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Everything posted by caze

  1. Disenchantment is pretty good, did take a while to get going, but comedy shows almost always do, especially animated ones. Still have a couple of episodes to go. Definitely not as good as Futurama, but has the potential to get up there, it has a much more cynical edge to it, which is nice.
  2. elvis juice (brewdog grapefruit ipa)
  3. Upgrade - Robocop meets Knight Rider, low budget sci-fi revenge thing, with some good twists and turns plot wise. The low budget was obvious a few times with the production design (especially the cars, which take you out of it from time to time, and some inconsistent use of CG in the backgrounds), extensive use of low lighting to hide things; but they did a pretty decent job with what they were working with. Good fight scenes, inventive direction, acting was also pretty decent given the lack of recognisable names (Logan Marshall Green in the lead role was the only guy I recognised). Was pleasantly surprised.
  4. London because Gin, Moscow because Vodka. The Moscow Mule was also invented in the US.
  5. Neither of those drinks have mint in them you utter tit. and Dark and Stormy>London Mule. a London mule does have mint in it (mint, lime, ginger beer, (maybe syrup, depending on the sweetness of the ginger beer), gin), you prat. also called a gin gin mule. and a caipirinha is still nicer than a mojito regardless of whether it has mint it, you gobshite. A london mule is traditionally made with lime, ginger beer, and gin. No mint (perhaps as a garnish, whereas in a mojito it is a primary ingredient). I will however, wholeheartedly endorse a London Mule over a Moscow Mule. Also the gin gin mule has syrup, whereas the london mule doesn't. The point, which seems to have flown wildly over your befuddled noggin, is that I was consuming a drink with mint, so why you're bringing up drinks with no mint in them is more than just a bit silly. Still, your delusion is understandable, given who you support. Actually what you might have noticed if you weren't such a simpleton, was that my Caipirinha post was separate to my Mojito reply, so it had nothing to do with the mint. They're similar enough cocktails, and the Caipirinha is nicer. London Mule and Gin Gin Mule are basically interchangeable, I've seen each of them sold both ways, and if you google recipes you'll see them done both ways too. Cocktail recipes are never exact (e.g. a Whiskey Sour sometimes has egg white in it, sometimes it doesn't). I would only add syrup if the Ginger Beer/Ale used wasn't already very sweet.
  6. Neither of those drinks have mint in them you utter tit. and Dark and Stormy>London Mule. a London mule does have mint in it (mint, lime, ginger beer, (maybe syrup, depending on the sweetness of the ginger beer), gin), you prat. also called a gin gin mule. and a caipirinha is still nicer than a mojito regardless of whether it has mint it, you gobshite.
  7. Don't know much about Coffee, but the nicest cup I've had was some Jamaican Blue Mountain, a friend brought some back from a trip there. Was lush.
  8. It's actually good tv directed badly. Well, more the editing that's done badly (trying too hard to be arty, but it just gets in the way), and the overall structure of the show (the non-linear elements are annoying). The acting is great though, and the overall story is good, the town and characters are interesting.
  9. For example? You seem to have a fine record for deflection btw.
  10. That 'whistleblower' guy seems like a complete nutjob. The SEC stuff is just box-checking also, they're not even investigating the legality of the funding either, just whether Musk's public statements about it were truthful (you can't lie about things that could affect the stock price), doesn't sound like much for them to worry about as long as they weren't bullshitting about having funding (which seems to be legit, and mostly the Saudis).
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boys_Town_(film) Pffft. Stick your head in the sand where it belongs. If that's the best place to avoid hearing from useful idiots for the world's worst despots, like Caitlin Johnstone, then fine.
  12. yeah, so this is really good. other tracks probably better than collapse even, abundance doesn't really get going til the 2nd half, but aside from that it's all really great. 2nd track I like in particular, bit of a departure from his previous stuff. shame about the shitty quality, lots of details being missed (especially lots of harmonic stuff in #2, which I'm guessing will gain a lot more musicality in the proper version)
  13. consumed these earlier: Pork Belly Burnt Ends also, had some ribs: and some other stuff:
  14. lol, I definitely don't remember six legs. I wonder does anyone remember 32 legs?
  15. not sure why it looks blue, might just be a trick of the light (don't think it's a false colour image), here's another weird looking one:
  16. the blue in that picture isn't water, they're sand dunes, here's a higher res picture:
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