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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. easy on the bpm's with Yam Who? and Steve Cobby of Fila Brazillia with something chilled for spring
  2. Metalocalypse, again, Dr Rockso, cawfee addiction, multiple fan deaths, full metal farce attaq as Spinal Tap was to rock (kinda), well, short blasts of fun if your time is stretched & youse loves thes metals
  3. beefy tracklist, must''''''''''''splurge''''''''''''''''nowwww'''''''''''''''''''''''
  4. wish the web blurb was a bit more detailed, '93-'96 was peak-era Black Light District & ELpH, so the 36£ fee is a bit steep as a lure with just a tease of info. Stapleton's involvement is a good sign, cheers for the heads up
  5. the French storm Jersey, Bergerac is interred @ Macron's pleasure & his London weekend retreat promptly gets squatted
  6. just add codeine for lean whoever came up with these taught the makers of Wagon Wheels a lesson in mellowmallow
  7. Anchovies improve anything, especially pizza Once (semi) accidentally, actually it was entirely deliberate, burped fresh anchovy pizza burp into an ex's mouth & lungs during a snog, prompting immediate dry-heaving Great success
  8. think i'd do Rees-Mogg's sister doe bet she can teleport & everything
  9. M&S do these cunts for 6quid a throw, done the Philly Cheese & Meatball "things" and subsequently realized that the weekly food shop must be completed unstoned
  10. big fat chunky prawns & pizza are righteous but tricky, too long & they get chewy, too quick/low heat & they ooze out their water which guarantees a soggy base *side-note: cut any supermarket pizza in half b4 you lob it in t'oven & you get a crispy middle bit every time
  11. MP's are off for approx 3&half months between now & Samhain, ideal for sledges who couldn't conjure a consensus even by channeling the deceased spirit of Paul Daniels as if setting dates around equinox & the heebie jeebies wasn't Icke-ian political witch-craft enough Brrrr-Hex-It = jus sayins
  12. my Ma said it could look better with some fitted curtains, but possibly an Irish itinerant plot hawking for shoddy, half-finished work it seems
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