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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. arizer air - like a mini-dildo for your brain via mouth flower power if u just like the occasional flurry, this chap is the tits
  2. Cosey Fanni Tutti's "Art Sex & Music" has pre-orders going for early next year having a TG/Carter-Tutti/CTI obsession just makes this all the more intriguing the mailer has a few spoken word events round the capital listed for this autumn which look mint........ aaaaagggghhhh now the wait
  3. thing about British tv is that its been doing it better & longer than most, you just have to know where to look & thats no cultural supremacist snob bs classic examples of drama and comedy? the early docufictional works by Ken Russell - the Vaughn-Williams fest and the Delius inspired 'Song of Summer', incredible imagery throughout the ultra-mega squeamish delights of the Robert Graves adaptation of 'I Claudius' (John Hurt in the role of a lifetime as Caligula) is 1 of the best series ever broadcast Dennis Potter's 'The Singing Detective' w/Michael Gambon + 'Pennies From Heaven' w/Bob Hoskins rrrrrrrrock two docufictional works also deserve honourable mentions - 'Culloden' by Peter Watkins & 'Winstanley' by 'Kevin Brownlow, immense innovative story-telling for their time even found time to watch all the Blackadders & Young Ones while recuperating from surgical operations not too long ago & fuck me they're still funny as when 1st viewed 30+years ago add Brass Eye, The Day Today, various Alan Partridge gear, the League of Gentleman, Nighty Night, The Thick Of It, Hunderby, Psychobitches & most recently Camping (<----the funniest thing witnessed in eons) btw, more than happy to evangelize about Camping every so often cos it was subscription-channel based & difficult to find via alternative means, more than happy to dropbox the 6 x 30mins episodes if any1 is arsed missed loads, just dont take Sherlock, Luther & Downton as the usual bollix Camping sounds interesting! Hook me up when you get a mo please. ere u go chap http://rlseries.com/camping-season-1/ go to the openload/tvcuk.mp4 links for direct dloads, all checked n virus free stick w/it, its a comedy of freakish awkwardness, plays well on certain Anglo-Saxon stereotypes and gets progressively darker & more fucked up with each episode Julia Davis is the lass behind Nighty Night & Hunderby, an exceptionally talented woman. Find those series too if you can, well worth your time
  4. have to extol the virtues and values of the Arizer Solo every time, a great if slightly insidious device, for delicious flowers its joyful & triumphant as concentrates are more scare here (and a market more open to lazy purging) they do a thinner version called tha Arizer Air, but the AS is superb in itself, even if its been stealthified further its fun blind-testing comrades with just how little shrubbery it takes to transition to nowwwwww, so for cost effectiveness it takes the piss Hail Satan Arizer!
  5. First & foremost, respect for attacking this aspect of your life. This in itself is a moral victory, hope you see that and thats not wanting to come across as a patronizing cunt. When serious pain is involved Dr's can either under-prescribe or over-subscribe & either way its v v easy to veer into behaviour better avoided. W/out boring fuck out of you, i had all manner of opiates hurled at me after a life-changing RTA to the extent that i was withdawing every cunting night just from the ridiculous levels sustained. Ungodly with everything else added. Remember, worst is behind you in that respect. I went from oxy to oramorph/morphine to codeine to dihydrocodeine, but average a handful a month now. It takes a wee while for the stomach to normalize, but whatever went down, despite £$£, things are improving in one key area, non? Plow into art in whatever way takes to you, make that the compulsion (sorry if thats a loaded word). It can help map the experiences. Also, if you're physically able, if possible, try installing a punchbag at home when practical. Beat fuck out of it on an as/when basis. Repeat when stressed. However you can, try to access a CBT-led therapy program, because it could underpin and reinforce the positive decisions and actions you've already made. Trust me, pain treatment is a fuckin nightmare in most countries cos the practioners either think the patient is looking to score or misses appropriate levels of medication. Tale care & hope this doesnt seem empty sanctimonious/preachy cheerleading
  6. oh its faded alright, embarrassingly so, but holds its own with owt else from around the world even if 90% of this thread is US-made Dennis Potter is a god
