but in TP he goes eccentrically conservative. Then think of EH & the persona he portrays there. Think Lynch had a superb eye for a very specific type of American weirdo & the actors who could personify/capture the essence of that. The Sopranos cast didn't seem to thrive as well barring Mr & Mrs S, or those from The Police Academy series, in fact everyone from the latter should be found & killed asap.
  8. And all those elderly Scouse cunts who harp on about the 70's getting their Covid on
  9. metoo lol but i'm allergic to nuts maaaan
  10. this would be the best time to do acid again after so long
  11. She was a pretty good artist too. Dark Spring and Man of Jasmine are heavy as fk.
  12. Are u conflicted about the badger culls?
  13. My Mum has had cancer twice, fuck all lymph nodes left, so she can’t even have a minor op that’s needed currently. Non-intrusive approach. An olde mate is hiv+ and after all the shit he’s experienced during the long road in recovery, gene therapy etc, this would be the cruelest of ironies. A shopping trolley full of bog roll ain’t gonna help, that’s for sure.
  14. This and Equinox are/were on heavy rotation during Sunday’s Dead Dad Jazz sessions. I know Coltrane is touted for his more abstract work, but the above are like silk. Cheers for the reminders.
  15. Lost Lives - adaptation of the book on the north of Eire, The Troubles & the indescribable legacy of mass murder. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10466232/ From an outsider’s view, The Troubles can seem a bit rear-view mirror now, but a work like this sears itself into your mind. To take a sample set from thousands of killings, then open them up to memory, the experience of family members, witness statements & interpretation takes some doing. Stumbled on last night’s bbc with me Ma from Armagh. Almost too much at times.
  16. https://www.mumufication.com/about/
  17. Mad Max could be better, the vehicles specifically, who wouldn't wanna drive a mobile sound-system with a thrash guitarist hanging by cables off it https://rochdaleherald.co.uk/2020/03/05/coronavirus-equals-uk-mortality-rate-of-michael-barrymores-swimming-pool/
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