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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. both Tories & Labour split, the independent group grows, then the cunt of all cunts & his jumper re-appears from over Chuka's shoulder someone send for Grouty, he insists things get done his way, some might even call that progress
  2. if asked for a photo-fit appearance of someone who carves 7ft tall bongs, that bloke nailed it
  3. somewhere between the 2 quotes was the crux, too long to explain fully
  4. Thread answered along with goDelboy’s observations Caveat - EU def needs reform, unfortunately that degree of foresight wasn’t quite grasped by the political establishment this side of the great rivers of salt, but lobby groups & cunts like the ERG have exploited it to the max Whatever your opinions on the author, Will Self called a collective of cunts a “punnet”, entirely apt for this country currently. 2 decades of austerity would only enhance the appeal of fringe political groups and that’s sketchy enough Personally an extension of Article 50 with both main parties here dropping their low hanging fruit leadership, some kind of consensus is reached in the fallout and we get the fuck on with things, but let’s face it that’s not a given by any stretch
  5. Shit sorry man, my div, thought you'd finished it ;{ Without spoiling further, it has some superb reporting, the separation in agendas is kinda what i was alluding to. Don't think Wolfe ever believed in the potential psychedelics may have had in the same way an advocate like Kesey & the Pranksters did, but he def had a good time. The irony eh. Dr Hunter Thompson's "Hell's Angels" is similar but far more scathing. If you can filter the odd pining exchange between Burroughs & Ginsberg (of which there are a few), you get a real sense of the wonder, logistics & mythology of the compounds involved in The Yage Letters. Burroughs was pretty solid w/his previous anthropologial research into the various cultural contexts of mind-altering compounds in the Americas. Def not Castaneda & a world away from contemporary DMT eulogies. The headfuck that is Robert Anton Wilson's "Illuminatus! Trilogy" might float your boat, but it's marmite for most, love<>hate. Vineland follows up some of the themes around the subject in Wolfe's book. Prob one of my favourite books on the legacy of & fall-out from the '60's.
  6. for the love of god try n get in here http://www.thecoconutclub.sg/menu.html
  7. Just for St Pat https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MHZo_b9hcWU
  8. The ending of ECAAT is so patronising, it shows Wolfe as the southern dandy to the max, still, an intriguing insight into the chaos Might be time to indulge in some good ol’ Grateful Dead, Snr Yuge, 68-77, before the lifestyle, stress and drugs destroyed Garcia David Crosby’s PERRO sessions, the few Peter Green/GD jams, there’s so much good music worth checking that could tangent out of that reading period Equally, The Yage Letters by William Burroughs is a bit of a pre-cursor into psychedelic journeys, just avoid the McKennas on La Chorrea These sentences could be in a better order, but it’s not a perfect world
  9. Christine Hamilton, Christine Hamilton
  10. Corbyn was my 9pm wank today his wee hat, pulling him in by his shit tie, breath of cheese & pickle sarnies, so dry, so so dry then Rees-Mogg & Amber Rudd emerge & we all tag team her til i jizz in her eyes, when i came it was pure fnnnnnnnnnn fnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, Rees-Mogg wanted to get into his watersports rinse down but you've got to draw the line somewhere
  11. Neolithic (farming, ceramics, deposition & monuments) arrived in north-western Europe 4000BC + entirely feudal. Reason I watched Britannia was some of the main sources for the utter strangeness of European pre-history were the impressions it made in Roman historical sources - biographies, shrines, art, epigraphs & monuments. So despite bias factors, eg: civilised vs barbarian, the Roman record in Britain is one way to tease out traces of pagan traditions that the Romans sought to eradicate. They were still pretty spooked about invading, Caesar's 2 failed incursions were bad juju, the legionary mutiny scene during the tv intro is pretty accurate If yer "into it" would recommended these, the first for the deeper chronology of practices (40,000BC onward), the 2nd for more general Neolithic to Iron Age contexts & traditions, then Sacred Britannia for the finale: Get stuck in (also avoids clear Brexit analogies in tv series), besides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7tvauOJMHo
  12. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=dCGVwVGwzxA
  13. it offered a lot, but with the head druid hunched over like an emaciated Colonel Kurtz combined with the Roman duo (the one of The Bill infamy) doing in the druid's drug stash, as an archaeologist had to bail. There are flourishes, eg: the outcast's form of divination is well done & the titles draw you in, but it was too much too much maaaaan. If you enjoy a good read, this is mint and fuck off Lopez: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=FVGJXM-MLp-n1fAPgY6-qAg&q=sacred+britannia+miranda+aldhouse-green&oq=sacred+britannia+miranda+aldho&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.33i21.3649.11614..14265...0.0..0.136.1394.7j7......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i22i30j33i160.3vimCr-_Qyk the Roman coliseum in Caerleon featured in one of those ultimate teenage microdot dose-fail nightmares, where the last however many hours were spent in the remains of Arthur Machen's ghost city populated entirely by demons. Proper lush.