  7. have Rams for tomorrow night, to be enjoyed by boshing acurry the jumpers look a universe in themselves
  8. ta for this, its been on the list of unrequited literature for far too long & has served as the nudge to finally pick it up, always curious about themes on the long-60's, anthropologically how cultural influences permeate/fade & identity Another ta very much, curious to see how Doug writes having seen how his mind works through performances. After Jerry Sadowitz, 1 of the funniest gigs bar none. Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) and Music Imagery Methods for Individual and Group Therapy by Denise Grocke. Highly recommended & a staggering array of therapeutic twists on the range of techniques & responses to trauma-focused music "medicine". Touches on drones, with the central thread being classical, but opens up so much potential for more recent electronica. Possible career change influencing/10 Music, Music Therapy and Trauma: International Perspectives by Julie Sutton.... see above. A tougher, drier read, with utterly shattering case studies, but hope breaks through in the most surprising manner some times. Be worth drafting a playlist of compositions used in these approaches to see how an electronic music community, with all manner of tastes, might interpret/offer alternatives to specific associated music recommendations & case studies. Daring challeging work indeed, although youtube @ hand def helps/10 Derek Jarman's Angelic Conversations by Jim Ellis.... wicked in-depth interviews & interpretations from the man with into his methods of subverting historical constructs, bravery in the face of tragedy & lots on his own favourite experimental super-8mm shorts which are the real gold. Theres a compendium vid 'In the Shadow of the Sun' (complete with mint TG soundtrack) available that gives an edited feature of all these. Truly transcendental & inspiring to grip a super-8 & re-indulge creatively/10 Traces of the Spirit: The Religious Dimensions of Popular Music by Robin Sylvan. Had for months but been nibbling. Absorbing mix of sublime & clunky interdisciplinary research that teases out and works through the emotionality of music. Academically rigorous, but also funny, punchy & the Grateful Dead/House music companion chapters are outstanding. 8/10 The Book Of Lies (New Edition): The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult........guilty pleasure for an archaeologist but concise, Grant Morrison's discussion prob shine the most, lots of angles, funny, good at deconstructing arcane & contemporary bs & the Austin Osman Spare aspects are v illuminating. Slightly skewed by Genesis P-Orridge over-reaching in 1 of the initial chapters and the print is a bit small even for these eyes, but as an analysis of dramatized psychology/forces of nature/poetic metaphor traditions, its smashing/10
  9. thing about British tv is that its been doing it better & longer than most, you just have to know where to look & thats no cultural supremacist snob bs classic examples of drama and comedy? the early docufictional works by Ken Russell - the Vaughn-Williams fest and the Delius inspired 'Song of Summer', incredible imagery throughout the ultra-mega squeamish delights of the Robert Graves adaptation of 'I Claudius' (John Hurt in the role of a lifetime as Caligula) is 1 of the best series ever broadcast Dennis Potter's 'The Singing Detective' w/Michael Gambon + 'Pennies From Heaven' w/Bob Hoskins rrrrrrrrock two docufictional works also deserve honourable mentions - 'Culloden' by Peter Watkins & 'Winstanley' by 'Kevin Brownlow, immense innovative story-telling for their time even found time to watch all the Blackadders & Young Ones while recuperating from surgical operations not too long ago & fuck me they're still funny as when 1st viewed 30+years ago add Brass Eye, The Day Today, various Alan Partridge gear, the League of Gentleman, Nighty Night, The Thick Of It, Hunderby, Psychobitches & most recently Camping (<----the funniest thing witnessed in eons) btw, more than happy to evangelize about Camping every so often cos it was subscription-channel based & difficult to find via alternative means, more than happy to dropbox the 6 x 30mins episodes if any1 is arsed missed loads, just dont take Sherlock, Luther & Downton as the usual bollix
  10. personally, these beats are genius, from a large rig to headphones, they get deep in yer bones and never seem to age
  11. as Justified has finished and bourbon is on the personal no-alcohol fly list... http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/trump-us-politics-poor-whites/
