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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. makes plans to astrally project into Ewjean's dreams & dose him with every episode of Call the Midwife back II back
  2. the theme is alright, but the use of music in the first few seasons was a weird blend, off-set the tone & put me off a bit....not that full on that i could come up with a good enough excuse to bail during peak-family chilling time doe Tom Hardy does Tom Hardy & a Brummie mate wont stfu about the accent abortions, but he supports the Villa, nuff said ;) for the BBC, it's solid enough
  3. In the Heat of the Night = timless genius. Poitier & Steiger are the perfect double act + some editing techniques seem to turn up in Taxi Driver nearly a decade later. "they call me MR TIBBS"
  4. just read this & the logic of the people involved was a fw-problem let Karl from down the road explain: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-46306372
  5. general ineptitude aside, putting party before the national interest & laissez-faire bs hoping to force an election, the twat has def bottled it regardless & how he hasn't been replaced is one aspect of a broader kaleidoscopic mandala infested by gimps there's a pub in Bristol where the landlord Corbinned up the gaff, haven't gone in there since, just look at the jowly cunt beaming "all answers from Jeremy, our Oracle & Saviour above"
  6. you're not supposed to inject it there, but, but, , , , interestin'..... lemme find the magic box of rdugs & see if mainlining this into me lad does owt, jayzus this could've been a mad craic the whole time after all, Bluelight lied
  7. under-rated recreational potential if horizontal, comes on real fast & strong, you shake like fuck inter-mixed with dyspraxia-like seizures with a finish that's like a toxic muddy orgasm, inverted into something where there is no concept of pleasure & the lip drools & spasm jerks finish w/25mg of your favourite anti-psychotic
  8. your less prosecutable Brexit weapon of choice is a hammer, they don't break the skin & they have a good psychological/physiological impact on cunts who'd demand a cuddle
  9. blasted in a few days, what a stunning riot too funny at times, mercilessly dark characterss & themes plus the style is a joy, possibly the most surreal journey into the snake infested heart of the Troubles you could hope to encounter in fiction
  10. it was about 20miles south of DC's beltway in Virginia that i saw my first confederate flag out in the open trucky van thing roared past, one of those chuggy couple of miles/gallon pieces of crap, and in the rear windscsreen was the flag & a shotgun rack with a range of rifles on it one reason for less roadrage than you get here, ironically, unless the driver was SE Asian, in which case it seemed screaming @ those folks seemed entirely justifiable because "those people can't drive for shit"
  11. what America really needs right now is Judge Holden & the Glanton gang to ride rough-shod through the whole failed experiment, regeneration through violence, taking scalps, only carion for the vultures better the devil you know than incurable corporate sclerosis of the collective psyche, at least this way there may be a ray of a god forced to select through something other than self-defeating structural biases sorry, 2nd bourbon in a looooooong time
  12. Danny Dyer's Right Royal Family best thing on the idiot lantern in ages, when his hotspur links pop he bowls the full West Ham, pwoper
  13. the Kinsella version from the late 60's good comparative & critical overview here: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2007/oct/27/featuresreviews.guardianreview24 for some reason whenever i see your man Cú Chulainn's name, it's morphed over the years into Colin & as a son of Armagh i know that doesn't rub well with all the ghosts @ Emain Macha
  14. Fwp - still not understanding the nuances of north merkins & "balls" anecdotal evidence Tripping balls, cold as balls....who/where/what/how/why are these "balls"? While there i never bothered to ask, eg: "drop a deuce" made obvious sense, but this is another creature altogether Balls like Boules? French occultism re-the whole Freedom-Fries renaming fiasco, creeping in through language? Cajones? Testicles & scrotum? Similar to saying "bollix/bollocks"? Rhetorical questions...
  15. he's going to break into your room & shit in your bed nowwww, all that absorbent bed linen will prove too much silver lining - couple of hundred quid in cash in an envelope to the the right kind of psychopath tapped up @ yer nick - excreting neighbour who
  16. ordered David Keenan's (of England's Hidden Reverse) "For the Good Times" after a few decent reviews this week Cyprus Avenue did a supreme job skewering the psychopathology of Orange loyalism & hoping this does a similar high quality take on my own tribe's Provo inclinations
  17. only on WATMM could you even expect to encounter folks slandering Night of the Hunter with such vague abandon, however: top post - for similar reasons i love it too, Mitchum is the o.g psychopathic human terminator & Charles Laughton takes the viewer on a true trip into proper noir (how did he not direct more?), its angular cuts that splice into each of the scenes & frames has prompted a weekend re-watch, ta Mr Taupe The Conformist does similar angular work with interiors, humans & scales, even if the genres, themes & colour formats are different: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065571/ time off rewatches = The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (Eli Wallach!), Under the Skin, original Solaris, Don't Look Now & Kwaidan....the intro to latter's "The Woman in the Snow" sequence (where the blokes get lost and the sky is full of eyes) is prob my favourite scene in film it's all in the eyes
  18. Hunger, but more peckish. So many choices......
  19. Denny's is under-rated imho if you're down with an omelette, basic fuel, bosh met someone from Buffalo today & compared greasy spoons, a fry-up from the north of Eire tops all
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