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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. on phone, apologies if on page 1 & via Probe in Michigan via Hawtin
  2. Cardiff/Swansea both got tonked by QPfknR recently, walking in a Championship wonder land https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jan/08/facial-recognition-at-south-wales-derby-a-step-too-far-says-police-chief
  3. Old mix (of old n new) with drones leading into one or two percussive tracks to finish with
  4. https://www.discogs.com/Various-In-The-Dark-The-Soul-Of-Detroit/release/481414 favourite tunes from the above & You can hear alt/earlier versions of a bunch of tunes off this comp, lovely gear https://www.discogs.com/Various-Detroit-Beatdown-Volume-One/release/83941
  5. Day before the Tories won. Augury horror all round: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-50849740
  6. Lighthouse's "Doodle" track nudged out a sailing/drinking song memory
  7. dog sounds like a pussy, train the cunt, they love it "did i kill good? i did, didn't i, ripped it all to fuck n back" - "they were my favourite boots maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.........."
  8. Octave One, hallelujah. 430 West put out so much quality too, fuck me, that's a catalogue
  9. Missed due to family commitments, Armagh likes a drink. Lob it up on Mixcloud when youse have 5 mins spare, would be gratefully appreciated
  10. Thing with the 90day tourist visa is you don’t really need to disclose previous drug convictions, spent or otherwise, to slip the radar....the irony of moral turpitude How else could masses of Mancunians, Dubliners & travellers get over for various boxing & MMA events
  11. Have kids = never get to sleep in again, well, at least until they’ve left home a few decades later.
  12. c'mon get into it, but if yer commiserating about our dog yeah the circumstances & timing were the very definition of godly piss-taking
  13. Rat vermin extermination vids, shoot when you see the whites of their eyes...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJwty3bK8zM Would post the Severn Valley Ratters vids, but that'll prob receive a complaint. Nevertheless, if you've ever owned a terrier & know how strong their prey drive is (our own Plummer had to be put down just b4 crimbo, ffs Santa you cunt), all in day's work eh. https://www.youtube.com/user/plummerterrier2012/videos edit - seems frequently u gotta refresh a page to embed vidyos b4 posting, fwp
  14. ta for the porn souncloud lol, lucky the fam are out
  15. Googles for opium dens on India’s northern border..... Once in a blue moon, if you can get it as opposed to black tar heroin, what’s not to like. In the meantime, some local shrubbery ambassadors are thread title appropriate: And for Marf
  16. Haven’t heard this for about 25yrs. Replayed a few times, many many thanks, given me an excuse to plunder the crates over crimbo
  17. For Britannia’s shrubbery lovers, finally some sense. See if you qualify: https://drugscience.org.uk/project-twenty21/?mc_cid=1c88dd0a68&mc_eid=64eb20df6c
  18. When he purchased it is almost Irrelevant, you don’t need me linking up searches to find his inherited net worth. Current opposition needs an assassin. Corbyn def wasn’t that, he voted Leave & managed to make this entire shit show even worse than any of us could’ve envisaged a few years ago. Hapless cunt. I was even forced to vote Labour (1st time in my life) because the Tories were polling close to 40% in our home constituency. Corbyn’s moment was 2017, a temporal threshold that couldn’t hold in the face of populist realpolitik. Labour needs to go on a retreat, mediate for lengthy periods in calm, quiet peace & get a fkn grip.
  19. Think most sane types are glad to see Corbyn corbinned. Weakest opposition in living memory. That he couldn't lance the May-boil when, time after time her head was served up on a platter, said it all. His/Labour's policies were almost irrelevant post-2017, the internet offer was a lol, then the fiscal psychosis of proposed borrowing levels. Not a perfect world. Johnson could've pulled a Weinstein out of his gaping asshole & the majority of Tory voters would still have gone for his, errrrrrm, how could we frame this, "position". However, this cuntry faces one of its most right-wing regimes with all its inherent, de-regulated bs & the fact remains that if a region like the SE had a land border with the continent (in places like Sussex, Surrey & Kent), the levels of lying & duplicity the Tory govt relayed to the population of the north of Eire would NEVER have happened....that still took a savage amount of DUP hubris to finally reveal itself. English nationalists can't wait for Scotland to leave the union too, soooooo Facefuck likey thumbs all round eh. If you have family in the 6 Counties then fair enough Mr Wolf, but if you don't & have never been there or experienced real terrorism in the flesh, then with all due respect, be very careful what you wish for. That's one area where Corbyn was ahead of the curve, but little Inglan could only interpret that through the Tory filters of negotiating w/terrorists, the exact same process of dialogue & compromise that led to the GFA. Stick to the booze youth.
  20. Late Night Diving by Rezo Glonti
  21. at the intersection of hardcore & jungle
  22. Went there as a twenty-something many many moons ago. The hash was stupendous. You could melt it in a spoon & stir into tea or a yoghurt (proper yoghurt weaving). Sketchy as f*ck after sundown, lots of browners, heroin def seemed to draw the more unseemly elements in. Nice opium though, so maybe a:
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