  12. Pwoper nawtee & a much under-rated anthropological/psychogeographical insight into the lives of a very British strain of psychopaths the episode where he ends up inadvertently belittling the Burnley Suicide Squad, a cockney stuck in a nightmarish pub that time forgot surrounded by coked up rapid northerners, has its moments. The Stoke/Naughty 40 & the Sheffield Wednesday/Owl Crime Squad versions are funny as fuck too for unintentional reasons
  13. Vakula rarely disappoints and pushes things in inspired directions this rocks steady on a rig and at home Romanthony nailed some sweet sweet gear indeed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGvsQq7fr3U
  14. its the classic discretion/promotion dilemma if you abuse it it will abuse you & even then unique & more general factors underpin every individual's experience to exposure All kinds of potions have their casualties just as cannabis has its perks & demons. Any number are capable of ushering in more extensive % ratio of permanent headrotting conditions like hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. Is it any surprise if carnage ensues when soaking young developing minds in the stuff? For the elderly, decrepit fogies like meself a few low dose vapes are a useful psychological purge that unknots creases & unfurls recesses. It can bring underlying thoughts & emotions into focus and its been a v effective grounding tool for ptsd, although its not exactly a social lubricant like a few pints out (or more if you live in Britain) tbh alcohol is waging a war on more folks i know & while its a spectrum ranging from heavy social drinkers to addicts, its the degenerative acceleration of someone hitting 140+units a week for 20years+ thats haunting to lighten that spiel
  15. still waiting on a series neuro-psychiatric tests to establish long term effects from concussion 25months after getting mangled in a road traffic accident as much as the NHS shines in some areas, your life can be pulped in others whoever coined the expression patience is a virtue never took into account the customer service inquiry line to the gods being interminably engaged
  16. you beat me to it Tec, as an archaeo-toss bloke always on the look out for anything on Britain & Eire beyond staid site excavation reports with zero interpretation will have a rummage for the Larrington text cos the Green Man myth goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back if you'd like some gear that pushes the chronology even further back into the Neolithic (4000BC) or Bronze Age(s), Richard Bradley's "The Idea of Order: The Circular Archetype in Prehistoric Europe" is 1 of the most illuminating archaeo-toss texts out there (the linked version is a bit steep, but paperbacks & pdf's are available in all manner of public libraries and internet sources). Time is a flat circle after all, as various True Detective characters have already said: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Idea-Order-Circular-Archetype-Prehistoric/dp/0199608091 Also, have a dig around texts by researcher/author Professor Miranda Aldhouse-Green (me old uni supervisor) for some spell-binding treats on all sorts strange, but more-weighted toward the the Celtic world, Druids & indigenous shamanic practices native to Britain/Eire. You can grip most for a few quid: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Miranda-J.-Aldhouse-Green/e/B001HPF7O6
  17. <---- predicted Bennytekky would flounder Pogba would bring a lot to any team, he's not quite Viera class, yet, but if he stays injury free he could be exactly (ironically) what Utd have missed since Roy Keane imho not that Pogba brings this to the party........... & ".....what was that Mr Southgate?" edited for Villa's not quite the class of Brazil kit replica chuckles
  18. Colin Potter, still 1 of Britain's most innovative electronica producers, drops some northern knowledge
  19. Alan Moore's Providence #1 arrived, long overdue getting some new weirdy beardy occult/magic musings and its actually warm out (again) garden, Providence and the recliner - saaaaaaaaaaaaafe
  20. various acquaintances have been heralding Corbyn as a man of principle recently, arguing its a Murdoch/Blairite conspiracy to get him ousted as i see it, if he cant lance a Tory govt publicly splitting over Brexit, he should resign only until Labour split and new form of electable Left-wing politics emerges, removed from the stain of B.liar, would i ever consider voting for such candidates
  21. just for a sec there was a disconnect between that Leith & this 1
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