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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. this Melville doesn't have many films, but Army of Shadows & Le Cercle Rouge are flawless. The latter's prob one of my favourite films. Saw it on late night tv many many moons ago & only caught back up w/it a decade later. Time to dust of the former, haven't seen that in far too long, least that can be done for a French bloke wearing a stetson
  2. tracklists: Infinite Fog re-released Bill Laswell's Coil collab recently, so curious how good Egyptian Basses sounds, that was one track that seemed to be crying out for a fully mastered release. Spastiche is up on Sadclown:
  3. kept a dream diary as a teenager thinking yeah these ideas will come in handy one day (twat), 20yrs later the most horrific one of all manifested irl Dreams & deja-vu are proper weird. One of the London bridge attack survivors cited a dream premonition the night b4 the slaughter & deja reve (scuse the missing accents) is common among epileptics. Life is strange but dreams are wtf, wish they were as common as Planxty's worldview but more often they're distilled Dada
  4. edit div come come alive @side - if you haven't already have a nose around TPS's solo material (Lepore Extrusion!), parts of the Queen Elizabeth collabs w/Julian Cope are tremendous too, there's a track called "Eisteddfod 69" which is an acid test of any sound system's capacity imho + Cyclobe's catalogue speaks for itself
  5. plough into them, Worship the Glitch is worth coming back to after a while, they virtually all are even if most releases have tracks you'll never really dig either, hit & miss Live Five came through at last, The Last Rites of Spring is uber menacing & Hammersmith Deceivers onward is tight, vocals seem to settle into the mix after track 1, seeksoulers get your fckn shekels out
  6. The Virtues christ that was tense & disconcerting in a good way, one or two moments that were a bit uneven but blinding so far. Read Shane Meadows has ptsd & did the whole emdr defragmentation trip, now everything makes sense.
  7. Preferably not a golf club, all those shit jumpers & dress codes, waste of land, tea times & full of masons, although Weatherall did the Rotters Golf Club
  8. 180g remasters, there are some sweet gems in among that batch, filthy, must, resist, I can I can’t Record want-list is always in the red and this addition is taking the piss nowwwww
  9. Ello, 

    maaaaaaaan, just a thank-you/heads up for maintaining the Zoviet France Ducky fred......work and 2 kids are slaughtering my time currently, so listing the tracks here is the cherry on top. So so good, I rinsed a few ages ago & had kinda forgotten, then....bosh. 

    As a cheers ears segway, the Smithsonian has a series of pcasts on various themes. Noticed your other thread on African releases, so there’s a fair bit of crossover. Mickey Hart did a series of remasters funded by the same gaff and that’s well worth digging through too (spare you 20 Grateful Dead youlubes)



    Diolch yn fawr iawn!





    1. YangYing


      cheers man, enjoy and thanks for the link!

  10. Shane Meadows blurb on EMDR, his ride through its mind ripping intensity & new work, if he incorporates EMDR into its themes that could be a tasty interpretation https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/may/05/shane-meadows-interview-the-virtues-stephen-graham-trauma
  11. had to drive like a cunt to deepest Inglan while a mate heckled Jacob Rees-Moog in my home town it would be impossible to resist bricking the cunt, maiming, blood transfusion at least, a legitimate target as the Ra used to say, he gets trapped in a revolving hotel door, bosh, hammer time, it's ok to think that though, it isn't planning or owt
  12. where to holiday only buying clothes that smell of child workhouse factory tears, feeling not really guilty about it, spilling beef dripping on it & it wont rinse out on a 40cycle ironing deadlines & procrastinating, see ironing
  13. There was a yogurt-weaving hippy rumour, many many moons ago, about a lady with a clit, in her throat. Seems anatomically spurious.
  14. After reading the blurb on Mindfuckers/Acid Fascists in another fred, have got to see if this is in Cardiff's humanities library, where, if it is, i'm gonna xerox every page & leave the £123 paperback w/Amazon. Admit to being mildly fascinated with the period in question, the themes, music & "the long 60's" perspective", the places tripping can take you anyway on top of all this contextual madness, how ego-heavy brutalism can appropriate psychedelics as a tool to exploit, the gullibility of disciples (vulnerabilities/openness/wtf-ness?), plus the deeply-held belief that hallucinogenic chemicals could, somehow, transform the world. Manson got olde with Genesis P-Orridge & the Process Church always fascinated me, so dearest Mindfuckers, come out of the shadows, my mind is fucked enough already. Sarah Hill's recent book "San-Francisco & the Long 60's" is an outstanding inquiry into the psychological landscape of the period, equally critical, but far more focused on activist groups, highly recommended:
  15. Ratatouille reminds me of eating dinner @ a mate's courtesy of his hippy-lite Mum, an exotic menagerie compared to crispy pancakes & alphabetti spaghetti
  16. Just a tease - inner Utd supporter fully triggered but i forgive you, it's the nature of the parochial beast, Ramos wouldn't last 5mins with Souness, Keane et al Could give less of a fuck if an Inglan team win or even get close to the final. Be sweet to see Ajax go all the way for entirely cliquey footy legacy reasons, that's four words ending in y in one sentence.
  17. C’mon, after Salah vs Ramos last season the wee cunt deserves another chance in the final ?
  18. So this is Merkin ignorance porn, wtf My global biscuits & gravy empire franchise is never going to fly @ this rate
  19. If you’re outside & look away from the ground you can see the sky.
  20. this has to be Brexit trollement
  21. Liverpool, barring the loss of key staff this summer, look the only current rational option to sustain a challenge to Citeh & all their fkn cash/influence If the scousers can somehow maintain momentum, the rest of you will remain 10-15+points off the running & that's quite a margin in modern professional sport Anyway, as a non-Saxon you're all cunts, but the NW of Inglan has always carried more flavour than the asinine clubs of London with all their respective noise, swagger & bs
  22. TPS combo UUUU have one track off their 2017 lp that's up there with anything else he's done (up to the drop)
  23. Paul Di'Anno era Maiden rrrrrock, but you're forgiven if Bruce Dickinson's bs was the trigger
  24. The Last Rites of Spring is the ace in the release pack imho here, if the audio is a soundboard recording even more so. Heavy as fuck trawk ....if yer arsed, there's a matrix vid combining audience audio & various patched sources of this gig on Youlube, but the quality is a bit too sketchy. Prefer the Barca version of The Universe is a Haunted House from a few years prior to this one, it purges all the bs out of you in a glorious manner & they get that reverb synth swirl level just right, possibly my favourite Coil set. Maybe TPS has other soundboards from 2002 in the vaults, could be something v tasty indeed, only time will tell though.
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