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Everything posted by caze

  1. aubergine is good ye, I'd go with some sundried tomatoes and olives too though. makes for quite a meaty pizza without the meat. most veg pizzas are a bit lacking in flavor for me.
  2. The GND is about printing money, not taxing the rich, it's tax reforms are relatively modest and wouldn't put a dent in the cost of the plan. I don't know where you're getting your figures, but China puts out around twice the CO2 than the US does. China's output has more than doubled in the last 20 years, and is continuing to grow at an alarming rate, India is ranked fourth (behind the EU as a whole), but at the rate it's growing will be in 3rd place soon enough (the growth rates of the EU, and most industrialised nations are fairly stagnant, the output of developing nations is growing rapidly). Maybe you were looking at per-capita numbers? They are irrelevant, the planet only cares about the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. You are exactly right that it's a global problem, which is why the GND is so terrible, it doesn't contribute to global solutions, and seeing as it would fail to even solve the USs own emissions problems, while tanking the economy, would serve as a cautionary tale to other nations, making them think twice about trying to fix their own problems. "Environmentalists" need to get their heads out of their arses and stop being part of the problem.
  3. yes, the government is magic stuff is the MMT based stuff (i.e. just print a shit ton of money for everything in the plan and cause hyperinflation), and the job guarantee (probably the worst way of dealing with unemployment/social security). the technology based stuff is also similarly terrible for the most part, waste a load of money on modernizing/retrofitting all the buildings in the country for energy efficiency (which does terribly in terms of cost/benefit, tiny impact in terms of emissions, maybe even negative impact), renewables only (no nuclear, so won't actually lead to reduced carbon emissions, i.e. the entire point of the fucking the thing), and the focus on renewables is mostly in terms of subsidies for rollout - which would just create a massive surplus of capacity compared to the amount of power actually consumed, rather than R&D, where it would be better spent (better to let the fruits of R&D compete on an economically sound footing with everything else, with carbon taxing the other side to help too). Obama already spent around $150 billion I think, on similar programs, they had pretty much zero effect (the decline in emissions in the US over recent years has been down to moving to gas for the most part). more high speed rail is probably a good idea, though big infrastructure projects like that are incredibly costly in the US, need to sort out all the graft before you can do anything ambitious. the US isn't even the big problem in terms of its contribution to climate change. it doesn't need to do anything dramatic infrastructure-wise, all it needs to do is build more nuclear power plants to replace all the coal ones. that's it. the best way for the US to help globally would be to pump money into developing new technologies (both nuclear and renewable, and storage and transmission infrastructure) to give to China, India and the rest of the developing world (who are the actual cause of the problem today). focusing on r&d rather than subsidies would be much better for the US economy and employment too, the US needs high paying high skill jobs more than it needs shitty overly expensive energy.
  4. This is excellent, wonderful video too (which he also made). Album is out in April. https://thequietus.com/articles/26083-leafcutter-john-yes-come-parade-with-us-listen
  5. caze

    Now Reading

    He has a new one out, won't be out in English til September though.
  6. caze

    Now Reading

    David Mitchell is great, his first couple of books are good too, but mostly Murakami rip-offs (which I think he admitted himself), Cloud Atlas is great but I really like The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet too. Black Swan Green wasn't amazing, and the two recent ones were enjoyable enough, but his plots are getting a bit silly, would be nice if his next thing was more reality-based, he's always had weird shit, but more grounded in reality than in those two, which are quite childlike in their fantasy. His books are great, mostly all repeating the same idea, but it's a good idea. The man is one of the biggest assholes on the planet though, and having one good idea doesn't make you an expert on everything else. You should check out his twitter, it's pretty funny.
  7. utopian political ideas are the problem in the first place. also Marx wouldn't have had a problem with how the soviet union started out under Lenin, he thought a 'dictatorship of the proletariat' was a necessary transitionary stage, what he didn't realise was that it could be the only stage before the whole thing collapses.
  8. ah, it wasn't real socialism. deep stuff darreich.
  9. caze

    Now Reading

    Music of Chance is great, as is the movie which he also did the screenplay for (he also did Smoke - based on his short story I think, with Harvey Keitel, which was good too).
  10. caze

    Brexit :(

    ...also good for vandalising the graves of people responsible for the deaths of millions: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/feb/05/karl-marx-london-grave-vandalised-suspected-hammer-attack-highgate-cemetery labour's pro-brexit stance continuing to win them friends: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/feb/05/labour-membership-falls-10-amid-unrest-over-brexit-stance down yet again in latest opinion polls too.
  11. caze

    Brexit :(

    the problem with this is that the european elections are at the end of May, and the EU want the situation resolved before then. they don't want britain involved in them if they're going to be leaving shortly after. so I think if there's an extension it will probably be a fairly short one.
  12. this album he did with Stan Getz was also very good: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communications_%2772
  13. He died back in August, was hit by a train.
  14. heh should've posted that to the house whatsapp group, if such a thing exists
  15. Just looking at a screenshot of Morgan Freeman in that movie is enough to make me lol. lol
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