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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. There’s gotta be a fetish outlet for that, somewhere: “Honey, i’d like to experiment this evening with a bit of a change to our wonderfully diverse n varied role playing proclivities” - “What’s that dear, Mengele’s clinic n yer fishing waders again?” “Getting a bit repetitive that. Been watching this Bob Lazaaar documentary on’t interwebs &....&....alien abductee + light emitting anal probes?” - “....———....———....”
  2. lol Raaab has to be one of the more shameless & narcissistic Tory cunts in recent memory, be a shame if someone physically clattered him live on camera at some point in this shitstorm of false consciousness
  3. https://www.discogs.com/artist/3093-Esther-Ofei https://soundcloud.com/esther-ofei
  4. Will Abberley takes a journey into the strange and unsettling world of the English Eerie and discovers a growing movement of artists, writers and musicians exploring impressions of the ‘Eerie’ in the landscape. The idea of uncanny forces which resonate in a place, the buried traumas and sufferings which lie just under the surface of a landscape has always inspired artists. But in recent years there’s been a resurgence of interest in the Eerie in art as well as ecology and archaeology. It’s in the songs of PJ Harvey, the compositions of Richard Skelton, the nature writing of Helen Macdonald and Robert MacFarlane and the films of Tacita Dean and Ben Wheatley. Will speaks to some of these artists to understand why and how the tradition of the Eerie is being revived in response to contemporary fears and crises. He travels to the Wirral to meet film maker Adam Scovell who argues there’s a positive force in engaging with the Eerie in an era when the British landscape is at the centre of environmental and political conflicts. Ecologist Timothy Morton suggests the Eerie builds renewed interest and respect for a landscape. In the remote Pennines Will meets composer and writer Richard Skelton whose most recent works are a summoning call to those species now extinct in our landscape. Artist Tacita Dean also describes her ongoing pull towards the most ancient parts of England where a feeling of fear sharpens her ability to engage with the environment. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0002zmr
  5. Corbyn is anti big govt with the EU, but all for it @ home bit of a discrepancy there, but typical for an ex public-school Marxist bloke is a cock
  6. get Bob Lazaaaar on it that cunt could back engineer joke in there somewhere
  7. After Poland the biggest source of immigrants to UK is India. Then it's Pakistan, Ireland, Romania, Germany, Bangladesh, Italy, South Africa and China. https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/migrants-in-the-uk-an-overview/ I thought in general it was relatively easy for people from Commonwealth countries to move to UK compared to rest of Europe? So that would be the reason why UK has so many immigrants from places like Jamaica, India and Pakistan compared to other European countries? Fuck knows if that quote thing works on this phone, but this cuntry has been removing windrush migrants recently, people who’ve families, jobs and settled lives here Brexit is all about immigration, fk all secrets there, both from inside the EU & from the blowback of the migration crisis caused by cunts like B.liar ploughing into Iraq + collective international foolishness over Syria..... “Pull up the drawbridge, or Johnny Turk & all his Muslamic friends will pitch up with their kids, parents, benefit skivers & funny-tinged skin types. Fair priced building trade fellows from behind the iron curtain was one thing, I mean look at the job they did on my bathroom, even Barbara whose daughter was jeered outside the local mosque was impressed. But MORE?” Millions of divs, millions, just wait til their own NHS care standards plummet. May to go soon while revoking A50 on her way out, with a bit of luck, but the grooved lines on the desk @ no10 will be deep from those talons clasping oin for so long
  8. some of me Ma's regular repeat prescriptions have started coming through via a range of different pharm-brands, never seen some specific before when collecting saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafe Actavis has a distribution hub in Barnstaple, one of the most hijacked robbing routes going, plenty more highwaymen nowwwwww
  9. this nails it imho if reality, or our perception of it, is flesh have seen a pair of orange orbs with a mate, previously posted, what's weird is i never really think about that day, while said mate is obsessed get all/any UFO news via that route, Bob Lazaar, Vallet, that Mexican prick Jaime Maussan (he was the first i saw use flying humanoid clips, cunt)
  10. both Tories & Labour split, the independent group grows, then the cunt of all cunts & his jumper re-appears from over Chuka's shoulder someone send for Grouty, he insists things get done his way, some might even call that progress
  11. if asked for a photo-fit appearance of someone who carves 7ft tall bongs, that bloke nailed it
  12. somewhere between the 2 quotes was the crux, too long to explain fully
  13. Shit sorry man, my div, thought you'd finished it ;{ Without spoiling further, it has some superb reporting, the separation in agendas is kinda what i was alluding to. Don't think Wolfe ever believed in the potential psychedelics may have had in the same way an advocate like Kesey & the Pranksters did, but he def had a good time. The irony eh. Dr Hunter Thompson's "Hell's Angels" is similar but far more scathing. If you can filter the odd pining exchange between Burroughs & Ginsberg (of which there are a few), you get a real sense of the wonder, logistics & mythology of the compounds involved in The Yage Letters. Burroughs was pretty solid w/his previous anthropologial research into the various cultural contexts of mind-altering compounds in the Americas. Def not Castaneda & a world away from contemporary DMT eulogies. The headfuck that is Robert Anton Wilson's "Illuminatus! Trilogy" might float your boat, but it's marmite for most, love<>hate. Vineland follows up some of the themes around the subject in Wolfe's book. Prob one of my favourite books on the legacy of & fall-out from the '60's.
  14. for the love of god try n get in here http://www.thecoconutclub.sg/menu.html
  15. Just for St Pat https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MHZo_b9hcWU
  16. The ending of ECAAT is so patronising, it shows Wolfe as the southern dandy to the max, still, an intriguing insight into the chaos Might be time to indulge in some good ol’ Grateful Dead, Snr Yuge, 68-77, before the lifestyle, stress and drugs destroyed Garcia David Crosby’s PERRO sessions, the few Peter Green/GD jams, there’s so much good music worth checking that could tangent out of that reading period Equally, The Yage Letters by William Burroughs is a bit of a pre-cursor into psychedelic journeys, just avoid the McKennas on La Chorrea These sentences could be in a better order, but it’s not a perfect world
  17. Christine Hamilton, Christine Hamilton
  18. Corbyn was my 9pm wank today his wee hat, pulling him in by his shit tie, breath of cheese & pickle sarnies, so dry, so so dry then Rees-Mogg & Amber Rudd emerge & we all tag team her til i jizz in her eyes, when i came it was pure fnnnnnnnnnn fnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, Rees-Mogg wanted to get into his watersports rinse down but you've got to draw the line somewhere
  19. Neolithic (farming, ceramics, deposition & monuments) arrived in north-western Europe 4000BC + entirely feudal. Reason I watched Britannia was some of the main sources for the utter strangeness of European pre-history were the impressions it made in Roman historical sources - biographies, shrines, art, epigraphs & monuments. So despite bias factors, eg: civilised vs barbarian, the Roman record in Britain is one way to tease out traces of pagan traditions that the Romans sought to eradicate. They were still pretty spooked about invading, Caesar's 2 failed incursions were bad juju, the legionary mutiny scene during the tv intro is pretty accurate If yer "into it" would recommended these, the first for the deeper chronology of practices (40,000BC onward), the 2nd for more general Neolithic to Iron Age contexts & traditions, then Sacred Britannia for the finale: Get stuck in (also avoids clear Brexit analogies in tv series), besides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7tvauOJMHo
  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=dCGVwVGwzxA
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