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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. @milkface Aye cos a public school Marxist sitting on approx £4milliom of inheritance with his own front door in north London worth a £million is/was representative of whateverthefuck
  2. Funnily weird, the cuts to King Vlad twinkling the ivories are sublime
  3. You could say the same about St George & his piss-stained, blood-soaked flag
  4. https://badabingrecords.bandcamp.com/album/red-goddess-of-this-men-shall-know-nothing https://xetb.bandcamp.com/album/hawthonn
  5. Quality of resin/hash in this cuntry these days is diabolical. Every now n again something tasty turns up, but it's increasingly rare. UK used to be a haven for north African & Lebanese varieties, then the old Taffia networks died a death when Howard Marks & his boys gave up the ghost & it's been downhill ever since. First saw cellotape as a binding agent in Dutch & Spanish repress around 94-96, mmmmmmm tasty, where do i sign (on)?
  6. Hard Life is such a heavy tune. Heard techno jocks play it, likewise with garage-y crews who pitched it down quite a bit. Def one of the standout tracks since the millennium & it passed the rig test numerous enough times to be a shortcut to insanity. This is far more sedate, almost sounds British: after twinkly twinkles, harder moods w/Infiniti & Step to Enchantment if a repost, apologies, Friday early eve & 150% Inter Avinit
  7. Pretty/delicate weird & out there long n sustained classic
  8. Ideal post-election mind/body/soul purge Hands full, but tunes ON, mint mix squire.
  9. Cheers ears. If there’s enough music, a few more mixes wouldn’t hurt. Got Friday off, so will rinse thoroughly, looks tasty.
  10. Try having a chef for a brother. They NEVER let you use their gear. Ever. All wrapped up in fold out leather wallet fancy-dan thing Got busted once using his filleting knife on fish, didn’t end well for the fish. Lessons in food prep are one thing, but only time spent with these tools gives you ingrained, rapid carving /chopping skills.
  11. would refer the honourable member to the thoughts of William Burroughs on this exact theme, see Invocation section from Cities of the Red Night:
  12. An old Huckaby alias https://www.discogs.com/Roland-King-The-Versatility-EP/release/23819 Bought it for this originally, but all 3 tracks are strong
  13. @IDEM try this on for size: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9652782/
  14. http://www.jliat.com/drones/drones.html
  15. Bebe Yoda looks like a fkn Gremlin extra when he closed his eyes, moved his raptor hand a bit & summoned the force I wanted to glass the cunt
  16. Safe as fk. These got alluded to in another fred a few months ago, the former is still schmokin’ & even though the latter has more filler, it still has some hefty aces: https://www.discogs.com/Underground-Resistance-Interstellar-Fugitives/master/783 https://www.discogs.com/UR-Interstellar-Fugitives-2-Destruction-Of-Order/release/588436
  17. Will dig into as a stress buster for the forthcoming election farce Gratefully appreciated.
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