  14. But who's gonna pay to rebuild the wall Jon Snow?
  15. well now you're just being cunty belligerent oh arbiter of all that is cool n the gang, add the same ingredients in a dodgy metal &/or kitsch cinematic context & irony cherubs like yourself lap it up this thread has been open for a few years, so you've had plenty of time to gestate an opinion & drop a deuce on it, at least offer a critique beyond some brief ejaculated man-child grunt, or not, it doesn't change very much either way seems people had fun discussing different definitions & interpretations here, a raft of tunes, the relationships between sites, myths, folklore & archaeology, one or two exhibitions etc, but also note zero "∆‡∆" symbols of the kind whateverthefuck this was: https://forum.watmm.com/topic/60284- if Arcadia & owt else herein offend your sensibilities so much much, just log in to the chatroom or wiki Spurs continued league failings against the Big Four for a change, there's a good lad
  16. the fact it's taken a proven Blair disciple like Yvette Cooper to factor in removing no deal as a parliamentary option says it all peak voter apathy was reached under B.Liar, now we have the ultimate ongoing Tory gimpfest & an opposition that's never seemed more inept imho it's blowback for indulging in numerous post 9-11 foreign policy failings - regime change & the Iraq war, countless failings in Syria, the monstrous recoil from a subsequent migration crisis where the optimum response is to pull up the proverbial draw-bridge rather than offer humanitarian aid.....more bombing was a-ok doe the independent cohort can't seem to achieve much beyond a collective sulk, but they're all cunts....we get the politicians & the outcomes we deserve in this instance
  17. Yes, but you love Spurs. Agreed, the new weird Britain tag only adds to the bs, so if the BBC is inter avinit then that pretty much says it all. There's good music in & around, about 4% like most genres, but the rest is just the relationship between individuals, social norms & resultant cultural processes innit. At least have a watch of Arcadia or you come across as a bit of a div. If Derek Jarman had done it, it would've been breathlessly lapped up by the cocknoscenti. It's got a sweet spectrum of audio in the soundtrack too.
  18. my favourite was his flushed red face, bald & spectacled, grimacing with anger, while he tried to pull a cracked tooth once it made you think this was the cum-face his wife had to eyeball repeatedly over failing decades of futile vows the assitant bit is way too close to the mark, brrrrr, uncanny, tits in your face with broken enamel & blood running down your chin are never a good mix, unless you're Peter Sutcliffe
  19. stunning https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00038l1 and the soundtrack: https://adrianutleywillgregory.bandcamp.com/album/arcadia-music-from-the-motion-picture
  20. lol @ dentist horrors, get into it Counter-intuitively dentists are where ptsd doesn't "present" as aggressively as usual. When they inject metal into jaw/face/teeth roots & bone, this zen benzo-like calm washes over & when the drills come out & tooth & gum flesh sherds starts splashing, it can be fun watching the bloke earn his outrageous fees. Previous dentist was a confirmed nudist in his spare time, his son died in a parachute jump accident then his marriage disintegrated, so he was always simmering & on the brink of breaking down in that textbook English manner of suppressed breezy madness. Just what you want peering down, working on your teefs.
  21. Recent, where do you even begin? Maria W Horn: https://www.discogs.com/artist/4140579-Maria-W-Horn Kate Carr: Gwen, a local lady from Cardiff, continues to intersect genres. Really enjoy her dedication to strangeness, drone tones & textures: https://soundcloud.com/rumblin_cynth_rampo Stacks of mint inclusions already. Legacies? Daphne Oram, Pauline Oliveros (Deep Listening is surely a book that's required reading for anyone with an interest in music?) & Eliane Radigue's works already covered. Adore the latter's L'Île Re-Sonante, Songs of Milarepa, Trilogie de la Mort & Kyema/Intermediate States + DO's Oramics takes some beating for sheer wtf-ness Ellen Fullman deserves a link or two. Worked w/Pauline Oliveros & although her long string instrument thingy looks cumbersome, it sounds sublime: skip to 6:50-ish https://ellenfullman.bandcamp.com/album/staggered-stasis Ann Kroeber, Alan Splet's wife, has a sound-design cv to die for. Worked w/David Lynch across various projects plus all manner of audio for music, film & documentaries. Just wish she'd team up w/Chris Watson, cos they seem like natural allies. DiY's original free-party godess Emma. Deeeeepest House. Hope she plays their 30th birthday this summer: One aspect to add to the already extensive posts is this cracking read - just the right balance of education & entertainment:
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